Remember when dear ol' Amy and Lori commented on my blog when all other lurkers were slacking? Well, Amy got her prize a week ago. Lori got hers this week!

I am making in time to wear for St. Paddy's day! Here my model is demonstrating yet another way to wear these cute little ribbon necklaces.

And here he is being totally enthused about it!

Ok, so I am just going to put it out there.... LORI.... I don't think you've commented since that day! What's up with that? I have two more prizes I started on tonight. And they involve texture medium and paint! Whoooooooo will get them? Hmmmmm?!?!?

I am also painting tomorrow. I have some twins' nurseries to get going on, A canvas that was ordered for Christmas (2011!!), a teacher gift for end of the year for whoever wants to claim it, a couple of cute St. Paddy's shamrocks, a Dalmation canvas for an official adoption, a horseshoe, a house, an Easter egg, and a big oak tree. Some are orders and some are going to be for sale. I like to have a lot going or I don't want to do them at all. Go big or go home. Ya know?! Carri, do you still read my blog? Do you still want your big canvases that I have procrastinated forever on!?
Oooooh, and I took pics of the new house this week, so be prepared to see some new construction fun this week! For those asking, No, we havent' sold our house, but if you know someone intersted, send em our way. It is about 2700-2800 square feet. Not sure. Has 3+ acres and a garden. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, and a big whatever room. I used it as an art room, but it could be an office, media room, whatever! Give me a call. We need to sell this sucker. I will probably cry!
Alright for this week's question....
Love the necklaces! ... And can't wait to see how the new home is coming along.
ok my favorite holiday is christmas the reason why is because of christ he was born on that day he is the reason for the season and of course the childern i love watching my nieces and nephews at christmas time i get som excited to see them open their gifts and how excited they are and the decorations are so beautiful the ligths all aglow everywhere i am a kid at heart too i love christmas i seeing what i get too my mom makes sure i get something for christmas morning since i live at home and iam disabled. me my brothers sister sister in laws and and my parents all draw names we set a price limit and get something for the one we got thats alot of fun. we get together on christmas eve to do the gift exchanges and let the kids open their gifts then everyone goes home and waits on santa to come to visit them. i love going out riding around looking at all the pretty decorations and lights i love chritmas that is my facorite time of year. so is that what you want to know mo??
i hope to win one of the necklaces they are very pretty mo you are the best at doing them oh when are the kits going to be ready to buy?? i sure hope i can afford to buy one.. iam hoping tobe the first to post on this so i better post it now
Shoot! I was trying to be first! I need some texture medium in my life. I don't know how you are picking a winner, but I WANT one. I keep thinking I need to order one but I don't know what to order. I just like them when you do them! Hope ya'll are well and we put SHAKE on the calendar. See ya'll soon.
I can't wait to see pics of the new house. Of course, by June you all will be moved in and settled. We'll be sure to stop by to get the grand tour!
I have to say... Todd seemed too comfortable with striking a pose.
I am so happy to see the next question:) Let me tell you why...not only have I taken more time for "reflection" this year, this project has helped me with a little bit of balance in my life. My work has slowly taken over my life. Being creative had taken a backseat to work. This project has reignited my love for all things "crafty". Not only am I learning a new craft with digital scrapbooking, I have almost finished my craft room(a 2 year project) and even took out my sewing machine this weekend to sew with my 3 year old niece. Thank you!
Hey Mo! Just another lurker checking in! I don`t usually post, but I check on your beautiful family daily! I thought about you the other day when my 20 year old son moved into his new house just off Center Street in Ruston. I knew the neighborhood was okay when I saw MMPT just down the street. Thank you for sharing your babies and your talent with the world! I am one of many who enjoys watching your angels as they grow! Leigh Ann Perritt
Go Tod the Bod!
POOR TOD THE BOD! LOL~ He is a patient man! I love all Holidays, and used to totally decorate for each one like you do. But, when the kids got older, I just stopped putting it all out. I will hand it off to each one, divided equally I'm sure, b/c the twin thing will start. You know, she got more than me, you love hime more than me and on, and on, and on! LOL~ Christmas if the best! It lasted for about 8 days for us this past year and it was great!
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, as usually I am with some children and grandchildren, and all the food and love that fills my house.
The necklaces are so cute!! Todd the bod looks devine in his...LOL
Did I tell you I have done my bedroom in a Believe theme? I think of Jake everytime I walk in it. I hope to one day be able to buy one of your paintings to put in here. My room is done in navy, white and a demin color.
Can't wait to see pics of the new house!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Great necklaces! Good luck with the house selling. I'd lose sleep if I were building and not sold yet, but I'm a big worry wart.
Fav holiday - Christmas b/c I love getting together with my family, and sharing my love for them through gifts. Love the lights and the holiday cheer.
It's week 8 there sister!! I am a little behind in my tags....have the thought into them, but have been working to *complete* a remodel in my kitchen!!
*Mr. Model* look's so absolutely thrilled!! What a trooper he is!!
Oohhhh.....cannot wait to see pictures of the BAH progress!! I sure do wish I were closer and could just scoop up my belongings and move right in the *old* house right after buying it from you! Such is not my luck though....I am stuck up here in the *Cold Country*!!
My favorite holiday is 4th of July. I love everything about it!! Flip flops, tank tops, shorts, bare feet, cookouts with great food, watching fire works with cold beers and good friends, and of course, coordinated red white & blue outfits!!!
I love the St. Patty's day necklaces, they are so cute!! The ribbon idea is awesome. :)
What a totally HOT model! I'm biased....he's wearing a Yankee shirt&I'm a born&raised NYer(actually blocks from Yankee Stadium). I now reside in St Louis but home is where the heart is;so that's with my family back in NY. About your house......just advertise that it's the house that "Mo" built and you'll get it sold lickety split! Don't cry;tuck your memories into your heart&take them with you,that's where your true home is. The house will allow another family to make wonderful memories thanks to the Groves Family.
oh favorite holiday!!! you make holidays fun for your patients! i know this! hope you and your sweet girlies are good!!
I love Christmas so much and always have. I definitely use to like Valentine's but since my grandmother went unresponsive this past Valentine's and we laid her rest today :( it is definitely going to not be a favorite anymore. Grandma was 96 years old but I am still going to miss her.
I do try to check in quite often with you and I still need to email you about doing a canvas for my girls.
hmmm...maybe i should START my tags!! :)
Another great necklace, and model! I absolutely LOVE mine, and everyone who has seen it loves it too!
I can't wait to see the pics of how your BAH is coming along.
Mine is a toss up between Christmas and Halloween. The last couple of years Halloween was so much fun since my son 'got' the whole trick or treat thing. He's 5. It so cute to see him get excited over it. This past year, the poor kid missed 2 Halloween Parties being sick.
I love Christmas too. I can't wait to get the tree up, decorate, and bake. However, once Dec 26th comes around, I ready to put everything away. Anyway, This last Christmas was the best I ever had. My 5 year old is in Kindergarten. Between School, day care, and church we had something going every week. It was so much fun to see him get so excited over all the stuff we did.
Mo - You think Christmas is fun now??? Just wait until the girls really start 'getting' the whole thing!
Wow! You have so many talents! Since I worked on your family sculpture, I'm now hooked on reading your blog! I can't wait to see your canvases!
I hope you do a kit with the style of necklace that Todd is modeling! And the twin canvases....oh I can barely wait!! My favorite holiday? Christmas. I love everything about it!
Oh Mo!! I have to have one - My son's birthday is St. Patty's day!!! What a perfect way for me to celebrate a most wonderful Irish gift! He is turning 6 and now only 27 more years of parties with mom before I let him out on his birthday ;)! I Love it.
LOVE THE necklaces! I would have to say Christmas because it is so Magical.......
Never commented before the other day cause my stupid google account wouldnt work...BUT NOW I CAN hehe!
Good Morning! Just got my daily fix of Mo Joy and couldn't help but wonder if you were talking to me about the canvas you're working on. My request was for the zebra canvas for my daughter Taylor. Yes, we are still interested and cannot wait to see what you come up with.
Love the ribbon necklaces! Are they on Etsy for sale yet?
love the necklaces!! your blog posts almost always make me want to go create something!
Oh, Easter! I adore the color pink and I love bunnies!! And Jesus overcoming death - it just doesn't get any better!!!
CHRISTMAS!!!!! Because of the real meaning.......but also because of all the time we get to spend with our loved ones (doesn't hurt that I'm a teacher and get off for 2 weeks) SECONDLY....GROUNDHOGS DAY because my youngest son was born onthis day. and he is one SPECIAL Person!!!!
PS I love your paintings (especially the fleur de leis)!!!
Good Morning West Monroe.....Well, the necklace is beautiful! Todd looks so happy...okay happy might not be the word. A good sport for sure! I can't wait to BAH pictures! And I would totally buy your home if I was living or moving to LA. But that is unlikely! Dang it!
Happy Tuesday!
Hugs from Missouri,
My favorite holiday, wow that is soooo hard Mo. Can I say all of them lol...Thanksgiving and Christmas have the most meaning to my family! On Thanksgiving day as a family we all go around the table and say the things we are thankful in our lives. Usually a few days, week prior I start to think about what I will say (trust me it gets rather lengthy in our house) and of course it always includes our love of Jesus, the life we have been given because of Him, how lucky of a life we are all thankful for to be given. Christmas is the most celebrated here in the Simon-Bonsack household. We have a Happy Birthday Jesus party, complete with cake, singing HBD, and we talk all about Him and the reason for our beings here on Earth! My kids look forward to Jesus's Birthday Party every year and really have gotten into it, and love to share with others the reason, the real meaning of Christmas!
Those necklaces are beautiful Mo, you have such a natural talent..Wow love them. Do you think you could do one, something that would represent say my 5 kids in some sort of personal way? Just a thought, let me know. Thx
PS Tod the Bod is a trooper! I was shocked u didn't have Ms Accessory Goddess herself, Ellie showing us all. She must have been in bed lol.
Can't wait to see pics of the BAH, wish I could pack up and leave Missouri and come buy the house you live in now. I love it and would love the land!
My favorite holiday is the 4th of July. It generally means time spent with extended family at the lake and we have a blast, no matter what the weather is in SD. And it's a no stress holiday with lots of wonderful food!
I love love love the ribbon necklaces!
Hey Mo. Can't wait to see the pictures of the house!! How's the nesting going? Looks like you are doing a-ok in that area to me! Keep it up!! Have a great day!
Love those necklaces!!!
Maybe you should have Ellie show Todd a few poses?? ;)
Favorite Holiday...4th of July. Why?? Because my whole family can get together and not have to worry about a snow storm or icy roads for some to travel on. It is warm, the colors are my favorite, we get to BBQ and everyone can be outside!!
Good luck on the new and old house!
Ok, so, since called out, I will comment! Don't you think that the procedure you offered me at the clinic was enough humiliation for ONE DAY????!!! Just kidding! I love my necklace and can't wait to have it returned! Tell Todd it looked GREAT on him!!! It was good seeing you yesterday and visiting a bit. We miss you up there, but we know you are nesting and am so thankful you get to do it!
Also, don't forget about the canvas I asked for! The baby has had some heart issues and may be up for heart surgery..:(
I never have much of a chance to comment but I read daily! I love seeing the pictures of the girls and all your creative projects!
My favorite holiday is Christmas because I love the sheer joy in my children's eyes and the reaction to my family opening their well thought out gifts.
pick me pick me....I need to strut around Memphis in a Mo Original!
My favorite holiday...Easter...and it is because of the Iris flowers that i got from Granny. See...when she passed and we sold her home...i went and dug up the 75 year old Iris bulbs in her yard and replanted them (while i was 9 months pregnant) in our yard and every year around on ON Easter they bloom. I tell our girls it is Granny's way of telling us HAPPY EASTER!
My favorite holiday would have to be Easter. All the flowers are beginning to bloom, signaling that spring is here and everything is just new and fresh.
Favorite holiday is Christmas and not just for the decorations and presents... love the reason for the season and being with family.
Love all the necklaces that you do... you are so creative.... :)
Angie H
Soso, MS
My favorite holiday is Christmas! I love all of stuff that goes with it. The decorated houses, streets and shopping malls. The snow, since I live in Minnesota (but not driving in it). Especially family.
I know from here it totally looks like I'm commenting because I want one of those canvases. Darn tootin'! I wish I had time to *regularly* comment on the blogs I read, but that is left for one dear friend that I know in real life. The rest of you just get stalked!
I so badly want one of those canvases, Mo. For the life of me, though, I can't figure out what to put on it!
You didn't mention the cottage in the house details-are you moving it with you guys to the new place?
Wow I guess there is alot of people wanting a prize. Your necklaces are beautiful. and I love the pictures of the babies in the snow.
I don't have one fav holiday,I have two easter and christmas is my favorite. I like Christmas because our savior was born and I love given gifts, Easter because Jesus rose from the grave. I just love to hear the easter story over and over.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love waking up and not being in a hurry. We have to hurry, hurry, hurry on Christmas but we don't eat Thanksgiving until around 6 p.m. at my sweet mother-in-law's house. She lights the candles and has a centerpiece to rival anyone else's!! She even puts out some things from when my husband was a little boy (he's 56 now). I love the food, I love sitting around the table together. I love the lack of commercialization (sp? word?). I love my wooden pilgrim decorations. I love the colored leaves. Can you tell that I love thanksgiving?
Show those canvases! I love seeing your work. I love your model with the green ribbon necklace! I bet Ellie was wanting to get into that picture!!! Her posing is a hoot! I love your blog and I'll say it again - it gives me a smile every single day!
I am trying so hard to win a necklace. I love them!!!! My favorite holiday is Thnaksgiving. It is all about being with family, thinking about the blessings you have and the food!!! Also, the stress of what to get everyone is not there! I love turkey and dressing and pecan pie!!!! As a teacher, I also love Valentines! I get some fabulous sweet cards and lots of chocolate!!!!
Now we know where Ellie learned to pose! You are still doing the kits right? BRING IT!! I'm more than ready!
I gotta catch up on my tags, too. I'm 3-4 behind now.
I have two favorite holidays.My favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving because the family get togethers,the food,and just the excitement that goes along with it.
I'm guilty of being one of the lurkers.Love reading your post.
My favorite holiday is Easter. It's such a spiritual time, but it's also a "new beginning" because Spring has arrived and plants are starting to sprout up. I love the smell of Spring in the air. I love to hear the songbirds return (I live in New Jersey). I also love seeing the little girls in their Easter dresses and the little boys in their Easter best. I always cry in church on Easter Sunday...the service always moves me to tears. Jesus sacrificed so much for US! I also love the Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets, dinner with family. I could go on and on. My name is Dawn by the way, I know my name comes up as Liloia Family (I think that is how I sign into my blog). Thank you for the opportunity, I would treasure one of your art pieces.
I'm sooo confused!! What week is it for the 52Q! Behind and trying to catch up! Mo, can you put up a sidebar w/each question for the week! That helps for us slackers who have to play catchup! It beats scrolling thru numerous post! Wait...what am I thinking, you are computer saavy!! Well, can someone actually help you post the past questions! :)
Oh I like the shamrocks! Can't wait to see pics of the new house! My favorite holiday is Christmas... because we take all month to celebrate the birth of Christ and enjoy family and friends often! My kids (and loved ones) opening gifts is tons of fun too! ~Michelle
My favourite holiday is Christmas - the birth of Christ and our oldest son was also born on Christmas Day - I love Christmas because it is a time when our busy families all take the time to be together and celebrate the birth of Christ and our son's birthday - we have 10 grandchildren and to see the sparkle in their eyes is priceless - we get together at most holidays and birthdays etc. but Christmas just seems extra special. I love the decorations and the lights - I find that with our very busy lives (we run our own electrical business and we have 3 foster children whom we love dearly as well as being very involved with our 3 kids and 10 grandkids) that we take more time for family things at Christmas than at any other time.
Sorry Mo that I haven't commented more. We found out 2 weeks ago that my son is deploying to Egypt where all is not safe on May 20 for at least a year. That combined with the cancer and fibro and depression has really put me in a tailspin. I read you every day and keep you and yours in my daily prayers...I just don't have the energy or strength every day to reply. You have so many who follow you that I didn't think you would miss a post from me. I"m really a nobody...just someone who admires you and loves your beautiful family and loved Jake with all my heart. We are one beat from bankruptcy and sometimes our next meal is a mystery but God provides for us in His mysterious ways.
Ok you got me posting now...would love to have an original mo fleur de lis...I can answer several questions about you...I know all your mothers sisters and brother...I know your mothers mom and dads name...I even know who is Todd and Dons favorite aunt....I can even tell you the gift that gets past around every year at Christmas....Okay enough sucking up...but remember we are ya
Hi Mo,
It has been a long time since I last posted (hate to even think about how long). I apologize for this. Life got crazy with my new pastor job and my health has been pretty messy. No the best excuse, but hey, there it is. I've been enjoying watching your girls grow and seeing all the wonderfully creative items you make.
Thank you for continuing to update us on your beautiful family. It is a blessing to be able to follow your journey.
-Laura (Asher and ^Jacob's^ Aunty)
Okay, quit teasing us jewelry lovers with the pics of the cute ribbon necklaces. When are the kits gonna be ready so that we can learn how to make them ourselves.....pllllleeeeeeaaaaassssse.
Oops, forgot my favorite holiday. It can be a tie between Christmas and Easter for me. I love Christmas because of time with family and the beauty of the decorations and spirit everyone possesses. Theologically though, I love Easter. I love that we come out of this period of Lent, meditating on our complete dependency on Christ. It is so beautiful to me the transition from the darkness of Good Friday to the beauty and celebration of Easter, the resurrected Christ. There is nothing better than the jubilant singing of the hymn, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today". Gives me chills just thinking about it!
-Laura (again!)
Hey, what up? I sent you an email about making my bracelet a week or so ago??? Did you forget me? I love the sweet pics of model Todd. I need the prize for bragging on your model.. Ha ha I am behind on my tags. Promise to catch up :)
LOVE this new style necklace! I can't wait until your Etsy store is loaded up!!! Any chance you will do another jewelry kit?
Looking forward to pictures of the BAH!
oh for sure it is Christmas...I love having the kids and grandkids over for breakfast...I love watching my family enjoy each other and of course because it is the birthday of Christ.
Mo, you always seem to have your contests on the days I don't get to blog hop! Please clear the day of your contests with me prior to posting them, m'kay? ;-)
I'm going to answer your question, even though I'm a day (almost two days) favorite holiday is Christmas. I love celebrating Jesus' birth. I also enjoy the spirit of love for our fellow man we all seem to have during the season. PLUS...I always take some vacation time around Christmas so I can spend time with my family.
I think you need to do a class on these. Maybe I can finally do one!
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