and I am TRYING to capture a shot of her Nanny McPhee tooth coming down out of the top of her head. It is hilarious! However, I hear she has also learned to clamp down with that little protuberance and is now biting other kids. Whoa, Nellie!
Oh, wait. Have I mentioned she likes DumDum suckers? I can get her to sit still for an hour if I give her a sucker. Since neither of my kids accept that "watch a cartoon" cop out for keeping them still so I can finish something that needs to get done, I go to the DumDum!
Problem is, that is always more work on me because that just means we then have to take a bath! Geesh.
Looking forward to get back to see my little Rugrats this evening! We have had a good time in Columbia, ILLINOIS! Hmmm, who knew?! Kathryn has had her fridge stocked with lapband love (Frappuccinos!!), so I am all good. We got a little lost last night, thanks to a GPS that we rented from the car rental place, which was NOT updated to the interstate system's construction. DUH! We are up and ready for action this morning though!
A little shopping, then to the airport we go. Sorry I didnt' get to meet all of you who have posted. I did get to talk to a few of you on the phone. Yea. There's gonna have to be a reunion of sorts. That would be a ball!
Looking so forward to an "aweee" or two from this one! and I am sure a little dress up session with the big kid. See ya' tonight.
Oh, and just because I am getting asked about this so much via email. A reminder....8x10=$35. 11x14=$40. 16x20=$60 and 24x36=$125. I have a little backlog right now of orders, but should get most of those out next week. I can still get them done for Christmas if I get the orders soon. Oh, and the necklaces are $40. They are quicker and easier to get out. Dank. They will be there! Let me know if you have ideas. And, I am asking for payment via check to my house. To make things so, so much easier, expect $5 shipping for the necklaces and $10 shiipping for the canvases and go ahead and email me your address when you place your order so I can just write down the order and all the info when I take the order. WHat the hey... your phone number too, so we can communicate if I have questions! Thanks. MoMo
Aawwww. She is so precious. Sitting there smiling with that sucker in her mouth. And that dress is georgous. You always have them dressed in such cool clothes. When they get older, it's going to be "Well, Gabbi and Ellie have one, why can't I?'' Did you see my idea about my brother's canvas, what do you think? Can you do a Ark. Razorback? Be careful coming home
So cute. It's too funny that you were in Columbia, IL. I live about 30 minutes north of there directly across the good Old Mississippi from St. Louis. Hope you didn't get too lost. The construction out here has been terrible. Have a safe trip home!
Didn't realize that you were in Columbia, ILLINOIS. I would have made an attempt to meet you. I only live about 20 minutes away in Belleville, Illinois. Maybe next time...Hope you had a great time in my neck of the woods.
Looks like you've got a FULL blown art business going here little lady! Thanks John M., we knew your strong convicting words would do the trick! Here's your last little "push" from me that will hopefully push you OVER the hill and into your new storefront :)) Can't wait to see the new "MoJoy Studio".....I just hope it's a tiptoe's distance from my new bedroom! :)) Across the hall would be nice! Be safe driving!
A big awwwww from me! The pics in this post and the previous post are precious. I can't get over how quickly they are growing. Their hair's growing, too!
They are probably safely home by now, and gosh what a lovely time!
I do hope something draws them here again. Our house seems so empty!
OMG Kelli from Illinois, I live in Belleville, too! We're in the East End by Schatzee's. My email is Did you grow up in Belleville? I went to West in 68.
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