This one hit the highway today with special orders of "I Believe"...
And this one was a canvas I did waaaaaay back when, when I first started painting!
It was done for Chloe! Chloe earned her little angel wings, and this is a gift for a special "aunt".
It was originally done in purple. But as has happened on a couple of occasions, it was el-lost-o!?! WHo knows where? When I was recontacted by Christy, she decided it was meant to be because she really wanted it in a neutral color anyway. Sooooo.....
Here you have it!
Oh, and Anne. This one is going to live with you too.
I had it inspected by Inspector #10.
I think she approved!
And if it is a little sticky, sorry!
Janette bought SIX 16x20 and two necklaces that went out a few weeks back.
She also wanted one for herself that had her family name on it.
For some reason, I have trouble getting fired up to do the 24x36. I don't know why. Once I start them, I love doing them! But I suppose that big scary canvas is just intimidating!
Carri, maybe that is why you are still waiting, huh?! I actually pulled them out to start. Contact me please. I have some questions about the words you want. Did you want a cross on each?! ANd making sure... horizontal or vertical?!
I thought I could convince Todd the Bod to pose for me to show you how big these canvases are. THIS is what I got!
Amy T. I am also FINALLY getting around to yours! I did three "neutral" crosses for you.
Look at the Inspector in the background.
Your small ones are a little similar which is really a rarity. I guess it is because I was painting them all at once, so my palette had the same colors on it. I just changed the tones on each one.
One also has a little more green on it.
I hope you are happy with them.
Todd the Bod is taking over my "shipping department". All complaints should go to him!
I needed to get some of these OUT of my kitchen! I feel like Kacy Acree! NO kitchen space!
Amy... LOOKY! I had to repaint the Teeples from the TEMPLES that I had on there last time. I didn't know if I would be able to pull it off, but I think it looks just fab!
Ever wonder how I do it?!
Well, I just grab that sucker and get after it! Meagan, this is me working on yours!
I got the first layer of the two BIG ones done last night. I use a modeling paste to create the texture. So many of you have asked. And now you know. I try just about all of them that I find at Hobby Lobby. .. the sandy kind, the glossy kind, the pebbley kind. I just try them! This one is just modeling paste.
I went to a fundraiser last night for TEAMJAKE in Homer, LA. While there, I sat with Suzy who said, "I wonder when I see your painting if you are just in there free painting them all." Well, yes. Yes, I am. ANd that is why I asked TOdd to take a few pics of the process. I just START!
No pencil lines. No particular plan per se. Just freely applying the stuff! And then, similarly the paint!
Cindy. I think the Believe with a cherry worked into it turned out pretty cool!
I really love how neutral the colors stayed, yet the red cherry blends in just fine!
There is enough red across the canvas to make it all do just right.

This is your other "neutral Believe". Looks a little like the other, but has some corners on there and a bigger word.
Also, I think, a wee bit browner.

And finally, your request that I do this verse on "love" so that she can hang it with black and white photos... hmmmm....
I tried. In fact, I really do think it looks like a black and white photo.
I put a black border around the frame to make it go with black frames around black and white photos! I still owe you a zebra striped canvas with some hairdresser flair!
I think these are going to make fun little Christmas presents. Definitely personal! Susan, I almost have you covered! What? Like 10 or so?! I am so on it!
Emily, Kaitlyn, Krista, and Patsy, I have started yours too!
Sheridan, I loved your story and can't wait to paint yours from a good place of inspiration.
Sarah, I started your elf and will get Hallee Grace's going SOON!
ANd Tricia, you KNOW I am going to have fun with the Christmas Story's infamous lamp!
I have a big, huge zebra print with coral that I cannot for the life of me remember the name to look it up in my past emails. It is for the teenage daughter's new room. If you are reading, contact me!
Almost caught up! So, can only take Christmas orders for about another week or so. So, if you are interested, better let me know.
Thanks for your support, peeps.
Wow...are your arms falling off, yet? I can't believe all the work you've done! Take a break, deserve one. :-)
You are SO talented! I love all of your paintings...amazing! I wish I had half your talent! :)
You are an awesome artist! Very pretty... I love all of it!!
so cute, as always, but i neeeeedd some GG especially if you loser are leaving for a week and a few days!!! i willlllll come over thursday, whether you like it or not! and maybe house sit for a few nights;) oh and P.S. those are my shoes on the counter, hahaha!
have an awesome week, your artistic abilities are truly amazing and touch my life one day at a time, your love and compassion are inspirational and I just love you sooooo much and hope I can give you a hug sometime soon. you have a genuine non sarcastic heart
that was the funniest thing i've ever said.
k, im done. bye.
I GOT CABINETS TODAY!!! and I love the canvases!
Please excuse me but...HOLY CRAP! Where on Earth do you find the time? 2 kids 2 and under, multiple PT clinics, TEAMJAKE, JORF, jewelry, blogging and painting (and I am sure that is not all!) You certainly must not sleep. I am tired just reading this post. You AMAZE me!
Love it, you did an awesome job! How is the canvase for the nursery coming along?? Cant wait to see it!!
Those are great Mo! One of these days I am going to get a believe one done in blue and brown to honor my sisters memory. She past away a year ago and oh I miss her. I can't afford one right now. One day I hope.It would be a sweet memorial for her. Her name was Susan. She loved Noah;s ark and was a collector of them.
You are very talented my friend!! Your energy level must be sky high!! I wish I could borrow some of it.
I hope that you and yours have a terrific Thanksgiving!! I bet it is so fun at your place!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
These are ALL amazing! You have so much talent and you use it so well! Love it ALL!!!
It's PERFECT! I really think you did a great job! I can't wait til it arrives in the mail! I know my sister would be proud! Your words brought tears to my eyes....thank you so much for sharing your talent! God bless you!
Oh my gosh Mo I'm sooooooo excited. Just to even see the canvas gets my heart pumping....
I want it vertical, exactly the way Todd is holding it.
On the one that says "peace & love" let's do a peace sign and a heart.
On the one that says "hope & joy" let's do a couple of different crosses....I absolutely can't wait...I keep staring at my big blank wall just imagining how wonderful my pictures are going to look like........
Mo - I love, love, love the canvas for my sister. I have tears in my eyes at the way you did the hearts. So much better than what I asked for. I can't wait to get it and gift it to her.
You have an amazing gift! All the best, Anne
You are so stinking talented!! I am so glad you reminded me about my canvas!!! I also need to get that check in the mail. You know, I was also thinking of a smaller canvas for my son's room. He loves the Polar Express movie, and you love "Believe", so I was thinking maybe you could do the ticket for me as well? Let me know what you think!
love all the canvases...did you receive my order????
Wow is all I can are truly a gift! Everything you do is out of the love of that huge heart of yours. God is working wonders in your life!
When I decide what colors I am painting my girls room I am going to have you do something, not sure what..their walls are that ugly white still. I just cannot find bedding that is "just it" that I like. Anywho, I will email you cuz i think i found the stamped name necklace I want :)...
Love the new inspector you hired, she is sure a keeper!
I just LOVE your style. Every one of these paintings are awesome ! LOVE them ! Enjoyed visiting the other day. Will definitley get to Monroe soon. Looking for someone to go w/ me to the Cirque de Shanghai at the Strand this weekend but you'll be at the BEEAACHHH.....awwww. take a deep breath of that air for me.
okay. don't forget to check out red letter words on dd's site. I"ll break down and post more often:) Oh, THE GLITTER steps it up a notch. love the glitter.
Love all of the canvases- your work is awesome!! I sent you an email yesterday with an order. Thanks! :)
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