Anyhoo, this is this week's question.... and it should make a cute tag. Is anyone needing the downloads from Jessi? Let me know so I can guilt her into making these for us!
I am sure there is some color that just really lights your fire. I know that I have come to realize that the same three or four colors are ALWAYS my favorite if I see them on a rack at a store. Then, if I see a container or a box or whatever in those colors, I always seem to covet those too! I am very inspired by color!
And speaking of... let me show you the progress on the new house.
See that tanish fan page? Well, it is really much more greenish than it appears on this blog! The third one down is Bamboo Shoot. That is the color I am using for the really big space of the main room and kitchen and loft of our new house. The top color, San Antonio Sage, is for the ceilings of the big room and of the loft.
The orangey colors are going to be serving two purposes! The third one down is Earthen Jug. It is supposed to be the color of the stepped up dining room. However, I am asking the Sherwin Williams peeps to deepen/ blacken it a bit. It will also be the color of the island in the kitchen. The island is supposed to be fashioned to look more like a real piece of furniture. Have I mentioned, I LOVE my cabinet guy? If anybody is in the market and local, let me know. I will give him a great reference!
The knotty, holey pine is the floor we are using for the majority of the core of our house! Of course, it will be stained.

Alright, moving right along, these are the fabric swatches I chose today for Miss Hotsy Totsy's room. I cannot find bedding I like that will match the black furniture that I am recycling from mine and Todd's room to hers! I have really worked hard to figure out how to use as much of my present stuff in new ways/ rooms. I think new bedding will be cheaper than all new bedroom furniture. But not positive. DANG! Fabric is Expensive!
I want to do something loud, like the grey print on one side of the duvet cover with the solid quilted green on the other side for when I want to tone it down a bit. (or when there is a chocolate milk stain on one side!) The striped fabric will be the dust ruffle and will be on one side of the guest bunk bed across the room. The orange polka dot is going to be a fine little throw pillow, and I just WISH you could better see the pompom trim that will be on it. It is peeking out of the card on the right and is a mix of hot pink, orange, and lime greens. SO cute!
Alright, moving right along, these are the fabric swatches I chose today for Miss Hotsy Totsy's room. I cannot find bedding I like that will match the black furniture that I am recycling from mine and Todd's room to hers! I have really worked hard to figure out how to use as much of my present stuff in new ways/ rooms. I think new bedding will be cheaper than all new bedroom furniture. But not positive. DANG! Fabric is Expensive!
Ok, this isn't a sure thing, but I took her with me today to see if she would approve this and she gave me the go ahead. In the pic above, the lime green poster board is the color I am contemplating for her walls. (By the way, that incorporates two of my three favorite colors I was referring to before!)
Ok, art room. I am torn between turquoise and all shades of green. (Hints to my fave colors again!) I have a LOT of red tin buckets, so I threw in this sugar mold to see how red looks in this little combination. I painted a teal and a green poster board to see how they worked with things I already had. I have the magazine holders (far left) in teal and teal/ green polka dots. And I am still trying to figure out the flooring situation, likely black and white, somehow. The tile in the back, is shiny and funky and has greens and blues in it. It may need to be used around my sink!?
Bored yet?
This is what I am thinking so far about Gabbi Girl's room. That teal bucket in the middle is what I have several of and what I use to house hand me down clothes for GG from Ellie and Maddi. The green above that is the limey green that I would like to accent with in G's room. I didn't include the light teal (Tame Teal to be exact) that will be the primary color in her room.
Because Gabbi's room will be mainly our toy room for a long while, I put both the girls' chairs in this pile. I think both green and pink will be hunky dory in this color scheme. And that plaid quilt goes over a white duvet with pink polka dot sheets. I have to figure out curtains, but I think we are on our way in her room. We already have a great rug that will incorporate all these pastels and a table and chairs with pastel chairs around a white table.
Now, let me also slip in a photo of the black cabinets that we will be using in our kitchen. Well, actually you can't tell from this picture, but they are semi- gloss with a distressed edge. And our granite tops are grey with orange and black striations in it.
Other close up options for the art room. Like this green?
Our workshop is all kinds of grey! A dark blacking color for the ceiling. A steel bluish color for the cabinets, and light grey walls. I love this flooring with the metallic edges, but Todd hasn't been convinced. I "won" with the bluish cabinets, which I continue to call grey to keep him from feeling that his workshop is "girly", but I definitey felt we needed a touch of color in the shop less I get bored to death.
Apparenty I feel the need to continue to showcase this tile and possible artroom colors. Sorry!
Here is the bedroom situation. Dovetail Grey on the walls, with the Black Fox (or some kind of fox, anyway), on the ceiling. The carpet is perfect and oh-so-plush, and the travertine tile , far right, is for the master bath.
I have two bedrooms upstairs with which I have no idea what to do. I have some bedding that I used to use (pre-kid) in storage and will likely recycle it. It is kinda Moroccan/ Indian feel with shiny fabrics.
So, I go to Sherwin Williams to look at the thousands of color choices, and once again.... I come home with a teal! The same thing happens at my clinics when I am picking colors for the various rooms. (My clinics are VERY bright and cheery!) I ALWAYS end up with a shade of teal or green! ALWAYS! One other color usually makes the mix.... coral!
The carpet upstairs is pictured above, and since I like that metal-looking edged tile, I was looking to see how it paired with the scheme. I like it! But, I DO love teal and brown!
Know what is NOT fun to choose? STAIN!
We have to pick ceiling stains for three wood ceilings. We have to pick the coordinating stain for the wood floors and for any cabinets/trim we are using. Oh, and the cedar posts that are going to be hoisting up the loft and providing the division to the rails upstairs on the loft. Ugh!
This just shows the main colors of the loft. The Bamboo Shoot for the walls and the browny tone for the ceiling. The carpet has circles and squares. Can you see them?
So, this was yesterday when I had NO idea what colors we would be using in the girls' rooms. I knew GG's were the center two. And I thought I would use the pink or purple for Ellie (despite her demands!) with the center green as her accent. Then, I could tie it all together with the darker green, far right, in the bathrooms. Looks like things changed today with our trip to the fabric store.
Ellie and I sprawled out the other night and painted poster boards to get a better feel for our colors! I have learned it is well worth the 5 bucks to get a sample batch! I am completely repainting the entire exterior of our house, (yes the new one), because I HATE the color of the stucco we (Todd) picked. So, take it from me. Get all your colors in a quart sample jug and paint them on big sheets of cardboard. You will be glad you did. It has already changed my mind in some rooms.
Is it just me, or is this a fabulous green?
Ummmm. But I ALWAYS appreciate a nice turquoise!
Oh, more shop?! I just uploaded the pictures in whatever order tonight. But dontcha love that "grey" wood for the cabinets?
Todd's gameroom... sorta! Another decision made entirey by the poster board sample! We went with a greyed purple instead of the LSU purple.
Mine and Ellie's wonderland. And a little while later there were little purple footprints all over the kitchen!
Oh, looky looky. There is another possibility for Todd's gameroom...Carpet sample, bottom left. I found this tile and LOVED it!
it is goldish with some purple accents in it. I think it is cool! But as I have also learned, I will not dare buy it until I have seen how it coordinates with the stone wall, the cedar bar, the stained cabinets, and the purple wall! It all matters!
Ok, so did you learn something about me tonight? The colors that make my heart sing?
GREENS, TURQUOISES, and CORALS! The very same colors I tend to buy in house decorations and my clothes! And by far my favorite stones to use in my jewelry!
Have a happy Sunday! (and fill your life with your happy color!)
hey mo i love all the colors you and elli have picked out so far the rooms are going to look great i lvoe the color for the art room and the todds game room color is what i would want if i had a game room and the art room colors is what i would want my art room to be if i would ever have one i probably wont ever have a art room i use a area in my bedroom for my art stuff i dont have much stuff . i would love to have more jelwery stuff but have no room for it.. im doing my little sead bead braclets in the kitchen where i have a table to sit at cant sit on my bed and make them them little beads would be everywhere. but back to your new house i so cant wait to see it all done and yall moved in with everything in place and oh i cant wait to see your art room its going to be very nice. well i just thought i would put in my opion on the colors you have picked out for all the rooms just cant wait to see them all painted and you moved in. well im going to go and get in the bed its 1 44 am here im up and cant sleep so i thought i would check your blog and see that you bloged tonight i think im the first one to comment tonight wahoo good night
oops i need the tags iam using them so please get jessi to upload them so i can down load them thanks
Yes it is Q#9.
I love the colors you have chosen. I have always loved teal & lime green together - so cheery, and, the smoky purple - well, seriously all your colors are awesome! The painted posterboard is a great idea. I'm going to have to use that the next time I paint - thanks for sharing that tip!
We've never built a house, but have remodeled/renovated, and I thought that took a lot of time and thought, but I can't even imagine how much time has gone into all the choices you've had to make so far for your new house. But, it is going to be so worth it in the end...gorgeous...and NESTy!
I've never thought about black cabinets, but I really, really like them.
Happy Sunday!
LOVE IT!!!!!
and yes it is 6:21 am and i stayed up after the 4am bottle feed. Not babies, well babies, but baby goats that have to be fed every four hours!!!
Check this one out....thought you would appreciate the COLORS!
Absolutely adore the black cabinets, I'm using them also but mine are smaller scale!
Q52 #9 ~ you got it!!! What a great question once again!
That metallic edge tile is AWESOME!! Love your color choices thus far! I just did my kitchen in almost the identical steel grey/light grey as your workshop, and I absolutely LOVE how it turned out!! I trimmed mine with white and have black appliances....and tiled my counters all by my little ol' self!! I am happy to say I am proud of how it all turned out ~ especially the tile never having done that before!! I am VERY close to being done ~ thank goodness ~ and that will be one item *complete* soon I will be on to the next!!!
I laughed out loud reading this. We had the same things on the mind the last couple of days...and both LOVE some color where other people tend to be scared to use it. Beige walls are what scare me!! I guess it's a LEO thing. I love them all and the thing that matters most is that they are the colors you love.
ok, after reading this post I need a nap! I am TIRED for you, Mo. LOVE all of the colors!!!
Ellie's room I have a feeling will end up as my favorite, I love BRIGHT! Although, the workshop room has me feeling so warm inside, I am loving the colors. Grays and blues have a way of sneaking into my heart!
oh, and LOVE the tile that may possibly end up in the game room.
I can't wait to see it all finished. I almost forgot, LOVE, LOVE LOVE the black cabinets!
Your colors, carpet, tile, etc.. are awesome! You're making me want to redo my whole house!
Love love love the colors. How fun and exciting:)
Mo I love your colors. You should check out Stacy Gibsons pictures on FB she just finished doing one of her girls rooms and I LOVE the curtains she made they may also be cute in your girls rooms. Anywhoo just wanted you to know I still want to be your "free" house keeper from time to time just so I can get lost in all your beautiful colors, but the Prettiest kitchen I have ever seen is your sisters I so Love the believe sign she has over the stove just wonderful.
Whooooa taking off the sunshades!! Just Kidding!! LOVE THE EXPLOSION OF COLORS!!! THE BAH is gonna be awesome!!!!
I knew we had something in common. I absolutely love GREEN! If I could post a picture here, I would to show you my very favorite shades. The picture I'm refering to is my 5 year old son, Brendan, walking through the woods on a cool but very sunny day in early summer. He didn't realize I was behind him with my camera. With the sum shinning through the trees, there must be 10 different shades of green in it.
I love all your color choices especially Gabby's room.
That is so funny to look at all your colors. We painted our upstairs hallway last year, its called "friendly turqoise"... and I've hated it ever since we painted. My husband said I needed to keep it for a year! Maybe it would be better if I had some other coordinating decorations to go with it. Oh well! My house is old, old w/lots of dark wood trim. My husband loves it! But me, not so much!!! Can't wait to see all your finished decor!
I really into prim decor, so I'm all about cabin red and mossy green, gold, etc.
Your colors are gonna look great!
... and what "Believe" sign does Stacy have in her kitchen? I want one! My cousins 8 yr old son died from leukemia 3 yrs ago, so that has always been our motto, too. Its also on his head stone. I loved seeing Jake's stone; made me cry, though! Hugs from Minnesota!!
Loving hearing about your new home decisions! What a happy time .....but stressful too I know. Repainting entire exterior of house!!!?? Whoa what an expense!
Wow Mo do you EVER sleep? Seriously, you have to be exhausted. Where do you find your energy? You definately inspire me to get move on...The funny thing is that I was at the fabric store TODAY looking at fabric for my girls room. They still have white walls and I hate it!!! Just haven't found what I want yet...Wanna come help me put some colors together, cuz I am decorating stupid lol. LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the diff colors, combinations, etc of the new house. I can't wait to see the BAH all finished. I am hoping to someday come and take one of those classes!!! Have a great week!
I am a lurker that has finally decided to comment! I love all of your colors. I have bamboo shoot in my kitchen and LOVE it! I can't wait to see it with your black cabinets.
As far as fabric, have you ever heard of the Cotton Patch in Brookhaven, MS? It seems like nothing when you go but they have a lot of the same fabric as Fabulous Fabric but for much cheaper prices. Most of it is 5-8 dollars a yard.
I enjoy reading your posts...I remember the lovely days of picking all of this lovely stuff out....After Katrina I lived in Lowes, Home Depot, furniture stores (which there weren't many)!!! Also, door knobs, windows, floors, was exhausting....I would get so frustrated and cry...but then head back the next day refreshed...Keep up the great work...everything looks great...i did not put any carpet in our house after the storm...I did wood through most of the house and tile in the kitchen, eating area, and bathrooms!!!!I think I have had my fill of remodeling for a few years...HAVE FUN ENJOYING WATCHING!!! Tonya
Picking out all that stuff would just blow my mind. I could't stay focused.
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