Ok, so a little background info may be necessary. Let's go waaaaay back... 2006 to be exact. My darling husband planned us an awesome trip to New York City for our 10th wedding anniversary(September 28th). He had it planned down to the T. How we would get around town, where we would be eating, what our activities would be... everything! And my sweet nephew Jake got news he would be coming home on hospice at the end of September. Needless to say, there was very little discussion event that we would NOT be going on this trip. Thank goodness we didn't because we got to be there with Jake daily during his last days with us on Earth.
Which brings us to now.... Todd did it again. It took him three years, but here we are! This is the crew that surprised me at the airport.

He did tell me we were going somewhere, because I am stubborn and I would not rest on the "Gabbi's party is going to be on the 29th issue." Finally, he said, "Trust me. Have it on the 22nd. You cannot have it that weekend." And with my continuing to bug him, he finally had to tell me that we were going on a trip. NO other details, though!
So, when we got up at the buttcrack of dawn yesterday, and arrived at the airport, there was another surprise! Don and Staci and Paula and Johnnye were at the ticket counter checking in. I was so surprised!
We landed first in Houston, and still I had no idea. I thought maybe a cruise?! After all, he also told me to pack swimwear! Pretty slick!
Then, when we were at our next gate, I saw Newark on the gate, and KNEW! I have never been to NYC! Neither has Todd the Bod!

When we landed, another surprise when THIS is what we all rode in to the hotel. Dude. I got the full treatment!!

This is our crew. Or so I thought...

We were hanging out the window on the way to the hotel, taking pictures of all things NY.

And lo and behold... WHO was in the lobby at the hotel!?
Tashia and Dakin! More surprises!!

This is us chillin in the hotel lobby getting our agenda down pat.
And this is me.. in NYC!! Woop woop!

Isnt' this so awesome?! What fun! I kept telling my girls, do you know how lucky we are?! To have such good friends and to be able to travel with them to such fun places. I mean... seriously, I feel so blessed! So overwhelmingly blessed!

Mom and Staci took the boys to New York a few weeks ago (if she would blog, you would know that!). ANyway, it is kinda funny that I told mom not to bring me back anything that had NY on it. After all, if I couldn't be there, I didn't want anything from there! ANd NOW look at me.... all NY'd out!

The weather started out a little yucky, but we are all soggy and happy! SUpposedly, the rain is gone, and now we are clear for smooth sailing! ANd yes, DeeDee, it was none too soon, because TOMORROW we go to see the Yankees!!
LAst night, we found a cool pizza joint that used to be a church.

It was built in like, 1888. Or something like that. THis is the kind of friends where we just all order together, then always split the bill four ways! I love that kind of ease.

And as you know, I can't delete pictures for some reason, so enjoy this one again! ????!?

My bro in law and I posed for a little in-law love.

and then he, once again, showed us his feminine side with his pina colada. (The other boys drink beer. ) NOT Don. He likes fruity, girly drinks. ANd is proud of them!

Some parts of NY remind me a whole lot of New Orleans. It actually looks a lot like New Orleans down in the Times Square area where we are staying.

We went to the comedy club and saw Tommy Davidson, of Living Color and Ace Ventura fame.

I was scared I'd get kicked out if I used a flash, so all these are blurry.

This dude was hilarious! And here is ol' P-Diddy!

The gang headed back to the room, umbrellas in tow.

But first.... Nasdaq!

and M&M World!

Todd made him a bag of purple and gold peanut M&M's for the room, and we got our baby girls some goodies!

Staci and I never miss an opportunity to pose with an M&M. Jake would have LOVED that! Did you know she still has the actual bowl of M&M's that Jake was eating out of during that last week that I was referring to earlier. Remember when all he could do was point and let us know he wanted another one?! M&M's will always be special to our family!!

Oh. More Nasdaq. Our of order! Sorry, can't move my pics around!

ANd last but not least, the Raborns with the big yellow M&M.

Well, we are heading to a Broadway show. ANother thing that the whole crew is keeping a secret from me. I have no idea which one. WIll let you know all about it later. and YES. We are heading to Canal St. tomorrow. Purses, wallets, jewelry, and shades, OH MY!
Lovin' life. (but missing my baby girls.)
NY looks fabulous. I can't believe the streets are that busy while pitch dark. What time of night was that? Have a great time!
MO... ENJOY fabulous NYC!!! It is by far my favourite place in the whole wide world.
I've seen pretty much most of what's playing on Broadway, and I hope that you're being treated to either "Wicked" or "The Lion King". I know you'd LOVE both of them.
Continue having a blast!!
Always believing, Denise
P.S. Loved reading about Jake and the bowl of M&Ms. I remember that bowl very well. :)
Mo - have a great time! I love that pizza place and haven't missed it on a trip yet! It's great. Can't wait to see more pictures.
Good job Todd! What a great birthday present. Have fun and keep the updates coming.
Way to go Todd!! Y'all have tons of fun. Tell Don that I would have joined him in the fruity girl drinking.
Enjoy NY...can't wait to see what all you bought the girls.
Awe, I am so jealous! I just said today I so want to go to NYC to shop!!! I hope you have a blast, you deserve it!!! Take lots of pics and share. I know you will, anyway!!
I just so want to be in ya'lls FUN group! LOL! Have fun! WE have several real close couples that we do stuff with too,and there is nothing like having great friends!
That is AWESOME!!! Go Tod the Bod! Have a blast. Buy lots of fake LV's on Canal street!!!
OH, OH, OH!!!! I loved NYC when we were there too! We went to see Wicked. It was wonderful! I loved buying the purses off the streets! LOVED Time Square.. and you stay away from the "Naked Cowboy" we looked for him, but could not ever find him! My girlfriend was determined that she HAD to see him, but maybe next time! I want to go back to Little Italy and eat again.. the place that we ate at was to DIE for girl! Maybe I need to get off my patootie and post about my trip!
Yay for such a great hubby!! Hope you all have a blast!
I want to go to NY someday...take good notes, and fill me in on all the details!
Behave yourselves! LOL
Oh, how happy I am for you! I know you are having a wonderful time. Lovelovelove that city. We go there a couple times a year for theatre binges over a long weekend. Have fun!
SO SO Jealous of you! HAVE FUN!!
So jealous!! We LOVE the Yankees!!!! My hubby and I took a trip there lat year for their final series at the old stadium and we just finished doing the boys room in Yank stuff! We so want to go to the new stadium, you are so lucky! Give A-Rod or Jeter a pat on the butt for me!
OH WOW...I am sooooo jealous....one of my "to do things" before I leave this earth is to visit New York City and see the Statue of Liberty! Have fun kiddo, as I've said before...you guys deserve every minute of it!...huggers, bj
I love to read about you having fun Mo, you so deserve it girl!! My husband and I went to NYC in 05 and we stayed in Times Square too. I was sick for most of the trip but it was still super cool!! So have some fun for me!!
Try to fit the Statue of Liberty in. It's AWESOME and well worth it! I LOVE going to NYC. Hmmm maybe I need to plan another trip to Long Island to visit my brother.
Don't we all love Todd the Bod! What a great trip!!!
What a BLAST!! Todd has outdone himself on this one! I can't wait to hear about your Canal Street TREASURES! Almost like Canton, with my fine (and fake!) Coach sunglasses - ha!! This trip looks WONDERFUL!
Wow!! You guys are having so much fun!! I can't wait to see all your GREAT BARGAINS you find! Have enough fun for me!!
Im from NY born and raised but now living in the midwest(talk about culture shock) I hope you enjoy the energy that NY emits!!!!!!!
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