Today Gabbi got to make her dancing debut!!

I rememeber this time a year ago, when these two "big girls" were having their first day of dance too! Dontcha love this sister love in this picture?! I sure do!

When I brought home the new tap shoes and ballet shoes, and Gabbi Girl was trying them on, Ellie could hardly keep her hands off her. She would hold her shoulders and direct her, "Now watch Sissy. Do it like Sissy, ok?! Can you do it like Sissy!?"

For the record, no one calls her Sissy but herself!
I warned Linda Lou that she would have an "assistant instructor" on her hands today!

Look at Linda Lou's face when she saw Gabbi Lou come in the dance class. We have all been waiting on this day for a year. Gabbi has patiently waited for her own debut! She had to sit in the waiting room and watch Ellie and Madi on the tv screen for a year, always wanting to go in the class with them.

And finally, the big day arrived. Can you believe my BABY is in dancing?!

I had a pretty good time buying new leotards and tights and shoes for this big day.

Meredith, another dance instructor, commented on my Facebook, that Ellie whipped around, showing them the back of her leotard and said, "Mine has an open back". That kid!!

JinJin made sure Gabbi had a new pink tutu for her first day. She is out of town, so she missed this debut, but we were sure to wear her tutu, and texted pictures right after class!

And to Pops and Kimie, and Pammy and Nicole, and Paula and Daddy, and DeeDee.....

Ok, so look closely on these monitors! See that little one in the pink tutu? She is typically a little out of line! But sho nuff having FUN!

There she goes again... like a little Pied Piper!

And there's Miss Linda sitting in the front, letting it all play out. Letting her little spirit SOAR!!

When I texted Paula the picture, she responded,"How did she like it?" I responded..."Her face could hardly contain her smile. And my chest could hardly contain my heart!"

And that's how I felt! I was just so proud of her! So happy that BOTH my girls are happy! Paula thought maybe it was my "baby" growing up. Maybe it was. I can't imagine kindergarten if that is what that feels like! I'll be in a fetal position in the guidance counselor's offcice at school! I may get a job serving lunch in the lunchroom just to be near them. It's gotta be an "older" mama symptom!?

Gabbi was one of the smallest kids in her class! But that's OK.
She has one of the biggest spirits!

And like that, I survived Day one of what I am sure will be many, many, many days of dancing in our futures.

All three of them... I can't wait to see what they choose. Where their interests will lie. At present, Ellie loves art. Madi loves gymnastics. And Gabbi Girl is showing a preference for balls. Who knows?!

So maybe Madi will be our cheerleader.

Ellie our artist. Or journalist?! Or fashion designer!!

And Gabbi Girl may just want to play ball. (SOMEBODY MUST play ball! That was my thang!)

And not that Miss LInda Lou was playing favorites or anything, but she DID bring a whole thing of grapes (Gabbi's fave) to dancing to entice her if needed or reward her when finished.
As it turned out, we only needed the reward!!

It was a good, good day!
Brings back such fond memories. I miss the dance scene especially miss Linda, linda Lou and miss charlotte. ;) enjoy before you blink your baby will be 23 like mine tomorrow!
Oh, my heart!
I don't usually read at night. I had high hopes that you had posted pictures of the dance debut!! Oh my word! Those babies are precious!! I have to agree, that one of them MUST play ball! Must must!!
Hugs from Missouri,
such beautiful girls-loved the sisterly love shots! my girls tried out a lot of different activities, but both played softball and cheered through high school. they both danced when they were small though-i think i had as much fun as they did!
ADORABLE......simply ADORABLE!!!
Oh, I can't wait for the recital pics. These are just precious.
I love the girls' bags - anything polka-dot for me.
My 3 kiddos all have different interests, and their personalities shine through them, as I'm sure yours will find different things they enjoy as they grow.
How precious! Thank you for sharing Gabbi's first day of dancing!
Oh man, that just melts my heart! The girls looks so adorable and sweet! Way to go Gabbi on your first day!! Thanks for sharing!!
How sweet! Love all of the pics. So glad Gabbi enjoyed it. I can't wait to see their interests in the future either.
Love those girls!
So, so cute! Your pics always tug at my heart strings, remembering when my "babies" were little....and now they are grown with "babies" of their own.....the cycle of life moves on! Thanks so much for sharing with this ole grandma....I love it!....huggers, BJ
How sweet. They sure look sweet. That feeling in your chest is just a plain 'ol "my babies are growing up" feeling. When my daughter started Kindergarten I took off work, cried with shoulders shaking the whole way home, sat in recliner and held her blanket and then drove by the school twice to make sure it wasn't on fire. lol
Awww Gabbi looks so precious in her tutu!!! Gabbi has finally made it to the "big leagues"! GO GABBI!!! Ellie is gonna be a big help to her more than likely! We had a "sister" team in Bree's class and I LOVED how the older sister held her hand to bring her on stage during recital! It was just too precious! She was about 3yrs older than her sister, but she was so attentive to her every need!!
I had to "nod my head" in agreement with the "OLDER mom syndrome"! I was CRYING big tears at Bree's recital last week! I can only imagine what it will be like for kindergarten! I just wanna "slow things" down for a bit! It seems like she was just an itty bitty baby!! I'm currently looking for "swim classes" for the summer and will enroll her in gymnastics for the fall!
That post was too precious. I can't believe I have been watching your babies since they were born and now they are dancing.
I wouldn't call it the "older mom" syndrome... its the "PROUD MOM" syndrome! I cried at preschool graduation, I cried at my daughter's parent/teacher conferences, for goodness sake!!!
Enjoy every moment!
Awwww...This is so precious! These girls are so lucky to have you as their MOMA!
They are adorable! I have to say that for me it was the preschool graduation that made me cry. Emma's daddy cried her first day of kindergarten! I have the pictures for blackmailing! For me,it is the older mom thing! I sure hope mine will dance again! She said she wanted to take the summer off. Because she is 6 now and needs a break!
Aww..those pictures are just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen!! You can just see the pride shining in Ellie's face for her "baby" sister! Boy, those will be something to treasure in years to come. Glad Gabbi girl had such a good time, and her sweet Mama got to experience both her babies dancing!!
Such sweet baby girls! When I think back to when we met, I am amazed at the blessings God provides! It makes me smile and fills me with gratitude and hope. No one more deserving than you guys! It's so incredibly difficult to find joy and move on after such great sadness and loss - NOT forget - just continue to trust God's grace and move forward! Your family is amazing! That you for letting us share in the miracles!
You know I love ya Girl!
Adorable pictures. Wow you brought tears to my eyes with your response..."Her face could hardly contain her smile. And my chest could hardly contain my heart!" Thats the best thing in the world and so true, my new favorite quote. Made me think of the times my kids are doing what they love and how fast time goes by. Cherish every moment thats for sure.
Very funny about the first day of school, I cry at every major milestone. My son just had his 8th grade graduation and i cried like a baby. I agree with Becky it's definitely "Proud Mom" syndrome.
These pictures are precious.
By the way,it is definately Proud Mom syndrome. It is also Baby Girl syndrome. I experienced those feelings with all three of my children, but with the baby it was definately the worst (or the best) depending on how you look at it. I have been brought to tears by every little first she has had. Something about knowing that each of her firsts is the last time I will experience those "firsts" with one of my children makes them all the more precious. My Caroline will be 16 in 11 days. I expect that to be another tearful moment. I can't wait. Tears and all, I savor every moment.
awww!!! i think they will have a new one joining the group in the fall! guess who potty trained herself this week!?! :)
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