One guess where we will be staying tonight.

Yep, we spent our last night in our sweet little home last night. I couldn't sleep. It is really kinda sad! I LOVE our little house! It is COZY! And it has so many memories! Ugh. I am torn!

And there is SO much to be done at the new house. We have movers coming in today. They'll be moving virtually all of our furniture, including the beds, so we'll have no choice but to be there tonight.

The girls have no real concept of what is going on.

I suppose I am glad this is happening when they are little. ANd I KNOW that I am glad that we have lots and lots and lots of time with them in this house so we can make many memories here together.

That, to me, was one of the deciding factors in whether or not to build, and for sho, whether or not to build on this scale. We are looking at, potentially, 20 or so years together in this house.

We will weather all the teenage years, hosts of friends coming over to spend the night, birthday parties, (maybe even dance parties!!), after the football game get togethers....

For now, I am looking ahead with great hope and expectation that this is the house that they WANT to hang out with with their friends.

SO, anyway. Tonight is the night.

Todd has already said the crib is going in the master bedroom. SUCKER! That means he is expecting Ellie in our bed still and Gabbi within arm's reach! I KNEW he couldn't be tough. Then again, I am glad I can blame this decision on him, because I'm not sure I am ready to lose them either!

Oh, this is my EXTREMELY cool Pottery Barn fixture in my art room. It is even cooler with the big round bulbs hanging from it. Ask Todd, who installed it, and he will say, "not so cool"!

I'm moving in my stuff slowly but surely.
Just praying we settle in and quickly find our "cozy".

After all, "nest" is my word, and at some point this year, I intend to!
I am so so happy for all of you and hope to see many more pics of the BAH. Have a great first night and Skinny Jinny looks AWESOME!
Yay for moving into the BAH! But I am sure it is sad to shut the door at the old house. I know, without a doubt, I will be feeling much the same way when we build and move (hopefully next year).
Sleep tight tonite!
Yay for moving into the BAH! But I am sure it is sad to shut the door at the old house. I know, without a doubt, I will be feeling much the same way when we build and move (hopefully next year).
Sleep tight tonite!
Home is where the heart is, Mo. You and your family will be happy WHEREVER your nest is! You'll have a blast making wonderful memories in your BAH.
Welcome home, Groves family...welcome home!
Congratulations on your first night in the BAH! Can't wait to hear how everyone did.
The girls look happy as can be in their new home.
Your art room looks fantastic (love the light fixture), and oh la la, that spiral staircase is gorgeous!
Did you remember to take a family photo in front of your new front door?
I left a message on your FB wall about canvas orders.
You are going to make some many family and friend memories in the BAH! It is beautiful (and so are your sweet girls!!)
ohh your finally moving in your BAH i know you will make lots of precious memories thru out the years ahead. i cant wait to come to one of your art retreats.i love scrapbooking and making jewelry and i want to learn to pain too wel back to your new house i love the spiral stair case its so pretty and seeing your stuff going in your art room i wish i had a art room to do my stuff in i would be in there and never come out much. i cant wait to see more pics of your new BAH and your family in there take lots and lots of pics of you all and of your house have a great weekend enjoying your new home.
I've been out of town and missed my smiles! I logged in to catch up and what? You've moved! I'm so excited and sad all at once. I hope you're all as excited as I am. I know you're working hard and I hope you're all already making memories to last a lifetime! Can't wait to see what's happening at the Groves HOME!
Oh Mo ~ How exciting (and exhausting) it is - so much fun to see all of your things in their new place, but at the same time, you are TIRED and want it all set up for you. This to shall gas :)
You know what, I'm with Todd about the girls sleeping with you. I just LOVED when my girls came running in to cuddle me - best feeling in the world - who cares what anyone says, do what makes you & Todd happy! There is nothing like looking over at a sleeping doll........beautiful memories, so enjoy them.
Have a wonderful day,
Diana from Colorado
I remember when we moved into our new house in 1996. It did hurt to leave our little house in the city, but, I wouldn't go back to city living now for anything. I love the country life.
I always opened our home to Josh's friends. I had the mind-set that I'd rather them feel welcome there so when they got old enough to drive they would feel comfortable there and not be out on the roads with all the crazies. It worked. We had them all over the house sleeping some nights. They have all grown up and gone to college now and I miss that.
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