NO PUMPKIN PATCH! Ugggghhhh. Remember when Ellie was only a baby, I said "as soon as she is able to scrawl her name on a line, I am getting her to sign a pact that she will go to the pumpkin patch EVERY year to take pictures until she leaves for college." ANd I meant it! I LOVE pumpkin patch pictures!
But I don't necessarily like soggy, wet bottom pumpkin patch pictures!
So, I took my girls, and after briefly stopping to swing on the front porch (* a favorite activity for when mom comes in from work), we made our own pumpkin patch of sorts.
Yessss, I got these cute pumpkins in Canton. And although I hate to rub it in, I think they were $4.00 each. Can you say, "barrrrgain?".
Gabbi, my smiley girl, wasn't all that cooperative for today's photo shoot.
Ellie seriously looks like she is contemplating her next big adventure. Look again at the photo above. Yea. Her wheels are turning!

Ok. Pops, Granddad, Daddy... I am going to let you GUESS what she saw to cause this posture.
ANTS! The child has a HAWKEYE for ants! She can see them across the driveway! Seriously. But then, I guess that is a good thing!
Sweet little Gabbi Girl. Can't move. Can't walk. Can't figure out how to change positions. Hey therapists, you reading this?! MOTOR planning!!!
Ellie, girl, you are ROCKIN' those leggings. J'Lo lookin' thing you!
And so, we continue to sit in our driveway and wait for the day that the sun is out, the ground is dry and we can go to the REAL pumpkin patch! Until then.....
I think this is the first time I have seen a post of yours where Gabbi isn't smiling. I didn't know she ever stopped! Anyway, the pictures are adorable. And I have a feeling you'll be at that pumpkin patch before you know it. :>)
i hope you get to the real pumpkin patch soon. I love the pictures of the wooden pumpkins though. Too cute!
Just precious! I think Ellie is casting a little spell in that photo with her finger up to her mouth! Hope Gabbi's seriousness doesn't mean she doesn't feel well ): They are adorable, Mo and the pumpkins are cute too!!!
I LOVE the pic of Ellie and the ant! Sooo cute!
I wanna see house pics please!
Go back to the pic where Ellie is contemplating her next move, look at Gabbi. She is looking at Ellie like, what are you thinking of? Then the next two Gabbi is looking down like, I don't know if we should do that? Mom may not like it. Love the pics.
if you want to take your girls to a great family fall activity, vomplete with pumpkins, bring them to Papa Simpson's farm in Arcadia. There are great children's activities, including a cow train, a hay bail playground, a corn box(instead of sand box) a petting zoo, pony rides, a hayride, and a corn maze. I am sure that I have left some things out but believe me there is plenty to keep little ones busy. the older kids and teens love the corn maze. It is open on Friday and Saturday from 6 to 10 and on Sunday from 6 til 9. There is plenty of information about it on the
Just thought you might be interested in this. If you come say hey when you stop at the front gate. My husband and I will be there collecting the money and passing out arm bands.
Great idea! I love those pumpkins! Very creative!!!
Love the new pic!
Okay. Here is what I have done so far getting ready for your visit. Nothing.
I don't know whether to be proud or hide away! LOL! I only have to dust a bit in the bedrooms, swish through the baths, and the rooms are ready. We have a dinner the night before you come, so there will be food.
The only thing I need to do is find some little girl goodies to send home.
Can you tell I am ignoring that whole Tiger's thing? Sigh.
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