But you would NOT recognize this heathen! This is Joe. He is Johnnye's brother, and typically our leader on the grill.

And this is usually what the boys do. Todd, Sam and Johnnye discuss poverty and world peace.

Ellie came fully accessorized!

What else is new? If you opened that purse, you would find a foam letter (she calls all letters, "L's"?!) , about 5 bracelets, and a measuring tape! Good combination. I mean, you just never know!

Ellie was terrorizing this poor little cat. Tutu just wanted to lie around without a toddleer wanting to per her.

Miss Linda's last cat was Pirouette. I have told you that she is a dance teacher, right!? So those names are pretty appropriate.

And Gabbi Girl was just having a ball all over the floor. She can now crawl everywhere... not on her hands and knees ( I am not convinced there is not something "wrong" with her right side.) . She still can't get up on all fours and crawl. She also struggles when I try to help her walk forward. That right hand just doesn't want to cooperate sometimes!

But she is making great strides! You will see more for proof later in the post!

You know that old adage "It takes a village to raise a child"?

Well, would you look at Ellie eating her dinner?!

SueSue made sure she operated her fork just so, and Li-la-lou (What Ellie now calls Linda Lou), wiped every little smear.

I was quite impressed with how well she was doing all by her little lonesome!

Oh, do you like her necklace? It is a Mo Bead original!

Made of copper and turquoise. She wanted a necklace, and I am tired of seeing this girl wear all of mama's big long necklaces, so I suppose I will make her a few special for her and just her size!

Ok, so do you remember last week when we were having our LSU Championship celebration? And Linda Lou was showing you all everything we were eating!

Wellllllll, guess whose back?!

Oh, and tonight she has a guest star! Miss Linda and Linda lou with black eyed peas.

and cheesy potatoes...

and a cucumber and onion salad...

and spicy chicken wings....

and fresh tomatoes... ANNNNDDD... Strawberry shortcake!

Ok, so as promised... this is Gabbi's new trick.

It just started over the past day or so.

I LOVE this face. She hardly EVER shows me a "mean face". In fact, I don't know if I have ever seen one! She cries, and then I can make eye contact with her, and she will immediately start grinning. She just can't cry when I smile at her. It is so funny.

But she was NOT cool with Emma and Paula trying to get her to cruise around that stool.

It didnt' happen tonight, but maybe soon!

Ok, so to get me out of my slump..
Let's play ASK MO....
Ask me anything you may want to know... favorite color. Best Christmas ever. About those green shoes again (I haven't forgotten!)... whatever ! Anything you have wanted to know and haven't asked. It'll make for some fresh material!
And who were you number 520?! I need to know. I missed follower no. 500, because I couldnt' figure out how to know who it was. So, if you were that last one to sign on as a follower (today), let yourself be known, and I will send you a fun treat!
I so enjoy your blog!! If you need material, I would love to see the beach tutu photo session.
My question is, what kind of camera do you have, and how do you keep from getting dropped, stepped on, or something spilled on it when you carry it around like you? I am impressed!!
Ok! For Ask MO!!
Does Todd have a job or does he just golf in LSU attire?!
I think your family is great! I love reading your blog even though I don't "know" you!
My questions are:
Do you still have your lap band in? How much weight have you lost?
Are you going to adopt another baby - maybe a boy this time?
hey mo i think i was that number but im not sure i know i have signed on here a few times today to see what is going on with you and your lovely family. and my question for you is when did you start doing beading ? like necklaces and such did u learn on your own or did someone teach you? i cant wait to do a kit with you again. i am wanting to learn more beading stuff i love your family and all the pics you take of them i hope to meet you and your family one day.
LOVE your blog. You give me my daily dose of humor;I look forward to it.
Tell us all about your new house(sq. footage,# of rooms,when is the expected finish date, etc.) and do you have your present one up for sale? How far is it from your present home?
Like so many others, I love reading your blog. It makes me smile. My question is have you ever thought about being a motivational speaker? And what about the green shoes? :)
Love your blog - originally found you through one of my mom's "cancer kids". I also have 2 children that were both adopted - those not quite so close in age.
My question is where can I get some of those fabulous Believe canvases from the Shake for Jake? I would like to custom order several for Christmas gifts if that is possible.
I would like to hear about your lapband. Did I miss that post?
You do have a busy life, but that is what life is about, having fun and being with people who you love and love you!! Your girls are growing up surrounded by LOVE!! There is NOTHING better!!
Good morning! I was looking at that baby's right arm, and I think you are correct. See the way she is holding on to the chair in that one pic? See the way her wrist is kind of curved? She's a wonder, that is for sure. Love Ms Ellie's necklace!
I am wondering about the "believe" canvas' as well.
Let's see... what to ask Mo? Will you adopt me too? I'm pretty sure that's a NO so tell us about you as a child. I know that you were a cheerleader but I want to know more!
I also want to know about the canvases. I want one for my daughter's room! Also, will you be doing a toddler line of jewelry at the Mo Beads etsy shop? I'm thinking my little one would love those necklaces.
My question:
In all the Shake pictures that Lindsey took, you had a strap across your body ~ was that a camera strap? It was funky and you know I like funky! I don't want a plain black camera strap!
Ellie Sue and her purse...that is so cute!
Hey Mo!
I ask all my questions in your last post. HA-HA.
Love the pics of Gabbi, she has a ton of hair, so cute!!
Love reading your blog! Can't wait to meet your family one day!
Oh MO! I love your blog!
Trendy Mindy is all about Ellie Sue and her accessories!!! I love it!
And that Sweet Gabbi Lou...she just melts my heart.
Let me think of a question!?! I'll come back.
I have one question:
DO you ever sleep?? :o)
Please write and tell us about those wonderful sandwiches - I googled them and they sound delicious - you always have such good food pics - tell us how to make some of those wonderful things. I love seeing all of your pictures - they make me smile and I love the cat names!
Here are my questions for Ask Mo:
1. How did you come up with the names Gabbi Lou and Ellie Sue? They are the most adorable names!
2. What got you interested in the jewelry and art making? You're really good at that stuff! Very creative.
Oh and I love Ellie's purse! Very stylish! =)
Man that food sure does look yummy! Gabbi's little "mean face" is too funny! I just can't see her ever crying...she's always smilin! Love that! :)
Question: Being that I'm a mom who is in the process of gaining legal guardianship of my sweet girl (possible within the next 2wks,it's been a long legal nightmare* (w/hopes of a future adoption), how would you handle future questions from Ellie/Gabbi about their birth parents. I have read countless books on the subject, however, I feel it's more personal when I can "talk" with someone who actually is experiencing/or going to experience this situation in REAL LIFE. Better yet, I admire you and I respect your personal "expertise" on this very delicate subject!
I had several questions, but I see most of them have already been asked. Thank you in advance for taking time to ask our MANY QUESTIONS!!!
I would love to know more about your lapband surgery, how you are doing with it and would you suggestion this procedure to friend. I have a bother-in-law that is considering the surgery. I would also like to know more details about your new home. Love your blog and also you adorable family. God Bless!!
I want to know how you get up and go to work in the morning after all that playing.
Hey Mo! Love your blog and love seeing pictures of those sweet girls! You have such a precious family. My questions are how did you and Todd meet? How long did you date and how did he propose? You guys are so cute together. :)
Hi Mo,
Have you ever lived in another state besides Louisiana? Ever been to Minnesota in the winter? Do you think northerners have funny accents? Why is your nickname Mo instead of Mel? Love reading about your adventures!
Oops I meant ANSWER OUR MANY QUESTIONS!! Proofread SNEKCIP Proofread!!!
When did you get married and how did you meet? Also why did you decide to adopt your beautiful girls? Could you not conceive or did you just choose to adopt your children? Thanks for answering questions :) I always love to see pictures of your girls and Ellie is too cute with her accessories!
Praying and Believing!
Your little girls are adorable and I am sure Ellie will be able to teach lots to Gabbi.
My question: when do you hope to have your new house ready to move into?
Just got a FLIP camera and I am LOVING it. What do I want to know -- how do you "approach" all of your craft hobbies -- sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all the different papers, beads, etc. so I do nothing -- do you just dive in?! Also, what does Todd "do" - we hear all about your daytime but not his :) Thanks for being a ray of sunshine!!
My Questions are...
What is the funniest comment Ellie has ever made? (That is probably hard.)
What is your favorite resource for craft ideas?
Do you cook? (If so,) Do you LIKE to cook? (And if so,) What do you like to cook?
Kay, that should give you something to work with!
Love Gab's face!
Ok, so I am a little devious but I loved, loved the couple of blogs where you and Staci went back and forth with embarrassing photos. Let's start that up again...maybe it will get Staci back from the beach again this year. Them boys must be tired of fishing by now! HeHe! I just loved the sisterly love!
2nd idea: some good pics of your girls on your long beautiful driveway. Some of the pics you
took of Ellie with Todd the Bod mowing that time were really cute.
Melanie, What type of paint do you use for the canvases?
P.S. I love your blog!!
How much contact do you have with the girls' birth mom/parents? Love these question/answer things-so interesting!
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