Oh man. I love this kid!
So, this was our first morning at the beach. The first choice of bathing suits for our first trip to the beach.
Would you check out Miss Lady? She is posing, and still hanging onto her water shooter and her ring.
Oh, little ones. DON'T copy that monkey! She may be a bad influence!
Funny I'd say that! Everyone says she is the spitting image of me! Not necessarily in looks, but they say she acts exactly like me! Oh my! Look out world!!
10 comments, and I'll show you what we did ON the beach!
IF I am back from shopping at the outlet mall by then! Bout to take the boys shopping and to the go-kart track. They have had about as much little girl as they can take! Dress up, make up, painting, making anklets, "introduuuciiing Ellie....", .... YEP. They need to do something requiring using a little testosterone. Loving all the comments!MO
Go, Mo! I am so jealous. It's been too long since I say ocean. Have fun for those of us who can't go right now. God bless!
Oops - that was supposed to say "saw" ocean!
I love Gabbi's suit! OMGosh it's adorable. Anyway, this will most likely be my last comment for the day. We're heading out ourselves for a little fun in the sun. And by sun, I mean rain. Blah.
Can't wait to see beach pics. I leave in one month for a 2-week stay in Maui. Can't wait! Have fun!
Wow, two more blogs since I looked this morning! Just put my son down for his nap, so thought I would check the blog! Great pictures! You are so lucky to have a sister to be able to do such things as this trip with your girls!!! Can't wait to read and see more!
Looks like a great time. I'm living vicariously thru you. Ha. We are hoping to go later in the summer. Enjoy!
Looks like you guys are having a great time! Please keep the pics coming!
Love the Beach Club pics! We hope to get down there sometime this summer. Have fun!
So excited to come and see all the new blogs since I last was on. I love when your followers support you and we get multiple blogs a day. Keep them coming - Thinking I'm going have to come down there and go to the Hang Out for that awesome gift shop. Can't wait for more pictures and poses of those little girls, those 'big' boys, and of course those amazing sisters (and moms)
AM I NUMBER TEN??? Haha..I love the pics....keep em coming!
Those girls are just too darn precious and we MUST see them on the beach!!
Well, look here. I have been too stupid to figure out how to reset my password for oh lets say a few months. I am sooooo jealous. Wishing I were at the beach with you and those precious girls. Have a great time for all us who couldn't go. Keep those precious angel pictures coming. Lifes a BEACH!!!
Oh and get ready to get your paint on. I am loving some of those cool frames you showed. think I might need one or two :))
Such cutie-pies!! Remember those wonderful little girl days when a bathing suit just meant fun - not does this make my bottom look big do I have cellulite, bla bla bla!? Oh for those days!!HAHA!!
Hahaha. Those girls crack me up. Oh, go karting is a blast...hope there's pics of that too.
Looks like you are all having a blast. I just have to ask though -- do you all stay together??? You and Todd and the girls and your sister and her crew? How does that work? With my family we all need our own space when we vacation together. What is your secret?
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