Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My kid is SHARP-ie!
As I am grabbing for my camera, I swear to you, the child is posing!
She was just quite proud of her handiwork!
And please don't mistake this green masterpiece for some run of the mill Crayola water based marker!
Baby, this is full on SHARPIE!
And not only did Ellie "leave her mark" on herself.
She was sitting on the couch with good ol' dad, who thought she was just playing with his leg. When he looked down, he, too, was covered in green and had a GOLF TOURNAMENT the next morning. I would have loved to have seen the guys' expressions on that one.
Luckily, he scrubbed and scrubbed and got it off. This brand new book reader from JinJin for E's birthday....
Well, we are just going to leave it "decorated"!
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Hi Mel
Posting from Wisconsin :)
Try using some nail polish remover for the daugher did the same thing at that age except it was purple and it was all over my husbands fish tournament shirt on the pile of laundry I was folding.....he was not a happy man......if the nail polish remover doesn't work I sometimes use rubbing alcohol to remove marks.......your girls are such sweeties.....ok the marker thing wasn't so sweet but they are adorable and you and Todd have been blessed :)
Maybe a Magic Eraser will do the trick.
I'm sure she was just trying to give herself some tattoos!
She was just trying to make it pretty mom!!
Hey Melanie... Try fingernail polish remover on the book reader. I know we wrote on some jugs for the beach with Sharpies and if we missed up, we just pulled out the fingernail polish remover & it took it right off, so maybe it'll work.
-Anna Lea
I look forward to reading of the adventures in your world each day. I can relate...with four adventurers of my own. Is the sharpie thing a rite of passage or something? We have had similar experiences at our house...with sharpie, nail polish, and pencil. A Mr. Clean magic eraser may come in handy! It worked well for us. Just don't rub too hard, it can dull the finish on some things. As for the kids, they played in the tub alot until it was gone. Congratulations...Ellie has all kinds of creativity just itching to get out, and there are wonderful "canvases" all around! That is what I told myself when it was my child doing the decorating!
Speaking of itching, we use Shaklee's Basic H for our mosquito bites. It's non-toxic and is wonderful stuff. We, too, have resorted to band-aids for our three year old because he told me he HAS to itch it and pick it...and we just don't need scars from mosquito bites.
Enjoy! I know I wouldn't have it any other way!
Have a blessed day!
Sometimes sunscreen will remove the sharpie (at least fade it a lot) from kid bodies! That's how we get it off of our swim team boys :-)
Word to the wise...don't use Magic Erasers on kids. Some lady we met at a swim meet did that to her kid and wound up giving the poor kid a HUGE scab (much worse than a sharpied leg).
A budding artist just like her mama or is it a budding tattoo artist!!!
It looks like Ellie is just expressing herself and showing her creative side! At least she didn't color on her sister.
Oh, how this prepares me for parenthood! Thanks Ellie for my daily laugh! And Mo, try a little bit of hairspray...that removes permanant ink. As for the book that Jin Jin gave her, I say leave it! My sister and I were just looking at her OLD Raggedy Ann doll this weekend and her face that I colored black 26 years ago with a marks a lot. It still makes us laugh!!!!!!
A friends child did the same thing and the dry erase cleaner from EXPO markers took it all off.
Nail polish remover sometimes removes the finish on certain items, so be careful with that.
I have found the most wonderful product to use for removing Sharpie stains! It works on skin and non-porous surfaces. It's called De-Solv-It. We have found it in some grocery stores and our Walmart. Here is a link that lists other locations that sell it (including Bed, Bath & Beyond):
Try works GREAT on chewing gum, crayons, etc. I think Todd would love can be used for so many things AND it is safe for skin. Let me know how it works out.
Sorry...the link thingy didn't work right (above). Let's try this again:
Well ain't she a sharp one. I just laugh and laugh when I read your blog. I think the expo cleaner will clean that gal of yours right up and I think leaving it on the toy is just great! What fun 2 year olds are :)
Lordy Mercy Melanie!!! Can you say "Run for your money?" I can only IMAGINE the adventures you're in for as she gets older!! It's a good thing your other one is a mellow child!! :) Love the stories!
The same thing happened to another blog mom at:
Just be glad it wasn't your walls or furniture! will wash off her skin eventually. Look on the bright's green! Jakes favorite color right!?
I made the mistake of coloring a face on one of my kids wiht a washeable marker . Now they do it to each other. OOPPSS .
Melanie I have to ask what was link you had put on your blog about where you had those books of your blog printed out ? I trying to do a blog with a picture a day and then at the endof the year print it out. My blogis private but I will add people who want to so if you want to just send meyour address to Have a good day!! Lori
I made the mistake of coloring a face on one of my kids wiht a washeable marker . Now they do it to each other. OOPPSS .
Melanie I have to ask what was link you had put on your blog about where you had those books of your blog printed out ? I trying to do a blog with a picture a day and then at the endof the year print it out. My blogis private but I will add people who want to so if you want to just send meyour address to Have a good day!! Lori
oh ellie! she just want to be like you! germ-ex and rubbing alcohol will undecorate her reader :) but maybe todd already found a way...he did get the nail polish out of the carpet.
Oh that reminds me of when my siblings and I were little. Except we did it with our mom's lipstick! Good times, good times!! =)
Rubbing alcohol or instant hand sanitizer removes Sharpie. When I was subbing I had one kid draw all another kid with a Sharpie and we got it with the hand sanitizer.
I know you prolly don think so....BUT THIS IS FUNNY!!!!!!! I know...i, as a mommy would not think it is funny.....BUT IS IS!!! LOL...and posing! LOVE IT!
Maybe a magic eraser would help the toy- but I wouldn't put it on your sweetie's skin. At least she looks good in green! :) need some serious drawer locks with that one around! Might also be handy to keep some Mr. Clean Magic Erasers around to!
p.s. I was sooooo excited to get a comment from you! I didn't think you read my LURKER you! Thanks so much for stopping by :)
Our Bitty Baby now has some purple sharpie "boo boos" My 2 year old can find a sharpie in any hiding place!
try Goo-Gone (comes in a bottle) for the marker on the toys. Works with crayon & pen.
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