While we are in the vein of liking what I do and having a history with my patients/ families...

let me tell you what we did Tuesday night.
We celebrated some pretty big milestones occuring in the lives of kiddos at MMPT. This is Jennifer. She will be graduating from high school this year.

This is Kelsey. She was along for moral support. And, hmmm, I think will be graduating next year.?

And this is Lauren. She is graduating with her associates degree from a local community college. I have been working with Lauren for about the past, oh, I don't know, 16 years!! You kinda get to know someone after that kind of time together!

And the reason for our gathering....

Just a time to celebrate! Talk about some major admiration. I have it for these two graduates!

We had a pretty broad group of people present. This is Justin, who is a PT student doing his internship with MMPT. He is from the University of Central Arkansas, and will be with us for 5 weeks. That other young man is Dedric. He is a patient who has been coming in for months, and calls us his "family". We made sure he had a way to get out to the house so he could enjoy the festivities with us.

Oh, and check out Dedric, getting the spirit award (above), wearing his MMPT shirt. You go, dawg.

Jenn had a pretty big group come, many of them were family members. The dude far left is Cade. He is a PT tech at our office, hoping to get into PT school within the next year. He is also graduating from his undergraduate program this weekend.

These two kiddos have been pals for years. I think they first met at therapy. I like that we can help bring friends together.

Far right, that's Jenna. She is also a PT student doing an internship from UCA. Both of these students hauled down an RV of sorts and are living in campers while they learn from our therapists.

Todd the Bod grilled hamburgers and chicken for all the guests. I am SO glad that my husband likes to cook. It'd be really, really hard to have all these shindigs, like I do so often, and having to coordinate the invitations, the decorations, the childcare in most situations, etc. I could just NEVER handle the food too. Thank you so much hubby!

And a third honoree was Jared. Jared turned 20 years old this week! I don't know how long he has been associated with MMPT, but for sure it's been several years! Usually, Jared is all about tools. He loves anything that requires construction. Changing tires, loose screws in a chair, hammering any ol thing! But tonight... it was COOKING! I opened a second of Todd's grills for him, and this is Jared saying,"BAM!", like Emeril!

His mom told me that is one of his favorite new shows. He was pretend seasoning his pretend meat on the pretend fire. Jared can sho nuff make his own fun!

My baby girls were right up in the middle of the action.

Then I said, "If you are going to be in a recital this week, raise your hand." And well, I suppose they both are?!

Within no time, Ellie woke up a bit and decided to ride her four wheeler around like a bat outta hell.

I mean, really! Get your toes OUT of the way! And any small children, your grandmother, puppies, etc. She had NO mercy and was skidding as she turned corners.

This baby was determined to get a balloon. So, I cut one down for her.

And within just a few, it was on its way to visit Jake!

Speaking of Jake, Jared's mom and sister both came to Memphis a few years ago to do the 1/2 marathon on TeamJake. See!? We all really DO become family and we all really DO support each other in so many areas other than therapy!

Lindsey is having her first baby in August. It's a girl!

And you know Ellie can't miss the opportunity of having an "audience" and not go in/out for costume change after costume change!!

And poor ol Gabbi Girl, thinking she was following suit, comes out in an Ariel GOWN! Just a plain ol' Gown! But we ooohed and aaaahed nonetheless!

And like that, she was heading back in for another outfit. She emerged as Wonder Woman!

And Gabbi? Well, I gave her a little assistance with the cheerleading top and a tutu.

I think all in all, the group had a good time! I will be helping Lauren walk across the stage this Friday night, just like I did for her high school graduation. I have walked her for so many years that I just know her body and she trusts my help.

Another reason I love being a PT! Getting to be involved so heavily in the lives of the "kids" I treat. Even though they are now graduating from COLLEGE!! omg!

Disclaimer: I did not do the inviting to this party! I allowed each honoree to submit a list to me so I could have a headcount. So, if you are an MMPT teen and didn't get a call, take it up with Lauren and Jennifer. Thank you very much! Just kidding. But I really do have to make sure I don't hurt any feelings.
Be thinking about my "kids" as they transition from school into the real world this week. May the future be bright for all three of them!
What a great post. Congrats to all graduates!
Just another reason I love to read your blog. You and your family do awesome things for others. It comes back and that is evident. Thanks for sharing..
The PT tech Cade looks like Cade Steen for Olla...Is it? You are such an awesome person...How many people would invite these kids into their homes? Hate we missed each other yesterday...See ya soon....
Congratulations to all The Grads!!! 2011 presented some awesome students no doubt about it!
Looks like an awesome party. You are an inspiration to me! I had posted a comment on your day care question a couple days ago explaining my love for First West's WEE School, and imagine my surprise when I am reading this morning and see Mrs. Vicki on your blog! I suppose since you know her, you already know about WEE School! I assume she still works there. Great blog! As a parent of a WOHS grad this year, I am very thankful.
Congrats to the Graduates;so proud of their accomplishments!
I love hearing about your practice. I pray that neither me or my children will ever need services like these, but if we did I think we would make the trip to see you and your obviously great staff.
Loved this post. Congrats to the graduates and Happy Birthday, Jared!!!
Congrats to the graduates!!! Way to go!! :)
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