Get your Pops to ride on a 2' tall mini bike with training wheels on it. And just for kicks, feel the breeze in your 3 sprigs of hair!
Sing "Live Like You Were Dying" at the top of your lungs in a parking lot with your brothers.
Give lots and lots of big, tight hugs!
Act silly with your friends. Remember it is all about attitude!
Laugh at it all whenever possible!
Remember the wide eyed joy of Christmas morning. and the THRILL of being "home home" with your family!
Maybe break a rule or two... with wild abandonment, ride wide open on the beach!
Dream big! No matter the circumstances! Just keep the big picture in mind.
Oh what the heck... break another rule! Go swimming whenever possible!
Have or give big parties. Life is a celebration. There is ALWAYS something to have a party about!
Try new things. Be brave and courageous.
And did I mention laugh a lot with the ones you love?
But most of all... make sure that the ones you love KNOW it!
Hug them.
Squeeze them!
Hold them very close... physically....
and in your heart of hearts!
Because you just never know!
You may be 4 years old or you may be 80 years old...
But one thing is for sure. Your time is coming!
And that is A-OK!
Because if you have lived right, and you know Jesus....
we will all be together again!
Have an inspired and happy 2010~
That is so awesome! Thanks for the beautiful reminders of Jake's very full life. What an example he is!
What a great tribute to little Jake! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2010!
ok...I have been a little sappy all day today..this put me over the top! I have tears running down my cheeks, Awesome post MO! thank for sharing your family. You are all in my prayers
Oh what a wonderful reminder! It's just so hard to believe that Jake would be 8 today. Case will be 8 on Tuesday and I often look at him and imagine how big Jake would be..Loved the pictures and the reminders..especially liked seeing the picture of Don's mother with the children. You have all been in our thoughts and prayers...We BELIEVE..
wonderful wonderful post!
Oh MO!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sitting here crying looking at the joy in these photos, he lived an amazing life in his few short years here on earth. . . .the tribute to him is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday JAKE!
Happy New Year guys!
That is so beautiful. What a wonderful tribute to Jake and a great example we should all live our lives. Happy New Year to you and your family!
WOW...through tears
I loved that little guy and don't even know him... His smile and the sparkle in his eyes just captured my heart. God Bless you all in 2010!
Happy Birthday Jake! We even share this day. My sweet hubby and I were married 38 years ago today!
I love, love, love this! It is absolutely beautiful-Happy New Year and all the best in 2010~
I know I don't leave comments very often but I just had to today.. I have tears streaming down my face while I am reading this...I fell in love with Jake thru his Caringbridge site in early 2005 and ever since I have had a soft spot for all of his family. The last 7 New Years eve's have been just depressing to me...Most people see the New Year as fun but I just see it as another year I have to live thru without my mom....BUT I force a smile on my face and suck it up for everyone else...Well after reading this and wiping these tears away i'm gonna go give my hubby and my 2 kids a great big hug and be thankful for all the blessings that GOD has given me...I need to stop being so negitive today...I need to LIVE LIFE!! Thank you so much Mo for pulling me out of my hole tonight...And I am so sorry to hear about your Poppy....You all will be in my prayers tonight....Much love to you all.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Jake has truly been an inspiration to me! Holding Jake close in my heart of hearts...today, and always!
Love and prayers to you and your family, Mo.
I have no words, just lots of hugs and love coming your way..What a beautiful tribute to two very special men in your life. Happy New Year Mo to you and your entire family!
Happy Birthday Jake!!!! In 4 short years to taught a lot of people how to live, love & believe!!!! Enjoy having Poppa with you in heaven for your birthday!!!
Beautiful, Mo!
Happy Birthday Jake! I still have to say "Hi Jakey-Poo" everytime I see 11:11 on the clock (which is almost daily).
Hugs to your whole family.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Mo. I always love pictures of Jake.
Happy Birthday Day to the blue eyed angel who taught me to BELIEVE.
Thoughts and prayers are with all of you, now and always.
That was an awesome post, MO! Always remembering Jake and praying for your family as you had to say goodbye to you Poppa. Hard to believe Jake would have been 8. Missing that sweet boy. Happy Birthday sweet Jake!
Good Lawd at the FROG in my throat... this always gets me!!! I loved him, and did not ever even get to meet him... but one day I will!
What a gret tribute to a great little boy. Sorry about your Poppa. I'm sure he and Jake are celebrating in heaven together.
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
Happy New Year!
May the Lord continue to richly bless your precious family in 2010!
Mo - Loved those pictures and your comments. Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year.
Smiles through tears -- that boy's smile would melt anyone's heart! Just a reminder of how we came to know and love your family -- through one precious little boy and all he taught us!
Hugs and Prayers, and Happy New Year wishes to you all...
The tears are streaming down my face. I can't think of any better words for me (or anyone) to read as we finish off 2009 and begin 2010. Thank you for sharing that precious little boy's life with us. He inspires!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Mo...couldn't think of a better way to start 2010 this morning! You picked some of the very best pictures too...with some heartfelt messages we should all apply to our own lives. So sorry about your Poppa. Hope you & Todd and the girlies have a wonderful 2010!
nice tribute to Jake... Happy Birthday Jake
Mo this post was Just Awesome to start a New Year out with. I have to have my MoJoy time everymorning to get me going. Jake was an inspiration to so many of us. Thank you for sharing his life and your life with the world. Love to all you Sandy
So sorry to hear about your Poppa. Great pics of Jake, he was such an awesome kid! You all have the most wonderful family! You are all so lucky to have eachother! Happy New Year!
So sorry for yalls lose. How wonderful for Jake to have his Poppa in heaven with him. Praying for your family.
Such a beautiful post - "what a week" is RIGHT! Once again, your ability to focus on the blessing amidst pain is inspiring... wishing you and your sweet family a wonderful New Year filled with blessings, adventure and F-U-N!!!
Lori in Oregon
Hi Mo ~ What a beautiful post! Your right, Jake did pack a lot of life into his way too short years thanks to his wonderful Mom, Dad and the whole family. All of you live life to the fullest - what a great way to be. I wish you & your whole family a healthy, happy New Year. Diana from Colorado.
That was AWESOME! Thanks for the reminders of life! We should all try to live like this everyday!
Loved it. Thanks for keeping on.
I love this post. I woke up today, husband at work, kids in bed, and turned on the Rose Parade and started bawling. I lost my dad 9 months ago. He loved the Rose Parade and all the bowl games. He would get his sausage, cheese, crackers and diet soda and be in front of the tv all day long. I was thinking the same sentiments that the end of your post mentioned wether we are 4 or 80 our day is coming. This year I want to live as Jake did. I want to live as if I was dieing. I want to make the most of everything I do and do everything I can do. When the day is done I want to kneel down and say Thank You Jesus for another day. Happy New Year and many blessings to each and every one who read this blog.
that is awesome i love the reminders of jake i followed him and his family. what a tribute to him and happy birthday jake i m sure hes having a grand time in heaven playing and now hes playing with poppa he probably was waiting on him at heavens gates with wide open arms waiting on his hug . thank you mo for sharing the pictures of jake and your right you got to live and party like there is no tomrrow cause you never know when its going to be your time and it is coming you just never know where or when. i hope your family is having a good new year day i cant wait to see what you got in store with beading and scrapbooking i cant wait to do some of your kits. iam really into beading now and scrapbooking too. i took a lot of pics well anyway Happy New Year Mo.... hugs and love ya
What an inspirational post that was.....thank you!! It brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face at the same time :)
May God hold you and your family as you remember your Grandfather and Jake. You KNOW Jake was there waiting for your Poppa!!
Thanks for the amazing post!!
xoxoxoxo {{{hugs}}} :)
Loved this post for sweet Jake! I always loved reading about his adventures and how he truly lived life to the fullest! He is absolutely precious. Happy Birthday to the little man!
Thank you SO much for this little reminder of Jake, life, and the everyday joys we tend to take for granted. We just lost my husband's grandmother to cancer on the 19th, and lo and behold her eternal resting place is right behind none other than sweet little Baby Jake. What a beautiful memorial he has! I know the 2 of them (along with Poppa) will be our forever angels right there together! Thanks for this....
Thanks for the beautiful memories. Jake was an precious, joyful little boy!
What an inspiration for 2010! Missing that Sweet Jake as always!
Wow! Through the tears, I am smiling! Thank you for this and for sharing Jake!
Thanks Mo!! We love you guys and are praying for you.
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