Lest you think this week has gotten one iota better... tonight, I ran over and killed my dog. This after running over a nail today and tire going totally FLAT. My day couldn't get much worse.

Puppy, thank you for loving us and being particularly loving and protective of my babies.

You have been a good dog! You only wanted to hang out with us.
That's it.

So loyal!

We will miss you, Puppy.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy. God wanted him in heaven, we don't know why, but we do know he's now with Jake.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Sending you big hugs from afar,
Oh no!! I'm SO sorry to hear about your dog. Our pets do become members of our family and leave a big void when they are gone.
Just know the Dank's in Missouri are thinking about ya!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
I'm so sorry, Mel. I lost my Missy 2 months ago. Not having any children of my own...she was my baby and my best friend. I miss her everyday. Our pets are family and it hurts to lose them. Hug on those baby girls.
I'm sorry for the loss of your puppy. *Hugs*
I am so sorry MO :(
Oh Melanie...I am so so sorry. Our pets are a part of our family. Big hugs to you. Jake is taking good care of him.
I'm so sorry for your loss! Please don't be too hard on yourself!!! He's up in Heaven playing with Jake!! Sending you a big hug!!!
Oh no... I am so sorry to hear about this. I know you must feel horrible.
I'm so sorry. This is really sad. I can only imagine how you must feel.
Mo ~ Wow, I'm SOOOOOOO sorry to hear that. I know you must be heartbroken. So, so, sorry.
lots of love, Christy
Oh Melanie, I am so sorry. I know that you and Todd loved that sweet dog. Keep your chin up girl. It will be okay.
Much love to you all.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Sending you a big hug from Wide Awake Wylie, TX.
God bless,
((((((Mo))))) I am so terribly sorry. This has got to be devastating for you. Be kind to yourself. Horrible things happen that are way beyond our control.
I am so sorry to hear about Puppy. I'm certain he's in good hands with Jake. We will be thinking of you.
I'm so sorry! I ran over my dog a few years back. It happened 2 days after my Mom's funeral and when I got out of the car and realized I had ran over him I think I cried harder than I did when my Mom died. I guess it was a build up of the whole week. My heart goes out to you, you've had a stressful week and now this. As previously posted, hug & kiss the girls and tell Jake to enjoy his new playmate. Hugs coming your way! Linda Corn
Melanie, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know what special members of the family pets are.
Big hugs,
Awe.....Mel! Puppy was so sweet and you were so sweet to Puppy! So sorry this happened! See, maybe there is a reason Jake sent me to the link on the blog! He needed some furry friend to play with! I'll be thinking about you and praying for you and the fam! Love yall!
I'm sorry to hear about Puppy. It is so hard to lose a pet. I hope this weekend is much better for you than this week was. Big hugs for those baby girls tonight!
You've had a rough week and you certainly didn't need this. I am so sorry to hear about Puppy. Sending hugs your way.
I know exactly how you feel. I did that 3 years ago. The only good thing about that was she was 13 years old and her heart had fluid on it, so she was not in good health anyway. But, it was bad! I hate that for you. Was that Earl?
So sorry Mo!!! (((((Hugs)))))
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I'm so sorry about Puppy.
So So Sorry! Jeff did that one time with our favorite baby DAWG. Hang in there. Know you are loved and ALL things happen for a reason.
Oh no, this is very sad. I'm so sorry for your loss!!
I'm sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))
I hope your Halloween weekend more than makes up for this past week.
Melanie, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet puppy. I am sure nothing can make you feel better about losing your beloved pet. But, I bet Jake is very happy to have a new friend to play with in heaven! Since today is the 29th, 2+9=11, I am sure that is just the message you need to know that your puppy is being loved on by one special angel!
So sorry to read this and think of the sadness and complex emotions I imagine you must feel. I have always admired - virtually - how hugely and how fully you and your family live life. Sometimes hard hard things come with that. May time heal you -- and bring you opportunities to turn this challenge into something that will no doubt enable you to offer comfort and support to others. Much virtual love --
Oh, Melanie. My heart just sank reading about your day. I'm so sorry!
Oh no! So sorry to hear this.
Oh Mo, I am lifting you up in prayer. I am so sorry this happened. An accident like this truly sucks. I ran over my cat when I was in college and I had the hardest time getting over it. I remember one night about week or so after the accident, my dad burst into my room in the middle of the night and told me to stop the crying and move on and be thankful it was just the cat. BUT STILL, oh it hurt. I feel for you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry! That's so hard.
I am so sorry to hear about your puppy! Loss of a pet is so hard.
I think it is the week - I have had a terrible one too. Garage door broke and I locked myself out of the house with no cell phone, shoes, etc. $150+ for the locksmith to let me back in... Can't wait to find out how much it is going to cost to fix the garage door.
I'm so sorry. You have had a rough week. I am praying for you right now!
I am SOOO sorry Mel!!! I'm praying tomorrow will be a better day for you and also for the loss of a family love.
Oh Mo, I'm so sorry. A few years ago our son ran over our cat and killed her. I will never forget him waking us up and giving us the news. I felt so bad for him. But accidents do happen. Please don't be too hard on yourself. This too shall pass....
OK. Going to tell you the truth about something. I once ran over 1/2 a litter of puppys (3 total). It wasn't my fault! The owner didn't know the dog was pregnant so didn't even know she had them (farmer that wasn't real connected with his animals) so they were born "wild" and ran on the road when I was driving on a dark, icy night. Of course I still stopped an had an appropriate burial the next day.
But I bawled. For weeks. It was horrible, and I cannot even imagine the guilt/pain you're feeling right now. Honestly. Some weeks just SUCK. The good thing is that is it's SO RARE that the next week will suck equally as bad.
I just want to say that I'm horribly at uplifing posts (obviously) but hope you can take comfort in knowing you're not alone.
Hope you take comfort in the hugs of your girls. Thank God we have children to help us through tough times!
I am so sorry. Just remember accidents happen. I will say a prayer for you tonight. :(
Peace will come in your household. Until then just hang in there.
Oh Mo.......my heart hurts for you. My dad hit his dog this summer and he still tears up when he talks about him. I feel so bad for you all. Keeping you in prayer......Dena
I am deeply sorry
I'm so so sorry to hear about the loss of a your puppy!! Sending hugs from Nebraska
I'm so so sorry to hear about the loss of your puppy!! Sending hugs from Nebraska!
So sorry for your loss. Been there before and I know how hard it can be to lose a dog that is a member of your family. Praying that things will go better tomorrow. God works in mysterious ways but it's all part of a greater plan!
Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Sorry About your Puppy, May You find Peace & Comfort in your Loss.
So sorry about you bad day and week. Sure hope things start getting better!
I am so sorry... I pray that your girls' smiles and hugs will help ease the pain and sorrow and remind you of all that is good. I pray that next week is a better one for you.
So sorry to read about your dog....I am at market in Dallas....If I find any of the candy cane netting/ribbon, do you want me to get you some....would be glad to...
I am so, so sorry Mo. Now Jake is the one who is taking very good care of Puppy.
I am so sorry. I have no words, only love.
Awwwww Mo....how sad...as many have already said, our pets do become part of the family and anytime you lose one..it hurts! Please do not blame yourself, things like that happen and your puppy knows that he was loved and I'm sure he loved in return. Remember the good times and know that Jake will take good care of him....love and hugs to you g/f.....Bj
Dear Mo,
I am so sorry for Puppy and your family. Such a sad night for you. Hug your girls tight. Life is precious. Don't beat yourself up. It was an accident.
Sending hugs from Virginia,
Melanie, so sorry to hear about your dog. That is so sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
huggsss Mo. I know that has to be a gut wrenching feeling. I am so sorry.
so sorry to hear about your puppy. Hang in there
So sorry Mo. Hang in there. Things are bound to get better soon. I've watched you make it through much, much worse.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your sweet dog. I've been there and I know the sadness and the ache in your heart. I'm sure Puppy had a good life with you and loved you all. Just keep memories of him in your heart. He knows he was loved. I'm just so sorry, Mo.
oh sweetie. I am so sorry. Prayers are with you.
I am so sorry about your dog. I know you loved him and he was good to the girls. I'm sorry you are having such a bad week. Like Denise, he's up there playing with Jake. Loving you from MS.
I'm so sorry about your day. And my heart breaks for you and the loss of puppy. It has been almost a year since our family pet was hit and killed (on my son's birthday) It is just awful and just know that people who love their pets like family understand the hurt you are feeling. I sure hope your days become brighter. You are such a good person, I'm sure the sun will shine again. Hug those beautiful girls!
God bless,
Just know that Jake did not want to wait to have his playmate with him,2+9=11. You will miss Puppy but you also miss Jake now he has a playmate to love until he meets his family again. What a joy that day will be when you are re-united with Jake and Puppy, two loves at once. I will keep you in my prayers. Love to you all. Sandy
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Having to put down my dog(due to cancer) who took good care of my kids I do feel for you. It has been 4yrs and I still think of him every day. Pets are a big part of a family, they are like another child. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
My heart is breaking...
Melanie - I am so sorry that you are having such a rough week. And i am sorry about Puppy. It is obvious how much you love your family and pets, and it breaks my heart that you are hurting. I agree, don't be so rough on yourself. Jake will take good care of Puppy until that day you are all reunited! Oh what a day that will truly be!
Try and have a good weekend with your sweet girls.
Happy Halloween!
Oh, I am so sorry about your sweet puppy. I really don't know what to say, except that I am sorry and will be praying for peace for you and your family. Love ya, girl!
I am with Denise...we don't know God's plan....we had to put our 13 year old yorkie to sleep last week and it is possible that she needed a friend up there in heaven...prayers to you....i am sorry for your loss.
This post just brought me to tears! Our animals *esp dogs* are so understanding of us, even when we "have our down day" and don't wanna be bothered, they always FORGIVE US instantly and greet us with a wag of the tail! I know "puppy" knows it was an accident ! I will hug my little furry friend a little harder today!
Sending hugs your way...
So sorry to hear about your dog. Hope today is a better day.
Oh my. I am so sorry for your dog! My dog is 16 years old. He's been around every since a few months after my sister was born. Now she's 14!! He' been a great dog!
So Sorry!
I'm feeling a little better now, after leaving Lindsay's blog. It always that SWEET ANGEL JAKE that seems to bring a smile to my face! I know that Jake greeted Puppy w/a great big hug! I can JUST IMAGINE the sweet reunion!
So sorry for your loss.
I am so very sorry to hear this. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you...losing a beloved family member is so difficult.
I am so sorry that your week has stunk so badly. Today is Friday which means it is almost over. Prayers for you!
Awww so sorry to hear this. Perhaps Jake was missing a little bit of home and needed that sweet baby up in heaven with him.
Oh Mo, my heart is breaking for you and your family. As most people have said, the loss of a loved pet can't be described, and little more than time and faith can ease that pain. I will keep your whole family in my thoughts, and I'll be thinking about Jake, who, I'm sure, greeted your puppy with a smile and they're playing right now. I wish I could hug you!
I am so, so sorry. In the little you said, you said a ton and you could tell your feelings are devastated.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet dog...how devastating for you and your family. Hang in there...
Mo ~ I am so sorry you are having a bad week, and so so very sorry to hear of your day yesterday. While we sometimes can not understand the *how or why's*...just remember *if God bring's you to it ~ he will bring you thru it*! I will hold you and your family in my thought's and prayer's.
I am so sorry to hear about Puppy. I can't even imagine how difficult that must be.
Oh, I am so sorry. That is just so sad and I know it must be so hard on you. Hope your weekend is much better than your week. Thinking of you!
I am so sorry - Jake, do you have Mo's puppy? I bet you do! Let Mo know he is fine and running with you.
so so sorry
I am SOOOO sorry!
Oh no Mo....I'm so sorry to hear about your dog!! He was a cutie and now he gets to romp and play with Jake!
I'm so sorry....Jake did you meet Puppy at the gates?? Of course you did!!! Take care of Mo's puppy!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending young hugs from Minnesota.
Mo, so sorry for you!!! Hang in there! Sending love your way!
Hugs to you Mo
I am so sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear about your loss Mo. I lost my sweet pup this summer and still miss her the same as I did they day she left us. Love your family tonight, hug your girls tight tonight and know that we are thinking about you in Atlanta, Ga.
Oh No! Sending hugs your way!
So very sorry to hear of the loss of Puppy. We will send a prayer your way.
Hope the weekend is better and that you are able to have a frightfully delightful Halloween.
Sorry you had such a rough week. If it makes you feel better, I always talk about Melanie Massey (the place and the person) to my speech friends in TN.
I'm sorry!
Mel, I am so so so sorry sweetie. Don't be hard on yourself about it, it happens. Today is the 29th (yesterday rather) and ya know about 11's....2+9= what, what,what?? You got it sistah 11. I think a very special little man needed a friend to play with!
Love ya sistah
That's awful, Im so sorry! *hugs*
So sorry to hear of your loss. It is never easy to lose a pet. I know your dogs were your babies before becoming a mother to your two beautiful girls. I also know you love, love Halloween so hopefully today is a better day and you can enjoy the holiday.
Sending hugs of comfort your way!
I'm just now seeing this, Mo. I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy.
Sendings hugs and prayers your way...
Oh my goodness, I'm so very sorry. You'll be in my thoughts.
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