I just LOVE taking my girls to work. It used to be a breeze! Then, you know who....
Ever wonder what I do at work? If you have ever had PT, then you understand it from a big person's perspective. But here is a little one. This is "A". She has never sat alone before. I get to be a part of moments like this!
I screamed, "Jessssssi. Cammmera!". Shortly followed by Ellie Sue ....
She also maintains her head tilted to the left all the time, with a slight rotation to the right. I made that "torticollis" call when she was about 2 months old. Anyone remember?! And sure enough... 
If you think I am crazy, scroll back and look at all of her pictures.... always to the left! and that is WITH me working with her all the time at home. SO, I gave up and now we come to therapy. The deal is is that with her tilted head comes a rotated head. With a rotated head comes a visual attntion to only one way. IN Gabbi's case, that is to the right. She does not, therefore look to the left with her left eye very well. If she is looking to the right, both eyes go that way. If she is looking to the left, the right one goes that way, but the left one doesn't pass midline very well. We are both going to the eye doctor tomorrow. Gabbi for her situation, and me... well, I am turning the Big 4-0 this year, and I think the time has come!
Wait. I think Katie is just playing with her! In pediatric PT, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference. It is a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!
Meanwhile, back in the PT gym....
Umm.... where you going Ellie? Anyone seen Ellie?
Oh, there you are. Sitting atop a patient getting her hot packs! Katy, you ok?
Became a little , umm, let's just say, "Busy"! That said, I don't typically torture the others who are either trying to work or rehab there when Ellie is at work, and always now bring a sitter!
Our new one happens to be Katelyn. Ellie can't say that well, so I asked if she would mind affectionately being called, "KK". You may remember Katelyn from the beach pictures last year. If I had not been forced to delete my blog, you could have scrolled back and seen them!
Katelyn will be going with us again this year, along with good ol' Masson. We have an extended stay planned in about a week and a half. It was planned late last year, so despite my freaking out a bit with a very full caseload at work, and a brand new clinic to boot, I AM sticking to my guns, and we will be in Gulf Shores by the 21st! There's a bird! Back to work!
Ever wonder what I do at work? If you have ever had PT, then you understand it from a big person's perspective. But here is a little one. This is "A". She has never sat alone before. I get to be a part of moments like this!
Screaming, "jesssssii. Cammmera." I swear she is my shadow!
Anyhoo. I LOVE getting to take pics of my babies taking their first steps, sitting for the first time, standing alone, etc. ANd now in this age of email and such, we (I use that term loosely... I meant, Jessi) can just plop it right on the "puter" and send it to mom or dad at work. (Often a sitter or grandparent brings the kids so mom/pop can earn a living.)
"A" was coerced to sit by my constantly feeding her goldfish. See the crumbs all over the place?
I had to pop those little suckers and give her tiny bites at a time. I actually have a proof sitting on my desk of a potential onesie we may have printed that says, "Will work for food". Wouldn't that be cute? I have taught many a delyaed kid to walk with goldfish! That just seems to be the treat of choice!
Speaking of delayed kids...
Someone commented a while back about my never having mentioned why GG is in therapy... wellll.....
First let me clarify by saying her mom is a pediatric physical therapist and a psycho! Ok. That out of the way....
I have been bothered by her lack of willingness to use her right arm. I showed it to the pediatrician, and she agreed. See above pic? Gabbi tends to hold her right arm with her left one. For a while, she hardly even acknowledged it. That has gotten WAY better!
The pediatrician even thought she may have brachial plexus injury (a stretch of the nerve roots that innervate her arm). I am not so sure it is that, and may be a little more significant, since it is a total avoidance of any weight into the entire right side.
If you think I am crazy, scroll back and look at all of her pictures.... always to the left! and that is WITH me working with her all the time at home. SO, I gave up and now we come to therapy. The deal is is that with her tilted head comes a rotated head. With a rotated head comes a visual attntion to only one way. IN Gabbi's case, that is to the right. She does not, therefore look to the left with her left eye very well. If she is looking to the right, both eyes go that way. If she is looking to the left, the right one goes that way, but the left one doesn't pass midline very well. We are both going to the eye doctor tomorrow. Gabbi for her situation, and me... well, I am turning the Big 4-0 this year, and I think the time has come!
Gabbi isn't sitting herself up yet, so that is another thing we are working on. She is resonding to therapy very well, so I think all will be well!
What is funny is that my therapists are pretty much busy all the time! so, we have everyone in on the game... 
Patients' moms.... 
This is Aunt Kimmie, Andy's mom, doing a little work on getting her on her hands and knees (oh not doing that yet either.) Should have been emerging around 6 months. She is 8 1/2!
And Katie... Back to Gaggi Gull...Gosh she is so cute!
This is Jessi making Gabbi use both hands at the same time. Gabbi is not yet clapping and only started holding her bottle about a week ago. I know, I know... many of you are thinking, "yea, so?", but remember what I do for a living! 
Ellie is waaaaay into this necklace that she wears to be like her daddy. She gets a bit agitated when I try to take it off.
And to conclude. Another reason Ellie likes to be at MMPT Ruston is that Katie and Jessi let her eat all of her food (Rice Krispie treats and such) with these umbrellas as "forks".
She just thinks that is the bomb.com. Who wouldn't? I think I may start using umbrella toothpicks for all my meals!
I just love having my kids with me at work! melanie
Oh, those girls are sooooo cute...and I would love to spend one day in your clinic..How inspiring and fun...I don't blame you for working with Gabbi....why take a chance when you know what to do and have people to help you do it...She will be fine, I know..
Now, my favorite girl, Miss KK...
Love that sweet girl and her family. Could she be any more beautiful??? And coming back up north, too! What a lucky girl to get the babysitting job...She will be great... How convenient.. Tell her hello...I know y'all will have a wonderful time at the beach..Enjoy every minute..
I don't think have ever left a comment, but I've been following for a while! We are friends of Tina so we came from Stanton's site, then Jake's. Anyway, love your blog!! Wanted to let you know our family will be at Gulf Shores at the same time! We are headed down the 21st with Tina's sister, Jamie. Might see ya then.
Melanie Earnhardt
What a treat to take those cutie patooooooooties with you!!!
I love Ellie's necklace! Funny!
not that i'm a PT or anything... but i did notice a slight something in her eye... but knew her mama would be all over that! she's still perfect and such a cute picture taker! :O)
i'm so bummed to be missing the glitz girls... they're in my neck of the woods this weekend but i have plans... and i never have plans! maybe next time... email me if you ever know of any cool workshops in southern california! thanks!
melinda (jake's "friend" from st. jude!)
Such a blessing you have a job where your girls can come with you!! And I can't believe how red Ellie's hair looks in these pics!!
what very lucky little girls
Those girls of yours seem to be having a blast at your PT center! Who could blame them? Lots of attention, Goldfish crackers, umbrella toothpicks, loads of toys...The thing that made ME want to be there, though, was the hot packs. Those sound wonderful to me right now! Been working in my garden all afternoon/evening. I am sore, sore, sore! Hook me up, would ya? :o)
The beach sounds wonderful...you definitely deserve some time away, after everything you've been through lately.
Hope the rest of your week is a good one!
Yes, Gabbi girl is way too precious. That slobbery grin--OMG, too cute. Love that green outfit miss sassa frass Ellie is sporting too. I'm sure you and your PT's will get GG moving in the right direction soon.
Oh my gosh! That is so cute! A little shadow! I can see why you love having them at work with you!
Just finished reading about your cutie patooties and looked up to see the clock read 11:11. Hi Jake! Just had to share :0)
Yes, honey! You are on to me! Let me know what day is better for you so I can swing by and get my el-present-o!!!! I ain't no DUMMY! LOL Holler!!! I was down there Sat night and saw your old name plastered on that building.. I'm gonnna surprise you one day!!!
Okay, the whole description you gave of her arm and then on to the description of her neck, I kept thinking "that sounds like torticollis" and then you mentioned torticollis! Anyway, my little cousin had that problem as a baby and it just kind of spontaneously resolved. Weird, huh? So awesome you're a PT though and Gabbi gets extra attention in this area. Our pediatrician informed us we need to get a speech evaluation for our 2-year-old. Isn't it amazing the resources we have these days?!
Keep meaning to ask, where'd you get the ruffle pants that Ellie wears, the ones with the ruffles all the way down her legs?
Oh, Derek has congenital ptosis too, so if Gabbi has a weakness on one side, maybe that's the gist of her eye problem? Of course, I'm just a transcriptionist, so my knowledge is pretty limited, hehe.
My daughter is 2 and her name is Katelyn (spelled the same) and she just started out of the blue calling herself KK a few months ago. She points to herself in pictures and says KK, etc.
I so wish I could take my babies to work! You are so lucky Mo!
How lucky is Gabbi to have you for a MOM!!! and of course Ellie too. You are awesome!!
Wow. I wondered if Gabbi had torticollis. I noticed that earlier and then thought, well if she does, she's got the best mom EVAH to handle that!!! LOL She is too sweet!! They both are. Have I ever mentioned how straight Big D's neck is?!?!?!? lol lol lol
just to stinkin cute! Gulf Shores...my favorite place! ENJOY!
Those are some lucky little doll babies you have! I'm sure Miss Ga Ga will be all caught up in no time. Enjoy the beach, guess all the great pictures will have to do for me, I'm sooo jealous! Hugs from Fort Worth!
Melanie oh I can not call you that!
Mo it is!!!!
Nicholas sat up at 9 months and then I still had a boppy pillow around him. Today he is a rough and tumble 20 moth old toddler that is nonstop. Some kids just do things on their own time.
I think your right to give Gabbi therapy, she is one luck baby girl and in the long run all you hard work will pay off and you will have two girlies to run, no chase after! Get ready...
Oh the trip to the eye doctor when you are about to turn 40. Just did that myself and guess what? I needed glasses. I have a little problem seeing far away. At least I don't need reading glasses..yet.. Your kids are so cute! It looks like your PT office is a great place to be!
So, I'd say if comments are any indication of how much your peeps LOVE or are interested in your post.......they really like this one!!!!!!!! Those sweet girls growing up. G girl looks like she's progressing well with some PT. No doubt that her mama will stay on top of it.......I'm the same way! By the way, loving Jessi's hair. Maybe if she ever updated, I would have seen her pics :)))) I know that sewing machine is all consuming and I told yall it would happen. It just sucks and stitches!! Thanks for all your sweet comments about my mama. She is doing great and I'm glad to be back home for now. She is a trooper and is handling all this craziness like an old pro! Email me if beach help is needed. I need to be productive!!
Don't have much to say in detail - just that I LOVE reading you blog. The girls are beautiful, you are awesome and you may even inspire me (a non-crafter) to go to Inspired 2010, especially since it is about 25 miles from my house! Thanks for sharing everyday!
Can I tell you how much I LOVE therapy?!?! 2 of my 4 boys have benefitted greatly from it. Boy #2 has Tourettes (he is 5) and has been in ST/OT/PT for 3 years. I have such love and admiration for all his teachers and therapists. Boy #4 had a birth injury (he actually strangled on a double wrapped umbilical cord and was a ONE on his apgars) He was brought back by the 5 minute apgar and was an 8... but over the next 2 months we started to notice the head tilt (torticollis) which also lead to plagiocephaly and he wasn't using his right arm very well. They suspected nerve damage from the strangulation. Well his PT worked with him for about 5 months and the little buggar was so strong-willed he surprised everyone and was walking by 8 1/2 months. The PT kept telling us to push him down so he'd crawl and use those arms! lol. But his nerves seem to have regenerated and the torticollis is gone and the plagiocephaly had a little help from a cranial remolding helmet for 3 months. He is now 13 months old and is a wild child ~ we have to keep chairs tucked in around the tables because he already knows how to climb onto the chairs and then stands on the table! Although he's a bit younger he'd be a good match for Ellie! :) lol. There is my therapy story for you. ^_^ Sure wish I had studied this field in college... it is really interesting. I love getting a peek into your clinic and the wonderful people who you hang with! :) Love those girls ~ they are adorable!
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