Friday, January 1, 2010

Word of the Year 2010.

Ok, this is what I am challenging you with this year. I can absolutely not claim any kind of ownership over this idea! I have a few favorite blogs that I check on a regular basis, and Ali Edward's is one of them. I have lots of things I like about her and her blog, but one of the things that I really look forward to every year is her post about the word of the year. I participated last year, and my word was CHOICE. I chose that word because I knew that 2009 would hold lots of opportunities for big, big decisions for me. As it turned out, CHOICE was a great word for me in 2009. My buddy, Suzy, even painted me a big ol' "CHOICE" that I love, and I intend to start collecting my "words" on my new art room wall. Hint Hint, Suzy! But, I digress. I recommend you go to Ali's blog and read back a few posts to where she is talking about her words for the past three years. You can also read through her comments to find out what other peoples' words are and, in some cases, why they chose their words!

Ok, so if you know me at all, you know I just love these kinds of little challenges. Want to know why I chose "CHOICE" last year? Well, I knew at the first of 2009 that I would be facing some really big decisions. And I am not much of a fan of "big decision" making! So, I needed to face each decision with a very conscious mind that a CHOICE would need to be made and that by making it a very conscious choice, then I was in the driver's seat and I was in a power position, so whatever came of the decision, I had to accept it as my fault... good or bad. Does that make any sense at all? I made a decision to move out of the house that is basically paid for to move into a BAH that will mean not only more acrural of debt, but also potentially many, many more years of work for me to pay that sucker off! Early retirement may also be nothing more than a dream now because of this CHOICE. On the other hand, I have two baby girls who will have more room to have friends over, pallet parties, lots of playing outside with all kinds of running room, etc. It means Todd and I will have more sanity because we have definitely outgrown our "starter" home we bought 13 years ago! This house will give me more space for my art. It will let me make design choices that I particularly enjoy. I also had to make the CHOICE to let an employee join me as director of my clinics, therefore participate in profit sharing and in making many of the critical decisions I was so accustomed to making on my own for 15 years. There were financial considerations in that choice, but moreso, there was the opportunity for me to be at the office less and with my girls more. So far, that has been a great CHOICE! I made a conscious choice to pursue my dream of returning to my roots in Art and developing my little company, MoJoy. In making this choice, I added a big ol' art room in my BAH. I also have space upstairs for what I hope are people who want to come to my house and participate in art retreats! I now have the room to totally host about 10-12 people for an art retreat weekend. I am, obviously, not there yet, but it is all part of my plan and was involved in choosing to build, get a partner, and cut my hours. I have now made another CHOICE to stay home much more. After we returned from the beach at Thanksgiving, I have not had a full patient load. I have had a full patient load, as well as do much of the administration and virtually all of the decision making, hiring, firing for, again, about 15 years. I am putting more stock in my director and basically overstaffed myself in the PT department to take myself out of the treating equation. It has been odd to not treat patients all day! I went in this past Monday and worked with adult patients before lunch. I LOVED it! I really love being a PT. I love working with patients! Young and old! I love the relationships. But I am also aware that my little girls will not be little for long! Ellie will likely be doing some sort of pre K 3 late next year... simply because I think she will want to! She loves getting out of the house and will probably be ready for some "mental challenges". I mean, you HEARD those ABC's, didn't you?! I want to be with them in our home while they are so little and so enamored with their mom! I am keenly aware that there will be a day when they are not! I intend to be much more present this year, and my 2010 word reflects that!

In years past, my words would have definitely been words like... FOCUS, DRIVE, PASSION, INSPIRE, SERVE, GROW, etc! You know how you always hear people say, "I learned so much about myself" or "I know who I am now" or "As I have gotten older, I am so much more in tune with myself or who I am", etc. Well, I kinda understand that now! Because those words reflect so much of who I am down deep in my soul, but... when you look at last year's word being CHOICE and seeing how that was a year of big transition, and this year's word being NEST... you can see how my life is kinda changing. I think most people are setting up their nest in their early 30's. Mine just needs to be set up at 40. I really considered PEACE. And I do think this is a good word. But as I reflected on why that would be my word, a lot of it had to do with myself. NEST has more to do with my family. It still has peaceful feeling to it, but I think it also has a little to do with simplicity and getting rid of things I don't need. We should be moving into our new house in March/ April, so I want to really create a NEST out of that BAH that in no way feels "cozy", because, well, honestly, there is a point at which square footage becomes not so cozy at all! I want to make mine cozy no matter what! My girls and my husband (and I!!) deserve that! NESTing to me means staying home more. Less running the roads. Less meetings and board involvement, etc. It means sleeping in with my girls, making their breakfast, and storytime every night. It means more threesome baths (sorry Todd!... and yes I DID plan for this with a big ol two person corner tub in master bathroom). I want to think about NESTing when I pick out the details for my new home. Todd and I are a fan of carpet. I know, I know... lots aren't! But I don't like the whole stained concrete craze because to me it is not cozy. I am using lots of wood and natural materials in the interior of our house. I think that will create more of a nest. Keeping fires in the fireplace and soft blankets at the ready in the den. Those are a couple of ways I can create a NEST. I welcome other ideas you may have for my NEST. I hope you get the picture of why I chose this word and what my focus will be this year.

Now, for you... I am providing a couple of links that I think will be helpful in your determining your word. And of course, I want to know your word! And if you feel like it, even the "why".

The first link is a list of words that Ali's readers have used over the years. It is a good place to start. Last night at New Year's Eve, I asked a few of my friends, mom, sister, (oh, and feminine bro in law, Don) to start looking at the list and coming up with their ideas. It is interesting, because as they looked at the list, it was like an "Aha" when they saw their word! It will be a word that just resonates with your soul! Go check it out!

List of options for your word of the year!

Next, Ali provided a link to the person who I think (?) may be the originator of the whole word of the year idea. Here is the link for you. She provides a free downloadable worksheet to help you think through your word, why you chose it, what may get in the way of it becoming your reality, what can help you make it all come to fruition, and so on. I printed it off, but haven't really worked on it just yet.

SO, I know I was wordy today. I really do like the concept of pausing to reflect at the end of an old/ beginning of a new year! It only comes around every 365 days, and as you read yesterday, you never know when your last year may come. So, think of your word. Focus on it this year. Let it be something that is needed in your life. Make it be something that you want to see more of! Ok, get to work!



MissyH said...

Wow! You're right, the light bulb came on when I picked my word. It is "Dash". Just this week a member of my church, wife of my co-worker, 37 year old mom of 5 just didn't wake up one morning. She evidently had a heart defect from birth and they were surprised she birthed 5 babies with out a problem. So, that therefore, is my word. I've been moving more toward living the dash, simply by Jake's and some other kids that I pray for, but I'm going to really make it a priority this year.

Denise said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mo. Hope you & your family are mightily blessed with health, love and lots of giggles.

About my word.... I did not look at any list whatsoever. I just knew without a doubt that my word is "accept". Big changes are coming in our household one of which is a HUGE household move from South America back to Canada. After almost 35 years of sweet living in several Latin American countries, I am going to have to "accept" that this move is very necessary, especially for our personal safety. But it is going to be HARD! I am also going to have to help the rest of the family "accept" this big change.
Big hugs to all, especially those two little cutie-pies!
{{{hugs}}} Denise

Zhohn said...

Love this post, Mo!!!
My word is "Forward". 2009 was a terrible year for me, in many ways. I must move forward and let go of my past, I keep allowing it to bring me down. And no matter what is thrown at me I must remember that I can move forward.

I am so happy that you will be able to spend more time with your girls in your new home.

Sarah Moore said...

I don't know my word yet, but I wanted to tell you that I LOVE carpet too. I let my husband talk me into getting wood floors because the carpet was awful and now I hate the wood. It doesn't feel cozy in my home like it use to. So I totally agree with you on the carpet. Some of my fondest memories of growing up was on the carpet in our living room. Now I'm off to find my word.

Anna said...

I chose the word Peace. I love the Prayer of Peace by St. Francis...
Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, let me sow pardon. It touches many lives and reminds me to be more gentle with people. Anna

Kathryn said...

I am so proud of you! I remember each and every word of the talk we had sitting on the couch that night, and I knew then you would be just fine.

My resolution every year is to try. That is it. Just try. If I succeed, great! If I don't, then I have learned something, and I did try.

I believe my word will be "be", because I think I am slipping away from that some. You know how crazy our lives are, and the challenges I face. But, I am not letting go of me. So, I am holding tight to BE!

Peace, blessings, and bring that family with you next time you visit, and don't forget poor Emily!

jneman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jneman said...

I am leaning toward the word reflection. There are many reasons and ways I am looking at this word. So many things I do and decisions I make I don't take the time for reflection before, during and after. Hopefully stopping to reflect will make 2010 a great year!
Thanks for posting this -

Cathy said...

Happy New Year!!! I had never contemplated having a "word" but now you've really got me thinking!!!! I get inspired everytime I read your blog, but this one has really reeled me in! I think I know what my word will be but I'm going to check to make sure! Thank you for sharing your lives with us--there are days when I read you to just give me a lift. You are an amazing woman-I don't know how you do it all but you do it, and it's always with love. Your girls, Todd, and family are so blessed to have you. I hope to get some of your wonderful canvases this year for me-I may just have my "word" as my request!!! Many 2010 blessings!

Unknown said...

Oh NEST is just perfect. Was reading Ali's blog last night and I like the word STORY too. Was thinking at first picking one word was hard....peace, hope, focus. THEN it hit me....PRAISE. That's my word. Mainly b/c it is the opposite of complaining. Went to spend some quiet time today making list in my new notebook someone put in my stocking and would you believe the front of my notebook said PRAISE. very cool. Now I'm looking for phrases, scriptures, songs w/ that word. Praise you in this storm....Praise God from whom all blessings flow...complain and remain, praise and be raised. MORE ideas welcome.
CHECK out this artist's website. I LOVE her paintings and she paints NESTS !!!
So glad you're getting your nest built in 2010.

Jeni said...

My word this year is "Try". I picked this word as I do not do so well with keeping promises to
myself. In 2010 I will try to....

-be patient
-spend more good quality time with my family and friends
-Enjoy all the "little" things in life
-keep promises I make to myself
-Eat healthy
-lose weight
-Quit smoking and NEVER start back up

MLP said...

Great post, Mo, and your word is perfect. I'm going to visit the sites you gave. So cool!

Martha from NC said...

Thank you for your heart warming post. NEST is a great word for 2010 for you. I'm past the "nesting" stage of life (I have 8 "grands") but I'm so excited for you.
I can't wait to go to Ali's site and read about how to find MY word. I'll be sure to let you know what it is as soon as I find it. Thanks for such a great idea.

Debbie Dankelson said...

Faith - I HAVE to learn to give everything to God and have faith that he will take care of it all. There are so many areas of my life that I need to improve but if I have total and complete faith in the Lord...everything else will come. I'm so bad about trying to control and fix everything it's time to just pray, hand it over, serve God and trust in Him.

Thank you so much for posting this!! Here's to an awesome 2010!! **clink**

tricia said...

thank you Mo...thank you so much for exciting,inspiring and motivating so many of us

Musings of a Homeschooling Mom said...

My word is "Trust". As I've been thinking about the New Year today and the things I want to accomplish this next year, I have realized that all of it is in God's hands. I just need to trust him.

Bj said...

Oh WOW!!...I am so lovin' this post Mo...such an inspiration to me! I sat here with tears (a good thing, not bad), in my eyes and a sense of renewal in my heart....and that is my word, "Renewal"!! I am 61 yrs. old and have gone thru many "changes" in my life...some good, some not so good! I went thru a terrible, life-altering divorce in 1997 and the devastation that followed was life changing for sure. Everything that I felt "safe and comfortable" with was taken away from me. Nothing was the same. I had never, NEVER, been totally on my, this was a new place for me to be! I have since remarried a simply wonderful man, whom I love with all my heart...BUT...I haven't allowed "myself" to become let go of the past...the hurt, the grief, the changes, etc. To feel the renewal of life in bask in the "new" joys and people and relationships and ways-of-doing, my word for 2010 is RENEWAL....I want to embrace this word...make it mine and mine allow it to truly "renew" me and my "new" life! Thanks so much for the idea and for allowing me to share! Sorry for rambling on so, but I'm excited about this whole concept!!....huggers, Bj

Cassie12 said...

Mo. Loved your post and love that you will be nesting with your girls more. As a grandma belive me they grow way too fast. That's why I have retired to help watch them. I love it. Sometimes it is the hardest job I have ever done but always the most rewarding. At the time I retired about 1.5 years ago my daughter left a pretty cushy state job as a psychologist to go into private practice. Her goal was to make about the same money but be with her kids more. It has been great She can work a day in each one's preschool class and work weekends instead of weekdays when I travel. Our Sofia --- 2.5 years old started preschool at 2 and loves it Ellie will be great. She is so smart. I love these blogs to see what other little ones are doing. I am going thru the steps for my lap band which should be in feb or mar. Praying it goes well. Love your blog. Don't leave us. Happy New Year. Wishing you and your family the best in 2010.

GLOANN said...

I have chosen my word and have to admit that not a lot of thought went into it as yours did. I have chosen "diligence" because I have send a need of that in my life over the last few months. I want to be diligant in fostering my relationships with family, friends and in my spiritual life. As soon as I chose my word before the end of the year, I began to see how that one little word began to influence all the ins and outs of my life. So although it was a rather quicky decision I am feeling that it was the right one for this year in my life. BTW, this is the first time I have done this. ~Gloria Martens

Beth E. said...

What a great idea...I'm gonna check it out and choose a word!

jennyjohnson said...

Happy New Year, Mo! First, I'd like to thank you for letting me follow your adventures this year. Your perspective on life in general is wonderful. I look forward to reading your blog. I have never left a comment on your blog (or any other for that matter) but really felt the need to today. My word is DETERMINED. It instantly came to mind after reading your post. I have many decisions and changes coming my way this year (many of which I hope are wonderful)and I believe that with a little focus and determination I will succeed.
Thanks again for the "JOY".

Emily said...

My word is definitely going to be BALANCE. This is something I definitely struggled with in 2009 and am determined to discover this year.

kate523 said...

Great post Mel! You are so right about trying to slow down and enjoy this time with your babies. It goes by so fast. In a couple of short years Ellie will be in Kindergarten.

I think my word is Patience. I definitely need more of that. This past 6 months, have been so crazy at work. I'm forced to commute more to work (I have a 90 min - 2 hr commute 1 way twice a ). As well as work 50+ hours a week. I'm usually feeling stressed out trying to still spend time with my family. I have had to give up my gym time so that I could squeeze the extra work hours in before I take my son to school. I know if I can be patience, work will slow down a bit so I'm not running around like a crazy person with a short fuse.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Rebecca B. said...

I need some help on my word for 2010. I want to get my finances in order. Some of the words I thought of were control (I need to control my spending, reduce (reduce my debt), save (speaks for itself), prosperity (if I get my finances in order I will prosper) or frugal (I need to be more frugal and not so impulsive). So, any thoughts, opinions and advice would be appreciated. Thank you Mo. This is a great challenge.

Tracy said...

My word is organisation - I need to get some!

Anonymous said...

Connect! After reading through a few ideas, a word jumped out at me. I want to connect more with my children and my husband. I am going to need to connect and find new friends when we move from Iowa to Illinios in a few months. I want to connect more with myself and figure out what really makes me happy as I attempt to finish my BA. Up until a year ago I've lived close to my family, but now I need to find a new way to connect to my family that lives 7 hours away. Yes, connect is definetly a good word for me...Thanks Mo for the suggestion!!!

Kim said...

I would love for my word to be Hope... I am hopeful after waiting almost two years this would be our year to be blessed with a baby. I also have so many dear friend's that are faced with this same difficulty. But I have realized my word should be Patience. It is unfortunately not our time but His time. Wiki defines Patience as: the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

So I have claimed Patience as my work of the year! Thanks for this Mo. I needed this. I also love your word and think it is perfect!!

Jen said...

Wow! What a great idea to start each year with. I think my word for this year is going to have to be FAITH. After a rough end to 2009, we lost our beloved pet, who has been our surrogate child our entire marriage, we are hoping to expand our family this year and I need to remember to have FAITH because there is a wonderful SOMEONE out there who has a plan for us if we just have some FAITH in HIM. Thank you for the wonderful ideas, and I hope that your NESTing makes 2010 a wonderful year for you and your family.

Beverly said...

My 'word' is two words to make it work for me. It is - simply change. Change is hard for me and if I make it simple I feel like I can make it work. I spent several years taking care of my parents and a troubled child that somewhere along the line I lost my life. I can't seem to find it again. There are so many changes I need to make that it is overwhelming but if I put simple in there it seems to take the overwhelming out of it. This way I don't have to stop eating chocolate for the rest of my life (is that even possible?). But I CAN change when and how much I eat. So I'm going to make simple changes and simply be happier and healthier in the process. I don't regret a moment I gave to my parents or my child but my parents are gone and my child, though special needs, is happy and in a good place. It's actually a relief that I don't have to make all those drastic changes, perhaps I will, but relief is there knowing DRASTIC changes are not a part of my plan. I'm even starting to look forward to figuring out the simple changes I CAN try to make. It really is time for me. Thanks Mo!

Stacey said...

Oh Mo, what a great post. I've been noodling over the past couple of days ever since I read your words. I think my word for this year is positive -- with myself, with my family, with others, at the kids' school. I'm really happy with this. Thanks for the inspiration. Maybe we could all check in quarterly to see how the word is working for the year?

Beth said...

Oh Mo I love the word of the year! I have chosen my word it is FOCUS-I have taken it once step further to help me identify areas within FOCUS that I want to work on:

I have now challenged my family to each come up with a word! What a GREAT idea!
Thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

My word for 2010 will be forgive. I need to forgive myself most. By not forgiving others I am only hurting myself. Thanks Mo!

Mary said...

My word is Patience... I need some, with my kids, husband & with every day things...

Angie H. said...

is my 2010 word...
I am determined to be so much more in 2010 than I wasn before.
Angie H.
Soso, MS

KK said...

My word for 2010 is Simplify. I think I need to simplify my life by cleaning out, getting rid of things that I don't need and learning to say no, when I need to do so. Thanks Mo for this challenge.

randybethmo said...

Hi There! What a FANTASTIC idea you are sharing! This really got me thinking out here in CA... Kind of got my head out of the fog that has surrounded us for a few days. I am trying to choose between two words CLEANSE and FAITH. Cleanse my mind and soul and have the Faith to know that God will keep everything together without a lot of my "help"....

Your word so fits you -- well, just by my reading about you and all. I think I will pass these by my hubby and see if he thinks maybe we should have a "family word" too. Hmmmmm....still thinking....

Happy New Year!

Amy K said...

I tried to post yesterday morning, but my computer went wonky and is now in the shop.
At any rate, thank you for posting this. What a wonderful idea!
My word for 2010 is Reformation. There are some things in my life that need reforming, revitalizing, redefining, renewing, and mostly rediscovering myself, so I decided that Reformation pretty much encompasses all these things!
Looking forward to whatever projects/activities you come up with to help keep us accountable to our word.

Ness said...

My word is the same one I adoped on 07/19/2005 when I received my cancer diagnosis....BELIEVE.

But this year I am also adding the word SIMPLIFY. I am simplifying my life, my home, my battles, etc.

And one more word...DASH. I want my DASH to count with the time I have left. I wasn't too careful the first 51 years about my DASH but I sure am now.

Nora said...

Well, Mo, I read this post a few days ago and have been was hard! My 2010 word will be PERSEVERANCE. On October 26, I went into premature labor and delivered two baby girls. One, Josie Claire, woke up in Heaven and the other, Kelsey Elise is still in the NICU but persevering every single day. She and her big sister have given me so many reasons to persever in life! Thanks for the post....and I am looking forward to hearing the results of the Jessi/Mo pow-wow!!

Jana said...

My word of 2010, which is so appropriate for every aspect of my life right now is "Beginnings". Attending a new church, moving to our first new home with my hubby and our 2 boys, making healthier choices to have a "new" me, promoted to a new position. My life is ALL about beginning anew right now!

Jenn_N_Luc said...

Melanie, I just love all of your posts...but, this just may be my favorite. And, MAN, did it ever make me stop and think. Words just kept jumping out at me...Trust, Surrender, Still, Self-Assured, Restore, Relationships, Believe, Promise...well, as you can see, I could go on! I have had a hard time settling on just ONE. But, I did...
PROMISE is my word. I have had a stressful year. I have tried to be the one in control and have not allowed God to be any part of it. Yes, I am admitting this. So...this year, I am standing FIRMLY on HIS promise for me! I'm not sure exactly what that is going to mean as far as my life's journey...but, it is His Will and HIS Promise for me.

20Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. Romans 4:20-21

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

(Sorry for the rambling!)

Becky said...

i was thinking that i had a word...but will have to ponder a little bit longer. i looked at Ali's sight and a word hit me instantly...but will still mull it over.

you know i have trouble keeping up w/ a blog, but i would really like to do this challenge!!

good to see you today!