Our graduates were treated to an LSU themed party!
We always have a theme, and one of our graduates, Craig, is a diehard Tiger fan! So... LSU it was!
Our foolish staff is ALWAYS up for a themed party! Especially if it means jeans and a tee vs. our work shirts. Oh wait, we ALWAYS wear jeans and tees! We have a rather casual atmosphere!
This is Kristy and Jessica. We don't even THINK about having a party without full on grub!
And then there is RON! Party pooper extraordinaire! He wore his crimson red to totally get under Craigs' skin! Boooooo, Ron!
And this is Mr. Craig. I am proud of Craig. He and I have been working together for about 14 or so years! I, for sho, have watched him grow up! If any of you have a kid who needs ongoing therapy, you know that you just all become one big happy family!
Craig is now a greeter at WalMart. Believe me, if anyone can greet and TALK, it is Craig! This is him and Robin, cheesin' it up.
And graduate number two is Tony. Or as I like to call him, Tone Loc. He thinks he is Rico Suave' with the chicks! Seriously. He DOES!
Of course, I asked permission before I put them on the blogola! They seemed pumped about it, really!
Although, I don't think any of them actually read the blogola!
I will tell you a little about Tony. Let's just say on the job, SERIOUS, injury! Had we stopped a year ago when we were advised that maybe he would never make any more progress, Tony would not be walking around his house in a walker today! He could barely even sit alone at that time and definitely was unable to stand. Now, he can rise and stand unassisted and get his walker and take off. He has made HUGE gains, and that with others saying his potential was met and we should STOP therapy. Hmmph!
I love what we are now sending home with our graduates.
These are three ring binders full of personalized exercises that we have done while they were with us in PT. This final page has a picture of all the folks who worked with the client and little words of encouragement or praise. Might I add... the top picture below is of a therapist helping Tony onto his hands and knees. As I was looking at it, I thought it may need a little clarification!!

Arent' these nice? I had not seen them lately, and DUDE, they have certainly improved!!
We always give our graduates a little send off gift. (remember the canvases?) Well, Karl went to the Holy Land back in the spring, and he got all of our staff crosses made of olive wood from there. Here, he is presenting Tony with one of these little tokens.
And that brings us to graduate number three... Sanders.
Sanders is from North Dakota!
He is down here staying with his Aunt Robin. I have a bit of a connection with an aunt who loves her nephew so much that she will let him live with her. Sound familiar?!
There is a special bond between an aunt and a nephew. Especially when the aunt has no children of her own. It is like he is a part of her!
Sanders will be staying with Aunt Robin through Thanksgiving, and he will continue in therapy with us for another couple of months. We are excited to have him!
And Sanders is NOT shy of the camera! He says, "Cheeese"!!
Karl and crew would send his mom daily updates and make sure she was getting video of her boy's work in therapy! Sanders is a twin, and mom is home taking care of brother!
This is a few of the crew with Craigers.
I think he won the LSU decked out award! WHo knew... LSU high tops? really?
Oh. ANd watch?!
He was so proud of his trophy! He said he was going to go home and show his sister. As for all you Wal Mart customers in his hometown, I imagine you will hear about it as soon as you walk in the front door as well!!

And what else for Craig's special prize?! An LSU hoodie of course.
Ok, so as for this cake. John, our PT Tech's, wife made it. Cool, huh?
I happened by to see that the way the cake had been cut, it said, "OT". Wellllll, OT's and PT's have a bit of a territorial battle from time to time (just picking like!) and I knew something had to be done. Immediately!
And there you have it!
Three more IMOTers starting next Monday! Pray for their very obvious and uplifting progress!! (Christian, Abel, and a new woman from whom I have not gotten an OK to post about.)
I love these posts and the AMAZING work you guys do! WOW!!! Truly inspiring...you AND the clients!!!
I couldn't agree more with about the relationhip between an Aunt and a nephew. Love that bond!
Have a great week!!!
How neat!
Great posting, Mo. Makes me all warm and tingly when I see the love and care that y'all demonstrate for your patients/clients.
God bless.
WOW!! That's MY Craig! I babysat him when he was just a little boy! :)
I didn't know that he was a greeter at Wal Mart, I haven't been in a while. I will definitely put going to Wal Mart on my to do list because hugs from Craig are THE BEST!
You guys are AMAZING!!!
Great work you do on your patients! I love that you have a party to celebrate all the hard work in the end.
Love all your success stories with your patients!! How wonderful that they have you and your staff to believe in them and celebrate their victories!!
As a favor... was wondering if you could check in on a fellow Guatemama, Jen, whose daughter Aviana was in an accident this summer and working on rehabilitating her. Her blog is http://avianareese.blogspot.com/. I am sure she would love your encouragement and maybe you can recommend some therapies for her to do at home with her sweet baby girl.
Love you!! Hugs to your sweet girls!
Wow, I was excited to see you have a patient from North Dakota!! How cool is that???
You have a great program Mo, keep it up, if I am ever in need of your services, I know where to go!!
Have an Amazing Week!!
I so miss those IMOT parties....And I miss everyone at the office!!! I'll be back soon though!!!!!!!
I love reading about your company and the amazing job you guys do with your clients. I used to work for a pediatric speech therapy group who shared an office with a group of pediatric P.T.s. It was so inspiring to watch how hard the kids AND their therapists worked. I wish I lived closer to you. I would totally want to work at one of your offices. It always seems like you guys are such a tight-knit group. I imagine you would be a lot of fun to work for. How wonderful that you are so good at what you do and enjoy it so much as well. God has truly blessed you, Mo!
I love the way you celebrate the accomplishments of your graduates!
These are wonderful pictures. Three good-lookin' fellas. :-)
I'm very excited about Abel returning to MMPT. His dad has written about his therapy there, and about you and your wonderful staff.
Oh, one more thing...my sister is at OT. You won't hold that against me, will ya? lol
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