So glad you asked.

We (me, Todd, Pops, Nana, DeeDee, Granddad and the girls) went out to check on the progress! Ellie spent the first half of the time in the car asleep (Thank you, Jesus!!), but Gabbi Girl was in the mood to explore!

I know her therapy is working, because she was crawling all over the place through tall grass without even a hint of hesitation. Yay for Gaggi.

Ok, so here is the deal. I haven't even been out to check out the progress since my birthday (August 16th-ish). So, you can imagine, I am as surprised as you are about how much has been done since the last time I checked.

They have the whole thing framed up and are now decking the roof. The jut out closest to us is the garage. It has an entirely floored upstairs for full on storage! Oh yea, baby! I mean, like a three car garage amount of storage! I cannot hardly stand it.

Well, well, well... would you look who decided to join us!?

Gabbi is headed out to the road. She was seriously cruisin'!

Awww. "Hey, there Sissy. You up?"

And Ellie, in her usual "I think I am seven years old" way, says, "Hey, gaggi gull. Heeeyyyy. You crawling?"
Babies growing. Grandparents in for a visit. House coming on up. Life is good.
Life is good!
The house is really coming along.
The girls are beautiful.
Have fun with the Grandparents!!
The house looks awesome. Of course the girlies are adorable. Keep us posted on house progress.
WOW...big progress on the house. It looks awesome!!!
Lovin' those girlies in their matching outfits!
Awww! Cute pictures! I love the girlie's matching outfits!
WHOA!! Massive progress on the house! It's gonna be incredible.
Love the girlies' outfits. Could they be cuter? Nah, don't think so.
Hope you're having a fun weekend. Thanks for keeping us posted on all your travels, new houses, precious girlies and everything else we love knowing about you and your adorable family.
The house looks HUGE!! It looks great!
Love the sunlight in those shots - really gives her a beautiful glow!
So happy to see that life is good!!
coming right along. looking good. can't believe how big ellie is.
Lord have mercy, Melanie. All of a sudden, Ellie looks like a little girl, not a baby! Argh.
Can't wait to see you! Just how much heavy cleaning do I need to do in my studio/study? Should I send in professionals?
All the children/grands/hangers on seem to be home for the holiday. One thing for certain, there will be clean sheets on whatever bed you choose! We are full up this weekend. What fun!
Love the shots of the girlies in front of the house. Love the matchy outfits, too! Sweet!
Life is definately a GOOD thing!! Love the girls matching outfits - VERY CUTE!! And the house looks awesome, too! P.S. Making a quick trip to Canton tomorrow!! :)
Yowsers that is a HUGE place you got dere my friend...BEAUTIFUL isn't even close, LOVE seeing the progress! WTG Gaggi girl, she is just a tootin right along. WTG BIG GIRL! Love that look right after a nap, that, "I'm awake well, half awake look." Love th shots with the sun reflecting on her face. Blessed you are!
The house looks magnificent! And your girls are just beautiful...
Mo, you are so right that is one BAH~~~!!!! Love it!!! The girls are just growing like weeds! Is it me, or is when you come home after a few days away, it seems like they have grown overnight!
Lovin the house!! It is looking fantastic! We just built our house & moved in about 4 months ago.. I am obsessed with the building process & LOVE to see progress so keep the pics coming!!! Can't wait to see more as it progresses.. Loving the facade so far!
This is the first time I have posted but I read your blog all the time. Your girls are absolutely beautiful! I started reading about you when the wonderful nephew of yours was sick. Jake was the bomb! I think about your family and Jake often. My 15 year old son is a cancer survivor! (Wilms Tumor at age 3!) Anyway, I just had to say that I love, love, love those Hokie outfits your girls are wearing! They just need to say Hokie Girl on the front and they would be all set! I love your blog. Keep up the good work!
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