Oh, I am so proud of so many of you! But I think there may be a few more. And I am planning some fun things for the year for those who have a word. I don't have it exactly lined out yet, but I am still "planning" it nonetheless. And I don't want anyone who wanted to play to be left out. Part of committing to your word (and yes, Cathy, committing and SAYING it out loud is a big part of goal acquisition!), is putting it out there for others to read and see. It is saying, "THIS IS MY WORD. I AM ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY for this word!" So, if you have no idea what I am talking about, read back a couple of posts, then sign in and post your word. It is going to be a great 2010!
Pam, where are you? Nicole? Mom? DeeDee? Granddad? Staci? Don? Tamy? Lindsay? Beth, didnt' hear back from you! Mindy.. this should be a big year for you! What do you want to see more of in your (and baby boy love's ) life? Emily? Kellye H? Paula? KK, Judy, Julie, Mary Allison, Courtney, McKenzie, Pepper, Kendra, Rhonda, Jill, .... I have a whole list of people I am waiting to hear from! Don't make me call you out! Ummm hmmm... didn't think I was paying attention, did ya?!
At first I was thinking my word would be affecionate, but after reviewing the list again I'm gonna go with Let go. Let go of extra weight, clutter
I'm going with FAITH. Speaks for itself.
Mine is going to have to be change! It seems rather plain BUT....if you knew what all I needed to change! Too much to talk about at this moment, but I for sure plan on doing something about it this year! Thanks for this idea....Gonna be great!
Ok....the first word that came to my mind was COMPLETE! I wanted to think it through and make sure this is the word for me.....and it is!! There is so much that I need to complete ~ starting with myself....I need to complete the weightloss and get back where I want to be, I need to complete the organization of my home, I need to complete my finances and get them in a good working order so I can one day (hopefully sooner than later!) get that "real" home I am longing for, I need to complete getting my families business back to profitable again (the slumping 2009 economy took a toll on us). So much to complete.....but working little by little I know I will be amazed at what I can do once I stick to the the task and COMPLETE!!
Thank you Mo for putting this into persepective. You are truly inspirational ~ and I thank you for that! NEST is just perfect for you!
Love your blog and your ideas - especially this one. My word will be moderation (as in everything in.)
My word is definitely 'BEGINNINGS' for this year. It is the beginning of several major things in my life. I believe stating my word will help me begin my journey this year. Glad you shared this idea and your word. Like many others there are lots of words i considered but this word just spoke to me and then seeing it on the list told me it had to be my word!
I didn't do so well on my OLW last year - 'Focus'. I had thought I was going to use 'Discipline', but as the week went on, I thought that sounded awful harsh. I have decided on 'Purpose'. As in, 'do everything with Purpose'. Spending my time & money with purpose, moving towards long-term goals with purpose, and even having fun on purpose! Thanks for keeping me accountable, I have loved your blog since its beginnings!
Dang!! Good call out :) If I was even the Lindsay you were calling out -- it worked!! My word is FOCUS -- related to yours about nesting -- but in 2009 I spread myself too thin on too many things, this year my goal is to have the few I care about most -- family,friends, at work and "extracurricular" and FOCUS on those few. I guess that means another word for the year is saying NO :)
I have followed your blog for a couple of years now and LOVE it!! I've never left any comments, but I feel like I should now with this challenge. I believe my word this year will be CHANGE! There are lots of things that I need to change, but the first is to change my relationship with the Lord. I know once I put that where it needs to be everything else will come with ease. You are an inspiration and I LOVE your babies! Jake means so much to me and I've never met him. When I see 11:11 I smile and thank him! Love you!
I think my word will be adventurous!! We started a new business and with 2 kids and traveling around it will be an adventure. I am gonna be faithful and pray that everything goes according to the Lord's will!!! Thanks for the challenge!!
My word is INTEGRITY. To tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. To live and be motivated by honest motives. Should be a character stengthener and work!
My word is "smile". Instead of getting frustrated, yelling, screaming, crying or throwing my hands up in despair, I am going to smile my way through the little things and hope to achieve a more positive attitude.
Mo, my word is acceptance. Great idea. I've already used it several times.
I am going to come out of my shell and absorb.
It is to hard to put into words right now the reasons but in time it will flow more freely.
I am loving my BE. The trip back home was kind of brutal in the way that airlines are these days. I just BE'd myself right through it.
Thank you. Thank you!
My 2010 word is ACCEPT. I want to ACCEPT the things/people that I cannot change and ACCEPT nothing but the best from myself. I graduate from nursing school in May from ULM and will be ACCEPTING a diploma and a job offer! I also need to ACCEPT that God's timing is perfect and ACCEPT that He DOES know what He's doing. :)
TIME - I need to better manage my time with my "real job" and my side business, but most importantly my little boy and husband. So - here is to realizing that a clean house is not as important as playing in the floor!
I think my word will be accomplish. One of the meanings I found was to bring about an intended result; accomplish some purpose or effect. There are several things I need to accomplish this year. I always say Im going to do something and dont. I need to lose weight, clean out my closet, and most important get back on track with my relationship with God. These are three things on my list to accomplish.
After pondering this for a few days, I think that SIMPLIFY will cover all my bases. From home to work to play to finances to organization, I think it will work! I was in Canton over the weekend and needed to find me a "Simplify" sign, but that didn't happen.
Hey Melanie. My word for this year is CHANGE. There are several things that I need to change in my life and this is the year for me to do it.
Love you!
My word for the year is Nurture. There are several areas in my life/family/home that need to be nurtured and this is just the year to do it!! Bring it on 2010!!
I love this idea. My word for this year is DISCOVER. I want to discover all God has for me. Discover how to be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter and sister. Discover my passion, new dreams, new attitude toward conflict and dissappointment. Discover a healthy me. Discover all my creator has for me in 2010.
Okay, you outed me so I'll have to give you my word "Live". I chose the word before I checked the list and it is included. Love, Granddad.
Family is going to be my word for 2010. I think sometimes I get so caught up in day to day life that I forget how blessed I am with a wonderfuly husband, son, Mom, and Dad. I want to focus of spending more quality time with all of them.
This is a great way to make you stop and really think about your life and where you are and where you think you should be at this point. When I first read your blog "breathe" came to mind. I often find myself getting so overwhelmed with daily life that I sometimes forget to just stop and breathe it all in and enjoy each and every moment that comes into my path. But while I was "breathing" and thinking about the past and the new year MY word came to me. COMPLETE! There are so many things I need to complete in 2010 and things that are already in the process of being completed. I am not one to put myself first, never have. But, I have realized that if I want to succeed in my goal of completion that I will have to start with myself. Also, my family will be complete. My mom is moving to NWA to be closer to her grandbabies and me. My husband and I just had our 4th (and final) baby, so I feel that our family is COMPLETE. We have moved my grandmother to a nursing home up here as well. She is not going to be with us much longer but for the days that she is here we are COMPLETE as a family. There are many other things on my list waiting for completion but I know with family being here, I am off to a great start! Life is GOOD!!
Ok, I'm not that good at this stuff, but I guess I'm gonna go for DISCIPLINE. That's gonna be our "family word". My mom and sister think its a really good one. We want to be more disciplined in our spiritual life. We also want to be more disciplined in our academics as well as with our exercise schedule.
My very first Word of the year is: Participate.
I want to be a more active participant in the things that affect me and my families lives, instead of being passive and letting others make decisions that affect us all. Thanks, I love this idea!
Ok....I was going to quietly lurk on this whole word thing, but then you mentioned something fun might happen and I wouldn't want to miss out!
My word for the year is TRANSITION. My family will be changing with the adoption of our youngest son. I too feel like you in that I need to be at home more with my kids while they are young. I have always worked so beginning to look at how I can either be at home full time or figure a way to make part time work. As well, I NEED to make a transition in my spiritual life and make more time for God than I currently do. I also need to transition my eating habits and overall health. So transition seemed to be the word that would fit all of those things.
Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
My word was Choices. After reading your Blog, I posted a challenge on my Facebook & it was really interesting to see all of the words my friends came up with. Thanks Mo!!
My word for the year is going to be TRY
I am going to TRY many things this year
TRY to quit smoking
TRY to eat better
TRY to exserise more
TRY new things that I would never do
TRY to smile more
TRY not to let stress get to me
TRY to love my job
TRY to spend more time with my camera and Photoshop
TRY to be a better Mom & Wife
And the list goes on & on...
So many things I NEED to TRY this year!
My word is LOSE!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! I've been thinking about it since you first posted. I have decided that my word for 2010 is EXPLORE. I want to further explore my opportunities career-wise (I recently became self-employed), explore my new interest-photography- and just get outside more and explore God's beauty. Can't wait to carry this out throughout the year!
Nothing like being called out to force you to do something! But I'm so glad you did-I love this idea! So, after looking over the list, my word for 2010 is PAUSE. I want to PAUSE as often as possible to spend quality time with Shelbi and to acknowledge and enjoy all God's handiwork and His many blessings. With all my many responsibilities, I rarely PAUSE-but for 2010 that will be my goal! Thanks Mel!
Okay, okay I'm going to choose my word. It's CHERISH! I have so much to be thankful for and I need to cherish my family, my friends and all that I have been blessed with. Life is uncertain...cherish each day. That's what I'm going to do in 2010.
I have struggled with this - my word is DETERMINED.
Me Jill?! Gosh! I have been pondering this one for a while and its going to be such a huge year for us so I am having trouble coming up with one! TRUST. I think it will be TRUST. Heres to TRUSTING that God is in control and he will not leave us of forsake us. Trust that Hutton will be fine as we TRUST God will work out the details and take care of her and us. Trust HIM when Doctors think they have the answers. TRUST.
I've been thinking about it for the past few days...my word is FOCUS. Without focusing I won't be able to get even the simplest things accomplished let alone the "biggies".
I'm checking in my word Mo!!
Mine is CHANGE, CHANGE is such a tricky word for me! I'm such a person of "habit" that even the slightest change sends me into a tailspin! I have always hated that "about myself"! I think the past year has taught me that "CHANGE" is a GOOD THING in so many ways! As you the now the SNEKCIP household had quite a "CHANGE"!
*I have so many things I want to CHANGE about myself,
*I want to CHANGE the way I handle the finances
*I want to CHANGE the way I take my husband for granted
*I want to CHANGE my Sunday habits and get back to going to church as a family
*I want to CHANGE my eating habits
*I want to basically have more CHANGE in my pocket and not live paycheck to paycheck! I guess that falls under finances!! LOL!
*I want to CHANGE my time management habits (yes, that even includes my computer time)YIKES!
I think CHANGE is definitely the WORD FOR ME!!!
Thank you for this great idea
OK...I have not posted in F O R E V E R, but I had to get in on this one. My word for this year is SPOKEN.
After much thought, my word is Self. All kinds of reasons behind my final choice of a word but in a nutshell, in the past 5 or 6 years I have really neglected myself and have allowed some of the people closest to me to treat me in a way that is less than what I deserve. That stops in 2010! I am so looking forward to this year and can't wait until this time next year when I can look back and see how far I have come. Thanks, Melanie....your post on choosing a word really inspired me. I like this so much better than making my same old "gonna lose weight this year" resolution!!
Okay - I'm gonna go for it. My word for 2010 is DARE. Dare to do a LOT of things. DARE to quit playing it safe. DARE to let go and trust God more. DARE to be bold and reach out to others. DARE to simplify my life. I could go on, but I'm scaring myself!
After much thought, my word is Self. All kinds of reasons behind my final choice of a word but in a nutshell, in the past 5 or 6 years I have really neglected myself and have allowed some of the people closest to me to treat me in a way that is less than what I deserve. That stops in 2010! I am so looking forward to this year and can't wait until this time next year when I can look back and see how far I have come. Thanks, Melanie....your post on choosing a word really inspired me. I like this so much better than making my same old "gonna lose weight this year" resolution!!
You DO notice everything! My word will be fortify. To make strong, to give courage, to add mental or moral strength, to add material for enriching. I will continue to make my body strong, I will encourage my friends & myself! I will keep my borders strong by establishing boundaries (saying no!). I will give to my sons & husband and enrich their lives. I think this word fits perfectly for my goals in 2010!
My word will be "perspective". It is always about how you look at it or look at yourself. Knowing where I stand as part of the whole and knowing that it changes just as photographs do when you move just a little bit or the light moves a little bit!
Thanks for posting about this three times. The first post inspired me to come up with a list of possible words. Your second post inspired me to narrow it down. This third post has inspired me to "publish" my word of the year: PURPOSE. Thanks again!
Where do I begin.. I have gave it much thought and I think I need to go with accomplished.. Because I feel this year I have so much to accomplish. Adopting my niece and nephew that I have been caring for since birth, being the wife my husband needs me to be, Being the mom to all my kids that I need to be and finally being true to myself.
I picked Enjoy for my 2010 word. I want to enjoy life more... to ENJOY..God,family, friends, church and even work...to the fullest.
OOPS..think I posted mine back a couple of entries.oh well...I have enjoyed reading all the word chosen...good perspectives...sounds like a lot of us share the same thoughts...so glad you made me think...
Great exercise...I have to go with FOCUS. I need to focus on God, family, finishing some projects and finding a new direction now that my kids are getting older.
I tried to post yesterday but just couldn't figure out my password for the site (guess I need to comment more often! :P) I did pick a word (GREAT idea by the way - love it!) and decided it will be "PURPOSE". This year will be filled with times at work and home which may put strains on enjoying our daily life, and my word will hopefully remind me that we are doing these things for a very important purpose, hopefully it will be there to keep us pushing forward... Also we are hoping to be blessed in other ways this year but need to remember that "whatever happens", there is a purpose behind it.
My word is "Commit" - I am committing to lose this extra weight, committing to get my house in order, and committing to be an all around better person in 2010!
THere I said it, it is now in writing for all to see! :0)
I best get started!
My word would be "COMMIT"! I need to commit to lose the weight that I have put off doing over the years! I need to commit to exercising daily! I need to commit more time to God and my family! These are the things I need to do this year and quit putting it off!
Got it finally!! Let Go!!! So much baggage too little time!! Looking forward to this challenge!!!
DANCE. I'm too long winded to explain in a comment, so I wrote a blog entry about it. :)
After much consideration - and also pressure from a certain person...who shall remain nameless - I have chosen the word BALANCE. :-)
BALANCE has not been part of my vocabulary. I am (as hubby Bill lovingly calls me) "excessive-obsessive-compulsive" in most areas of my life.
With BALANCE, I will eat a healthier diet and get enough rest. I will have an active lifestyle, but will not overextend myself. I will allow myself to have down time.
I will know when to stand firm as a parent, and when to let go. I will not place undue pressure upon myself to get things accomplished. I will not try to do everything all at once, but will follow a schedule to do the job correctly. With balance, I will be aware that no one - NO ONE - is perfect.
I will allow myself time to refresh, renew, revive, and re-energize. With balance, I will be able to manage my time while I'm at work, and leave it there. I will focus on my family when I am home.
Balance will help me to prioritize in every aspect of my life. God will be at the center...he will be the foundation for me to achieve balance.
I will grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually in a balanced lifestyle.
Thanks, Mo!
What a great idea. At first I thought my word would be completion, but after thinking about it and speaking with my husband, I decided that a better word would be MOTIVATED. There are so many things I want to accomplish this year, motivation will get them done.
I haven't finalized my word - but i'm working on - just opened up the worksheet so i can get down to the big decision!!!
ok -- coming out of "lurkdom" FAMILY
This is such a great idea and I've been pondering for days what my word should be and I've had such a hard time making my decision but I think my word for this year is going to be CHERISH. My boys are growing up and I'm going to cherish the time I still have with them here at home, I'm going to cherish my husband, my friends, my family. I'm going to build special memories that I can cherish forever.
I have been working on the worksheet for a few days and have been through many words. I think I have settled on GRATITUDE. Living with a progressive disease that affects every aspect of my day and has taken so much from me these past few years can make it difficult to remember what you have not lost. So, this year my word will be GRATITUDE and I will use it to ground me and remind me to be thankful and to remain positive about my life's journey no matter where it takes me.
I am going to go with ACCEPTANCE!
My word for the year is FAITH!
What a great idea! Even though a few others have used it already, I really do think FOCUS fits for this coming year.
My word is embrace. I want to embrace life, embrace my husband, embrace my kids & grandkids, embrace my friends and embrace my God. I've been fighting a rare cancer for 2 1/2 years and it has been quite a roller coaster ride. After several surgeries and radiation (chemo doesn't work well with this cancer) my options were grim. I decided to get a 2nd opinion and thank God I did. I went through a tough procedure and now I am tumor and cancer free! So I want to embrace everyone who helped me through my recovery and I want to embrace you for sharing this with us. I had several words picked out but I decided I want to embrace and be embraced, with love and good health!
I'm here, I'm here! Last call, but I'm here! I struggled, but after careful consideration, inward looking and insomnia, I am choosing ACKNOWLEDGE! I will embrace MY word of the year! Love you for doing this!
My word is simply going to be "Do" since there are so many things I put off or never do for no good reason!
My word will be "determination" I am determined to finish college!
What a great topic Mo. It's taken me a while to figure out what my word should be. I am going to go with GRATITUDE. I will start each day naming all the things that I am grateful for.
I haven't updated my blog to formally "release" my word to the world, so you are privelidged :) My word for 2010 is BREATHE. I love this idea and I love my word.
My word for the year is MONEY. I need more of it. Gotta find a better way to manage it, save it, acquire it. I need a new job that pays more MONEY. I need to save MONEY, my babies will need to go to college soon. I am speaking wealth into my life daily.
keep trying and I'll finally join in... my word for 2009 is
I am going with FAITH. My faith is something that is very dear to me but also something I tend to put on the back burner. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store!
"Don't make me call you out"? Girl, I think you just did!
My word is FAITH. I need to put more faith in things that are out of my control. Putting my faith in GOD I know all things will work out in his plan.
Patience. That is my word for the next year. My goal is to have more patience with everyone around me. With my son, who is in the challenging "2's", my husband who just moves at a slower pace than I do, my desire to move to a different career (need to finish school first!), and with my staff. With so much going on this year both personally and professionally, I need to focus on having patience in all aspects of my life, especially with myself. I hope by writing it down I'll remember it often!
I'm choosing HOPE. Without hope there is despair. I want to build hope, create hope, and recognize hope this year, then use that feeling to grow and learn something good.
Love your blog......have decided that my word for the year is.... choices...
Thanks for telling us about this Mo. I've never heard of it before, but over the past few days it has really sunk in and seems like a great idea. I've been thinking about it, and I think my word is going to remind me of something I have been avoiding. Sometimes there are things that float just below the surface. You know they're there, but it is SO EASY to ignore them. Namely, my word is going to encourage me to ask myself: "Am I really trying my hardest?"
It's funny, I am really doing great in my life, well, fine anyway, and from the outside looking in, I'm sure people think that things are great, but really I know there are certain things I could be doing to try a little bit harder and make myself more successful and content in all aspects of my life (work, home, socially, financially). So, my word of the year is EFFORT. I want to remind myself to give it more of my GENIUNE EFFORT, and not what I know is just enough.
I am just about to turn 28 - and I am going to make a pro-active EFFORT to realize what I know I am capable of.
Thank you Mo!
Maggie (the pedi PT in Boston)
My word will be acceptance. I want to accept the things I can't change and love people for who they are, including myself. Accept the fact that I will never look like Christie Brinkley, accept the fact that my family is no more perfect than anyone else's, accept the small things my husband does for me out of love, and forgive his lapses in memory over the other things. Acceptance in my love for God, family, and others. Yes, my word is acceptance.
My word is going to be change. There is a lot of changing going on in my life and famliy.
Ok. This has taken me awhile and I'm still not sure I've got the right word, but I have chosen determined. Too many reasons for choosing this word, so I'll leave it at that!
My word is SIMPLIFY. I'm a pediatric SLP in AR, and I have 2 offices. I had to move one office last week, and next week the other office is moving, AND we're selling our house and downsizing! I'm simplifying my life so that I can enjoy and LIVE my life! Thanks for your blog...I'm a lurker, but I'm getting out more. ; )
Sarah in AR
My word is Discover. I'm graduating from college in May and I have no clue what I'm going to do with myself. I want to take some time to discover who I am, what I love, and explore some of my passions with hope that the Lord will show me what He has in store for me.
Hey Mo....I decided my word for 2010 will be Serenity.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
hugs from Missouri!
So I don't like to make New Year's resolutions because they always get broken, but I think this may be a new way to look at it. I have been thinking about it every since your first post and my word is....CLEAN! Everything in my life needs to be clean and clutter free from my house, car, office and even my life (drama free)! So there you go.
Been a long time follower, you are a great inspiration!! Just silently follow - but now you have me!! I am gonna try this. I pick PEACE. Peace on the choices I have made, Peace on life is OK, Peace my son is coming home from Iraq - Peace is the word!!! (WOW - straight out of Grease!! HA HA)
Thanks for the challenge!! Now can we challenge you - send some warm weather to Wisconsin - lol!!
My word for 2010 is going to be MANAGE. There are many things in my life I need to manage better, specifically my finances. So MANAGE it is.
Okay you got me with my name being posted out there for everybody to see. lol My word is going to be CHERISH. I need to cherish the time I have with my family more. I need to cherish my mom moving back in even with the aggravating things.
"LIVE" that is it. Hope I can make it work. There is so much to do to live and that is what my focus will be. Spend less time worrying and more living. There are so many elements that play in a word. Wonder if anyone ever morphs their word to something else as the time goes? This is the first for me.... so we will see.
I have thought long and hard about my word and I have decided that my word needs to be "adjust". Somewhat like your "nesting", I have had many changes in my life recently and I have several places in my life I need to "adjust" things. Not necessarily to the degree of chasnge adjust.
I'm going with TRUST, I need to trust people around me more to help me, so I can do a little more for me this year and not think I'm the only one that can do everything.
My word is TREASURE. I chose this word for many reasons;
#1 my husband Ken was diagnosed with terminal metastasized prostate cancer at the age of 47 so each moment with him is a TREASURE!
#2 our first grandbaby was born in November so we are going TREASURE every stage in his precious first year.
#3 This is our youngest of five children's senior year and we are TREASURING each event, dance, game, trip, meeting, practice that comes with having kids in school. I know I will actually miss all of those things.
Thanks for this idea, I think that I will be very greatful for really focusing on all of the TREASURED moments of 2010
I've been thinking about this since you first posted . . .the word that keeps coming to mind is Enjoy - I'm going to celebrate life this year and live each day with joy. I'm going to enjoy my job, enjoy my family and friends, enjoy going to worship each week.
My word is going to be determined. I have so many things that I want to do this year that I will have to be determined in order to do them all...
My word is ADAPT or "venture out".
I want to get outside my comfort zone and get used to trying new things. I 'm the cautious one in the family and I want to loosen up and not be a "worry wart" =P lol! Happy New Year! 2010! (Sorry I'm a little late)
Mo - Great idea on the word. I never thought about that. My word is "patience". I always thought of myself as patient until I had my second child and boy are the 2 boys teaching me how much more patience I need. I want to have patience with my husband, kids, job etc. Love your blog. Thanks for calling me out by the way, it forced me to learn how to comment. Kendra
I choose FAMILY. 2009 has been a very trying year for our family and I choose this word in hopes to bring our family closer by working together on this thoughtful and inspiring project.
My word is JOY. I haven't had much joy in my heart lately. So I have decided to look at things differently and try hard to find the JOY!
I have been following your blog for a couple years now. I thought about your challenge and I am going to make the time to do this "for me". It will be something great to pass onto the kids when I am old an grey! My word is "CHANGE". I love that you are going to provide a downloadable tag. I have to only keep them all together and answer the questions. Cannot wait to start.
I'm going with "complete". Stealing from someone else, but I really need to make my life about completing things this year - something - ANYTHING. I'm the Queen of Incomplete at the moment.
OK OK!!! I have been thinking and I couldnt really figure out what I felt I wanted more than anything... I want to be HAPPY. I want my kids to be HAPPY. I want to sit back, count my blessings, finish projects, and be HAPPY. I figured out tonight... the only place that I am HAPPY and content... is at work. Once I come home... Not so much. and its all stuff i can change. So.. I want to be HAPPY. or wait... do I want CONTENT? NO..content would feel like settleing... I want HAPPY.
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