You ready for some serious cuteness?


This is kinda my morning routine! IF one gets up and disrupts the other enough to wake up before I go to work... this is the result!

Awwww, hell naw, I am NOT going to be in that bathroom putting on makeup without my full make up TEAM!!! And they dig through my makeup bag like experts. Today, I put my entire face of foundation on with a brush that was totally soaked in Gabbi's spit. As I smeared it on my face, I thought, "I am just smearing my whole face with spit." And yet I continued! Hmmmm.

And if I brush teeth, then we all brush teeth.

There is NOTHING fun about sitting on the floor while I sit at my little vanity stool. Nothing at all. They have to be right up there in the action!!

ANd so it was. Both girls got pigtails first thing, so I could get ready and just look at them and be all smiley about how doggone cute they are!!

Please notice that Ellie won't look my way. She's not getting as much camera time these days as her sister. She just hasn't really felt all that camera cooperative!

And she's got things to do , you know? Like apply lipliner.... alllll over her face!

I am afraid that my sweet little calm one may be following her crazy big sister's example! She is getting more and more active and mischievous. She also took 10 steps today at therapy! Go Gabbi.

Things are fixing to get crackalackin around the Groves' Home!!
answers: Vanilla Starbucks Frappuccinos and OREGON!! surprise!
Dying......I'm dying here. I saw a new post go up and I was there in .12 seconds and did it have a picture????? NOOOOO!!!!!!! I can't wait to get that box and see what those canvases look like!!!!
I do LOVE the pigtails though - the girls look absolutely adorable!! Katie used to let me do that to her hair - now she won't hear of it :) I wish I still had a toddler running around here!!
Thanks again for everything!
Dank the Skank
(ya know, there is a word that rhymes with Mo that I could be using...hmmmmmm.)
They are sooooo dang cute......I don't know how you stand it....
The pigtails are adorable. I can't believe how much their hair has grown since the beach!!!!!!!!
This is seriously too much cuteness for one post!!! LOVE love LOVE those piggie tails!!! Absolutely adorable and I can't think of a better way to start off your morning than those two little uns!
Love the pics of Ellie Sue in her black tu tu on the previous post, too!
Check my blog'll love what I did with my belly!
cute, cute, cute....
Love, love, love the pigtails! Too cute! As much as I love seeing pictures of your girls "helping" you get ready in the mornings, may I just say I'm glad it's you and not me. Haha! It takes me long enough to get ready. I can't imagine how long it would take with two little "helpers". Just want to eat those girls with a spoon!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your girls in pigtails! Now you can stock up on cute bows & whatnots in pairs.
Hugs, xoxo
You are darn tootin! There isn't anything much cuter than two little sweeties with piggies in their hair. So very adorable!
hey mo! my home town is sisters, oregon. it's an itty bitty town outside of bend in central oregon!
love it there!
i found a series of book with your namesakes. if you haven't heard of them, i thought that you might want to check them out... they are called Mo's Nose ( i saw an ad in the memphis flyer... yep, MEMPHIS!
i was at st. jude all last week for the st. jude scientific symposium. i was hosting donors and had am amazing time touring the hospital and learning from the doctors and researchers. you and the raborns should come next year. unbelievable!
take care!
(my blog is private now but not for long... :O)
Totally awesomeeeee....don't ya love those morning "get-togethers"....believe'll miss those when they are grown and on their baby girl is 40 and has a little girl of her the pics and as stated already, the pigtails are precious...huggers, Bj
Love the pigtails!
Awwww, such sweetness you have! I remember when mine were young and cute now they are big and still into everything, gotta love that!
Thanks for sharing, love your girls (and mine of course)
Cute! I love the pigtails! Especially on Gabbi!! It's so cute how her hair sticks straight up!! And I love Ellie's curls!!
cuteness!! Pigtails are sooo cute.
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with a morning helper. I will get up, wash my hair, and get started and will hear, "Mom-MEEE!" and when I get to her she's waiting to be picked up and deposited on the counter to do her hair and brush her teeth. LOL!
SO CUTE!!! I love Gabbi's hang loose shirt.
Hellooo! I decided I have "stalked" your blog long enough and needed to join the group! Your girls are PRECIOUS and I love following the daily adventures of our family, friends, and businesses. You are so talented and I wish I had you for my friend!
Reading your blog reminds me of the years we lived in Ruston, LA. We didn't have family there and our friends BECAME our family. We still miss it there and have fond memories.
I love, love, love the canvases you paint and I need to order one but it needs to be tall more than wide. I have tall ceilings and would like an art piece to rest on the mantel (leaning against the wall) in our library/living room. Is that do-able?
Anyway, love your fun stories and all the pictures. Your entire family and all of your friends are a great bunch of people. Thanks for sharing your "details". Love it!
xo Shelly (from OREGON!...COME VISIT)
You weren't kidding - SERIOUS CUTENESS! I love those doggie ears!! Beautiful babies you have!
Love the hair, Gabbi Gull! Cutest ever! And ellie's too!!
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