Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gabbi and her purse.

Nevermind we look like folks from the other side of the track, with a diaper falling off and no pants to speak of....

What is funny here is that anytime I am home, Gabbi feels like she needs to demonstrate her prowess at gathering things and walking back and forth with them without losing her balance!

First, it may be a purse (usually is, in fact). Then, she prances in front of me with that mouth full of choppers, all smiles!
Very shortly thereafter, she has picked up a dirty sock or a packet of soup, or one of many, many rubberbands/headbands that happens to be in the middle of our den floor...
and then Miss Chunky Legs comes strolling back with her "tings", smiling big as you please. Simple pleasures! This is going to be a fun Christmas.



MLP said...

What a cutie patooooooooooty!!!

Beth E. said...

I love those chunky legs!

Denise said...

Mo ~ Your kiddies are so cute! And I'm loving Ellie's long curly hair! Yep, you & Todd are going to have a super Christmas this year.
Many blessings,

Bj said...

GEEEZZZZZZ....wish I could be hidden somewhere near your Christmas tree on Christmas morning...complete with camera in I could get some pics to die babies are so precious and so dang are truly blessed Mo and I know that you know that!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours.....huggers, Bj

Rhonda said...

This is going to be a VERY FUN Christmas with those two precious baby girls! Oh goodness!! But you know what, those THIGHS on that baby - I just want to squeeze them!! So cute!

Christie said...

It will just keep getting better and better.

Christie said...

It will just keep getting better and better.

Carrie said...

Those chubby little thighs! I could just eat those ham hocks right up!!!!