Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mama and her babies

I have several posts ready to go today, so keep those comments coming! I will likely be inside most of the day, bored as all get out, because Miss Gabbi Girl can't shake the diarrhea. We had one good day, and I suppose we overdid it?! She was pitiful from about 4 am til 7:30 when I insisted we try to get back to bed. Looks like lots of cartoons for me today!

A few days ago, I had a sister who was here and who likes to have pictures of herself with her kids. And this said sister knows that I would appreciate the same. Sooooo... she reciprocated. My three year old did some SERIOUS posing!

Ok, ok, ellie. Put your arm down and act normal!

This is kinda pure sweetness! My Gabbi Girl is so affectionate! Even Ellie is loving up on me a little.

This is what it's all about. I sure do love me some baby girls! Have I mentioned I always wanted girls? If Todd and I were to get another kid, I think deep down, I'd be rooting for another girl. Boy mamas, I am sure, would say, that's cause you don't know what you're missing. And you are probably right. But... I just LOVE my girls!!

Ellie puckered up for at least one of those sweet shots.

I'm kinda thinking we could have chosen a prettier backdrop. Although that red is nice and striking!

Now that Daddy's here, we will be shooting for a family photo of the four of us! Wish us luck! MO


tricia said...

Its so sad that Gabby is still sick. I was hoping she turned the corner. Enjoy your day cuddling with her!

Zhohn said...

Very cute pics! Wish Gabbi was feeling better!
Can't wait for family pics (with a better background lol)

Have fun hanging inside, I'm sure you will have some projects to show us soon!

Anonymous said...

such sweet pictures! i love my girls, too-they were always involved in all kinds of stuff all through school and even college. dad and i were always sitting right there watching and cheering them on. i'm hoping for girl grandbabies, but i'm not expecting them any time soon!

adrogan said...

Great pictures.... Lovin Ellie's funny poses!
Boys are a different kind of fun! Mine are 16 and 20 and I wouldnt trade them for anything,I have 2 nieces that Im very close too (ages 6 and 10) so those are my lil girls. Get ready for LOTS of drama during those teen years... Dont have that with boys!

adrogan said...

Since you are stuck in us some leather and pearl and tell us how we get them????

Amber said...

I would rather be inside today, its 94 here and I don't do heat. Lots of yardwork today to prepare for my little girls 3rd b-day party next weekend. My mom had 2 girls then a boy.. Really little boys are as much as girls.I have 2 of each. A 20 yr old boy, 16 yr old girl and a alomost 3 yr old girl and a 19 mth old boy. Hope Gabbi feels better soon and that Ellie does'nt catch what ever it is.

Amber said...

Opps meant to say LIttle boys are as much FUN and little girls.. Does this mean 7 comments.. LOL

MamaD said...

Well,as a mother of 3 girls, I must say God knew what he was doing when He blessed us with girls. So glad you are able to enjoy them at the beach. Pics are sweet regardless of the background. About GG and her tummy issue, have you tried any probiotics orally? Ex. Acidophilus, bifodophilus or yogurt with active cultures. You can always buy them and break open the capsule in her pudding or drinks. Really want your baby girl to feel better. Ellie Sue reminds me of my niece. Always striking a pose and dancing!

Mary said...

Oh no poor Gabbi! I hope she feels better real soon!

Another one huh? Are we thinking maybe? I have two girls and when I was having my third automatically packed a pink snowsuit to come home in. It was all I knew. Well surprise when I had a boy (we chose not to find out the sex with our kids) and sent my husband running to the mall for something blue. You think Gabbi loves you....try a boy they love their mommas!

I'll just hope you get another baby soon. Because Three puts you over the edge....misery loves company :)

kimybeee said...

and ten - hope gg is feeling better soon!!!

Emily said...

Good luck-I look forward to seeing your family beach photo every year!

Mindy said...

Oh, I hate it that GG can't kick this trouble. Bless her poor little buns. Try Don's St. Jude's got to work.

You don't have to be bored inside...It is the perfect opportunity to plan that RETREAT;)

Amy K said...

What beautiful Groves-gals!