So, these were taken YESTERDAY! and I loaded them LAST NIGHT, and now here I am journaling about them TODAY! Yipppppeeeee... I am back in bui-ness!
So for whatever reason, I decided we needed to take our bathing suits out to Pops and Nana's house to play in the sprinkler. Ellie is a big talker and kept saying that sounded fun to her!
And waited.
Finally, Pops had to take matters into his own hands!
As for Ellie, that was her one and ONLY pass through the sprinkler. Whooo... that was some kinda fun!
She is ACTING like she is running through the sprinkler on this side, but it is set up to spray only about 90 degrees. Note the facial expression, like she is just having the time of her life. Faker!
Scaredy cat.
She is a princess after all!
He has promised to hang one for me at the BAH! I want a double one, but if anyone has a swing they adore, email me a pic. I am shopping the perfect set up!
Is it just me, or does my baby look like a big girl?!
Even this little precious thing!

Now, Ellie was ALL about squirting other things! Like plants, birds, US!
Gabbi was having a hey day in the back of a trailer. I had to do some excavation of about a thousand gumballs from the sweet gum tree. They were rolling under her feet and NOT contributing to her fun at all!
Have I mentioned this baby is so precious?! She is the most LOVING child... seriously, I think moreso than any other kid I have ever seen. She is my clinger, but man oh man, does she ever love her mama!
She lays her head on my shoulder, and pats my back and just rubs my shoulder. Then, she holds her head up, looks me in the eye and grins ear to ear. But only for a second, then it is back to my shoulder for more sweet love. She looks at me so adoringly. I don't know if anyone has EVER loved me as much as Gabbi does!
Cue Ellie... now complaining that "the grass"is hurting her. I think she didnt like the weeds touching her on the shin. Pops took care of that!
YIPPEE!! I'm so glad you have instant access again:)
I made Stacie a bunch of those burp cloths last month...I love them! I think they are cute enough to have another baby--just so I can use them! don't you? :)
Summer fun! I have to say, though, that I can't blame Ellie and Gabbi one bit...I don't like to have water sprayin' on me, either!
Cute, cute pics. :-)
You are sooooo back in the groove! So jealous that you guys are already in swimming suit and sprinkler season. That is what I get for living in MN, I guess!
It is so great to hear about the bond you have with both of your little girls. If ever there is a mother deserving of such unconditional love, it is you :)
Yeah! Not that I'm at all surprised, but your girls are waaayy too cute in their bathing suits! How precious the image of GG on your shoulder and smiling up at you.....ahhh the bond between mother and child!!
So glad you've got blogging/photos back goin' on.
Glad you back in business! Love the pics. Can't wait for the next round. Those girls are just precious. I love seeing the expressions on their faces. Thanks for a peek into your world!
Love your girl almost as much as mine, of course, I have three girls, and well I sure did love when they were at that age, so sweet and fun to play with...then they get older and start to tease back, and well not as fun when they are almost as big as you when the teasing starts, they usually win, dang it! But wouldn't trade them for anything! Enjoy as much as you can, oh you are already doing that!
Thanks for sharing
PRECIOUS is the correct word!...I'm just saying
First and foremost tell Ellie that we LOOOOVVVE her flip flops. The girls thought they were soooo cute. And second, we are all jealous that you are already running through the sprinkler. We can not wait for those days but right now it's only 55 degress and we are expecting almost 12 inches of snow tomorrow. It will melt fast but still a foot of snow for opening fishing weekend and Mother's Day. BUMMER.
Thanks for keeping us up to date and we love to follow your blog and see how everyone is doing.
See you at the Shake for Jake and again at the Marathon in December. We have a whole year of Jake stuff planned and we can not wait.
Love to all, say Hi to Staci and Don and the kids.
The Eckart's
Darren, Cyndi Dylan Chrissy Matthew and Belle
My daughters swing is a used racing tire! You cut out the top part and flip it inside out, makes it wider to sit in! My daughter would sit outside ALL DAY and swing if someone was willing to push her! I'll try to email a pic!
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