Daddy went into the bathroom and yelled, "COME HEEEEERE... and you will probably want your camera!"
Ellie could not have been prouder. She had decided they would play beauty shop and got alllll into my mousse!
I am not sure why this is shocking to me. I often go into the bathroom to find my Estee Lauder (most favorite in the whole world) eye make up remover all poured out on the bathroom floor...
or my expensive shampoo that I use sparingly and only when I want to wear my hair straight, slathered all over the bottom of the tub with the top clear across the room!
No. I have no idea why I am the least bit surprised to find something like this!
Two little monkeys having just the most fun fixing each other's hair and rubbing the foamy goodness all over their bodies and the cabinet.
You have to check these out:
OMG.....I would want to cry if I were in your shoes but since I'm not........I am LAUGHING SO HARD!!! Is Ellie back in diapers?
My oldest 4 are like Ellie the youngest K is not I think the CP has something to do with that, but the bathroom is a dailye vent in my house, If the 3 year old is not in sight she is up to something!
All the cupboards and doors are "G" proof! We even call the locks G locks!
When our boys were little, hubby installed latch locks at the very top of all the doors (out of reach of little hands) except for one 1/2 bath we kept open to use as our restroom. The latches were on the outside of all the doors. We kept doors locked to the rooms that might have harmful/breakable/expensive items in them. This worked very well for us...maybe it would work for you? ;-)
It's only "beauty shop" if she goes for the scissors, be happy she showed some restraint! haha! Cute pics!
Love it! And you, like me, wouldn't have your child any other way! Fun and spirited and all personality!!! Your girls are absolute doll babies!!!
Love all the house update posts, too. Amazing!!! Love seeing your choices.
I hate to say this, but at our house our child who is very much like Ellie went through the terrible twos, threes, fours,etc... We are now up to the terrible 19's!lol I alway say that she has added the spice to our lives. i love her dearly and wouldn't change her if I could, but she still wears me out. The good news is that our third child is very much like Gabbi. She never really went through a "terrible" stage. (thank God). She is fifteen and still just as pleasant as ever. My oldest (the only boy) was the easiest of all. He was the kind of child that you could take anywhere. He didn't hit the terribles until he was about 17. He has given me a few gray hairs since then, but all in all not too bad!
I'm afraid to say my daughter's 3rd year was definitely the most trying one, too. And at 15, she is still a little firecracker and still just as bossy as she was at age 3. I have to say though, I am often thankful for that little stubborn/bossy streak because I (almost) never have to worry about her standing up for herself, etc. as a teen. She knows who she wants to be and is determined to be her own "character" for lack of a better word, LOL.
Did y'all ever make a dent in your wine collection from your wine club? Ellie's 3rd year might be a good time for Mama to start having some "juice" every.single.night. =)
I can totally feel your 10 year old was EXACTLY like this when she was their age. She's still a drama queen and ALL girl, but love her dearly of course!
Can't wait to see the big 3rd birthday celebration! Wow, time flies....
Too,too cute!!! They sound like they are a pack together.
I have told you before, Adam is 7 and Noah is 6. Noah is called snuggle butt my me and suck up by his brothers! Adam is my "challenging" one. My favorite memory is him running around the house naked as his oldest brother was chasing him and I was trying to mow the lawn. Enjoy it like you do and really it gets better or easier - I just keep telling myself that :)
My son is "busy" too!
Only he doesn't do the makeup. His forte' is taking things apart. Just last weekend I lost track of him for a couple minutes and found him with the faucet taken apart in the bathroom. I couldn't even figure out how to put it back, I just shut the water off from below and locked the door, till Dad got home.
Good Luck!!
I am so NOT surprised at Ellie. One min I think she is going to be a teacher, a dancer, a model, an artist, a jewelry maker and NOW a hairdresser!! Go Ellie, and Mo I sure hope you and Todd have lots of valium I do think you will NEED it as Ellie gets OLDER!!! Oh the FUN you all are going to have in that house.
That is hysterical, burst out laughing as soon as I saw the picture of "Todd yellin come here and grab the camera".
Great memories for you guys!
Goodness! You sure do have your hands full! I thought it was bad enough that Audrey was smearing cream cheese-n-chives all over her legs just tonight because she had an 'owie'. You have it MUCH worse!
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