BIG surprise to Mo! More on this later! Gotta hit the pavement! My husband is the "best winner" for keeping this a surprise from me for months! Yay Big Todd!
Now, you KNOW I will share this trip with you! (and my sitters... hey KK, tell the girls Mom loves them!) So, stay tuned.
OH WOW.....NEW YORK??.....how awesome is that.....have fun Todd and Mo....you two deserve it...can't wait to hear all about it......huggers, bj
I'm SO jealous! I L-O-V-E NY!!!
NO! I've been there once! I know you will LOVE it! Who wouldn't?! Hope you have a GREAT time!!!
Mackenzie =)
Have a ball in the Big Apple!!!
Have fun, you deserve it now you are the big 40. have a safe trip
Cool!! I can't wait to see the updates! Todd the Bod ROCKS with this surprise!
I knew before you knew!!!!!!!! Na na na na boo boo! Have fun and take lots of pictures! Can't wait to see what Staci bought!
My favorite place in the United States. Hope you are having a great time. Can't wait to hear all about your surprise trip! Yeah Todd.
OOOoooo...how FUN! I've never been to New York! I wanna hear all about it. Maybe Bill will take me...tell Todd to call him. LOL
Boy you sure do get around! What a wonderful surprise, you have an awesome hubby! Have a super time, can't wait to hear all about your trip and see your marvelous pictures!! Hugs from Fort Worth!
If I know my son...a trip to Yankee Stadium is on your itinerary!!!! Have fun.
AWESOME! Enjoy your time away. Can't wait to read/see all about your surprise.
Hey!!!! What a great surprise! We went at the end of July! We had a great time! Enjoy yourselves!!!
Mo does NY!! I can't wait for the update!!! Have fun!! Todd YOU ROCK!!!
OH MO good for you! You are in the middle of TIMES SQUARE my favorite place to be each time I go home! Make sure you venture to canal street and score some pocket books.......YOU will be pleasantly surprised by the prices!
That is AWESOME!!! I have never been there. I have only passed through on the way to Canada. I cant wait to see what ya'll do and see.
Hey I'm baaaaaaaack!! I was on Lindsay's site and I just loved the "metal necklace", I saw in your comments you also make these! Is that true? If so, I wanna order one for my daughter and her baby, her bday is next month! I tried to click on the link she posted, but nothing happen. I tried googling it and it led me to a site that sells fabric!!! I'm gonna send you an email!!!
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