Guess who drove in tonight!!

Our DaddddddyyyY!! ANd my girls were none too calm about seeing him. They've not seen him since, like, umm.. last Wednesday. So, it's been a WEEK!

Even Cousin It got up from her nap on the couch to welcome him to our digs.

And his travelling companion, Mary Allison, is very welcomed too, since Mama gets pretty comfortable with having a sitter on vacay! I mean, who really likes coming up to make sandwiches, or hauling it back up to the room because we forgot ONE floatie?! Or making one crying kid get out of the pool because the other crying kid is ready to go up to the condo?! Well, now all's well with the world!

And I am just letting you know. I stayed up til the buttcrack of dawn tonight loading pictures, so I am sitting on READY to post them! I will be needing, ummmm... let's say 15 comments per post to load up a new one. Come on now. Let' s do this!

Daddy was pretty glad to see his babies too. Mamas just kinda get pushed aside when there are baby girls in the picture.

Especially this clingy little one! She, who has cried every night we've been here to sleep BY ME, told me very directly tonight that she'd be sleeping BY DADDY! Well, alrighty then. I know someone who won't mind a bit sleeping by her mama. Her name starts with a G and rhymes with flabby!

Well, I knew I had to clue you all in that we have new guests! So, now you have to comment. ABout the weather. The dirty feet Ellie has in the picture above. How you STILL can't get over how beautiful my fingernails are. Or whatever. I'll post again at 15!
Ok... So take another look of the pic of Mary Allison! lol
See anything out of place? Hard to see but funny once ya do!
Well Hello there, vacationing Groves Family! You all look so sun-kissed and HAPPY! Loving the picture of Ellie hugging her daddy on his lap with a smile on her face, dirty feet and all! Happy for Mamma who now has some help, too, cause I remember how it was to be pulled in two (or in my case FOUR) different directions at one time! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Deb M, GB, WI
Oh, his Girlies do love their daddy! He is going to have a very busy day with them I know! So many new things they need to show him, and I am guessing nap time might just have a daddy leading the way!
Yup...Daddy's are the bomb and he looks well rested to head up the little girl patrol for a while. MA is a beautiful gurlllll and you already know how lucky you and Staci are to have those teens to love and help your babies.
As a Mom to a son and my precious step daughter who is so much a daughter to me...and God love her...WOULD NOT let me dress her girly, WOULD NOT be a bow-head(her words not mine) who now at 34 just had her 'One and done little Sara Ashley...I so hope Sara turns out to be a little ELLIE.....ohhhhh I long for payback....LOL
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the insanity of your life...IT THRILLS ME to no end. F U N N E E !
I bet "daddy" was very glad to see all of his girlies! Have fun you guys!....huggers, BJ
Enjoy some daddy time. Enjoyed the post of things to do - we have been down there a couple of times and I have been to some of them -e especially the ice cream store. Take Ellie to Floribama and maybe she will throw her bra up on the line.
Welcome Daddy and MA!
And, yes your nails are beautiful, even your toes. Strange, I know, but I have this little disdain for all things feet (no pedi's for me)...eewww! Except baby feet; love the baby feet!
That is so sweet how much they love their daddy!
How sweet, those girls love their Daddy!
Comment about the weather?? Well yesterday it was 100 degrees! Hoping it isn't quite so hot today.
How is it there?
What is it about daddys? When our kids were about comparable age, we took a long weekend trip without them. When we got off the plane, they squealed and went running to D A D D Y.
There is nothing like that feeling of overwhelming love from little girls. What a sweet post! Thank you so much for sharing your family with us!! You are just awesome!
Great vac pics. thanks for sharing. more ellie pls.
I'm doing my part for the 15! There's nothing like a Daddy for little girls! I'm no young chick but I still remember the thrill of having my Daddy come home after being on the road every week. You can see in Todd's eyes how much he loves his girls. Keep those pics coming, please!
What if I post twice? Does that count? I hope you are having a blast. My daughter is a Daddy's girl and watching them together melts me into a puddle.
I'd so like to know who makes the "This is the Life" photo frame from Bungalos in the things to do post below, I want one of those.
ohh i love your post i just got up this am getting ready to take my mom to work and thought hey i want to check on mo and ellie and gabbie looks they was so happy to see their daddy i loved all your pics too i wish i was at the beach right there with you all enjoy the rest of your trip and make memories to last a lifetime..
I just about nearly MELTED at that last picture of Ellie with Todd! There is just something about a man holding his daughter that is the most heart warming thing ever! I can very distinctly remember nestling into my dad's lap and feeling cozy, and safe, and happy.
I'm also finding myself wishing that when I was in the height of my babysitting days that they had similar philosophies at the Groves' as far as vacations. BRILLIANT!!
Can't wait to see some more!
Your nails look fabulous Mel! The weather is HOT!! Let's see....what else? Haha :) Love that Todd the bod has now joined the partay! That's so precious that the girls are so thrilled to see their daddy. Did the other babysitters go back with Staci? By the way, I friend requested her on FB.
It's so great that your extended family can vacay together sometimes!! Nothing better than relaxing with the fam!! Your girls are growing up so fast!! My oldest is 19 and I wonder how in the world did time go by so fast!!! Enjoy!!
I know you have your 15 comments...but....I had to laugh at what Dottie saw in the picture of Mary Allison.
The pictures of the girlies and their daddy...AWESOME!
Can't wait to see more fun. Thanks for taking us on your vacation!
You have such a sweet family. I look foward to your posts!
Happy Birthday MA! Have fun at the beach.
Dottie, I noticed that, too! lol
I'm glad Todd has joined y'all...a true family vacation, now! I have a question, though...who's gonna be Todd's buddy while he's there? I mean GUY buddy. You know...someone to hang around with while you and Jin Jin do your thing.
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