As I mentioned last night, we all EIGHT got tickets to the Letterman show. I really did not know how much I would like it. I am a Letterman fan and watch it regularly, but still had no idea what actually went into the making of a show. Now I do. And now I like it even more!
The studio is not nearly as big as it appears on TV! It is actually very small. So is the stage. And Dave and the band are pretty interactive with the audience. There is like a pep rally prior to the taping to get the audience all fired up and ready to laugh and clap and make the show a success! Who knew?!
This is the girls earlier in the day, on another day of shopping. Have I mentioned I LOVE New York and am already ready to go back?!
Ok, back to Letterman.

If you are a fan, you know all about Rupert G and the Hello Deli. What you don't know is that it is a hole in the wall around the corner from the theater. Dave obviously supports his little block!

This picture was taken of the menu hand written on the dry erase board. It says, "CBS Orchestra Brie ".
This is our crew inside getting drinks.
ANd here is Bif outside setting up a little ditty with jumping dogs into a big pit of water. Did you see that one?!
And this is that janitor dude who is always on the show.
It was pretty cool. We are sitting in the middle section of the theater and you will see us in the audience when the camera scans the audience after the stand up comedian and before the band. (the one I loved and everyone else in our group thought looked like they were on the shrooms!) You be the judge!
Thanks for coming along for the ride! Can't WAIT to go back!!! Mo
You're a star. Maybe this is your ticket to Art Fame! You think? What is David orders a canvas from you and he plugs you on a show? This could be it, Mel. Your Golden Ticket!!! Oh, man. Wish I had been there. I will look, HARD! Love how much fun yall had!
I LOVED reading all about your trip! I live in So Cali and been to a few sitcom tapings and they are the same way. The sets are SO MUCH smaller then they appear on TV and they do things to get the audience going before hand. Oh and yeah, the audience is smaller then what it seems on camera. I went to a taping of "The View" the first year it was on. A lot of fun! I look fwd to all your posts. :)
SOOOOOOOOO cool! And I love Bif!!!
What fun!!! They make his show so much fun, very interactive!!! What guest was there? When we went we were on the 2nd row and Harry Connick Jr. was the guest. I was thrilled to see him. I know you are glad to be home with your girls. Julie
I KNEW you'd love the electricity of NY. I'm from NY originally. Born and raised.
Sorry Mo, even knowing I might see you in the audience couldn't tempt me to watch David Letterman's show. I just can't stand him. Glad you had a good time though. :>)
Oh Mo,
You came this far north and I missed ya!
Next trip get a hold of me! I'll drive down and meet up with you girls and your men!
I am glad you enjoyed the city! It is always this busy but in the winter it's COLD... you came at a great time!
Hey Mo, Karl never contacted me yet about the St. Jude Marathon. I'd LOVE to come down and run in Jake's honor.. can you have him contact me at
That would be my first visit to the South, we could swap beads and souveniers! I would also like to continue to see the deep south after the marathon. Nothing like a Yankee in the south... I wonder do people really cook like Paula Dean?
If so I am in so much trouble and I have to have Southern BBQ. Up North fried chicken is not popular but I hear down South it is... add a biscuit and some gravy amd I come NOW...
I have to ask, what was your favorite Northern Dish? Could you eat? Or was your meals small due to the LapBand?
Keeping up with ya...
Talk soon,
Okay Melanie....waiting on the Keith Urban mini concert! I'm still freaked that I saw you there!
Glad you had fun in the NY. Way to go Todd the Bod!
Okay I so missed the DL show!! After a LONG beautyshop appt and a two year old who was determined she was gonna wear her "RALPH" (giraffe) dress to bed (which was ironed neatly for preschool this morning, I just PLUMP forgot abt it!!! Hope you taped it and you could somehow share it was us in a later post!
BTW Bree won, she wore the dress on top of her nightgown anyway! Peace at any price!!!
Oops I forgot to send the email! I just sent it! So check it out!!
I saw you I saw you! I DVR'd the show so I wouldn't miss it. Not a big DL watcher (usually don't stay up late enough). Anyway...I just watched it and saw 6 out of 8 of you. Where were Staci and Don?? Were they not sitting with you? Nice job getting on the show and very good seats too!
I saw you.... Well, actually it was the purple hat that made me reconize you! So, does this make you famous? LOL
And, I want to go back to NYC too girl! this the comedian that was on the night you were at the Letterman show?
Dying to Do 'Letterman'
By Mike Krumboltz, Y! Buzz | Saturday, September 5, 2009, 1:13 AM
Letterman welcomes comedian Steve Mazan.
CBS/John Paul FiloSeveral years ago, Steve Mazan, a stand-up comedian, was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer. Unsure of how much time he had left, Mr. Mazan immediately set out to achieve his life-long dream -- perform comedy on the David Letterman show. Tonight that goal became a reality.
It didn't always seem like this was going to happen. After hearing about his illness, Mazan began petitioning CBS to let him perform at the Ed Sullivan Theater. He even started a website, the darkly comic "" But CBS said, "No dice." Just because Mazan had cancer, CBS wasn't automatically going to book him on "The Late Show With David Letterman." In other words, Mazan would have to earn it.
Mazan was undeterred and respected the network for its decision. After all this is a guy whose motto is: "If you stop chasing your dream, you're already dead." He worked at his craft and eventually, he got to perform on Craig Ferguson's show twice. Of course, while Ferguson is great and all, he's not Letterman.
Mazan kept on pushing. And soon enough, Letterman came calling. But that's not all -- a documentary on Mazan's mission is currently in production. No doubt his Letterman routine on the evils of hotel keycards will be a highlight.
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