Anyway... here is Ellie waiting at the door. She is learning to knock and wait. Patience is not her strength!
We's be's a bunch of rednecks around here! Speaking of rednecks... I went right on back home and got my girls fed! Check out Gabbi Girls' hair now that I am letting her feed herself a little. She gets food all over her and then smears it all over her face and hair.
She is LOVING finger feeding! So, how can I not let her do it?! We just get right on into that sink bath!
Kinda got that cross eyed look in this picture. But, I went to the eye doctor this morning, and all's well. Gabbi has a clean bill of health and I am 20/20! He says Gabbi has a wide bridge across her nose, called telecanthus. (I think that is how it would be spelled). It means that there is more skin on the sides of her nose which blocks the white of her eyes as she looks across midline. As she grows, the cartilage of her nose will grow into that skin and they should look less and less crossed.
Let's go back over to Sarah's. She had these great little bubbles that Ellie could actually blow by herself. YEsssss. I HATE blowing bubbles. they get all over the place and they are sticky! Yuck.
And while Ellie blew, Gabbi showed off on her hands and knees.
Way to go, Gabbi Gull. So proud of you! We are on our way now!
As much as Ellie liked the bubbles, they did not compare to Sarah's hair stuff basket! Now I cannot BEG Ellie wear a headband from our house. But over there....
And not only on her. She also wanted everyone in the room to wear one too!
Sarah was awarded the white one.... (note the snag teeth!)
And Ellie gave Gabbi this blue one.
Uh oh. Does that mean she will wear a headband?! SHoudln't have let yo mama know that! I have some CUTE ones, that your big sister wouldn't wear! Are YOU my headband girl?!
And after a long day of play and visiting the neighbors, I knew I needed to give my girls a big supper. I wanted Ellie to have a choice! I am not one of those moms who insist the kid eats only what is provided. I want her to have CHOICES!
So, she could choose from Creamy Ranch or French Onion!
Please no ugly emails. I am just kidding! This was only an appetizer! We actually ate a weenie and some cheese later! (Hey Cheeselady... I haven't forgotten you! I will send you a check PRONTO!) LOVE the cheese!! melanie
your times with the girls is so enjoyable to read;makes my day
Ellie Sue is so cute!! Just want to pick her up and squeeze!! Of course Gabbi Lou is too. What a lucky Mommy your are!!
I loved all the Christmas PJ's. You can't just wear them at Christmas, or they'd never get worn!!
You have a great family. I love to read about it! Thanks for sharing your family with us and making me smile!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
You are too funny Melanie. You always make me laugh! Christmas pjs are so fun!! :) I don't know about the flannel here in Houston tho! Your girls are so precious. Love those smiles!
I so enjoyed this post!! Your girls are getting so big and are just adorable. If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I've got to meet the ever so famous Ellie and Gabbi. I think Gabbi is going to be your headband girl. It just seems like she is kosher with whatever.
Gabbi is too big on her hands and knee's. She acted like she wanted to do that in Monroe the other day! I love her(and Miss Ellie too!)
Neither of our girls would put up with headbands. And, both (seven years difference in age) at the age of just starting to walk on their own, made the trek to the bathroom to throw a headband right in the toilet. I got the message!
Sounds like the neighbors house is THE place to be! I love it when we all get our baths early and Jammie Up to snuggle in front of the boob tube until bedtime. Minus the flannel part, however. I'm from Louisiana, I KNOW it's too hot in May to wear flannel! Your house may be the place to be instead. Dip? Why of course, and please pass the chips too! They are precious!!!
You are soooo funny! Love those girls!
Just beware of that "going out with shoes on" stage. My son (who's now almost 6) did that as a little boy and now won't go ANYWHERE without shoes STILL!!! It's annoying. He even wears socks to bed because he HAS to have something on his feet!! He's never felt the grass in his toes because he has to have shoes on. The girls are so cute, Gabbi has the most adorable smile!!
Hey Mel,
I don't like to blow bubbles either, but I bought a bubble machine at Wal-Mart. It has been the best $10 I ever spent.
Ok.....Love your neighbors. Mainly because as I was reading your post and you mentioned the Christmas pj's I had to look down at my own lounge pants which have snowflakes and words that describe winter on them!!!!! Yesterday I wore ones that look like I'm a Christmas tree! I bet if you did a survey and people were honest you would find out your neighbors are not so strange after all!
I have several pairs of those pj Old Navy lol! Look at Miss Gabbi getting all ready to take off on her knees. She is going to be off and running before you know it and then you can chase two in two different directions. THAT is when the fun begins, NOT! My 5 yr old has never liked head bands and now that she is old enough to express she tells me they hurt behind her ear area. I have found a few at The Children's Place that she will wear but they only last in her hair about 4,5 hours then she takes them out.
As always, your posts make my day. Makes me want a small one again, but then they grow up and get some smart mouths on them (mine are 10, 9, & 7 all girls) but I would not trade them for anything.
Thank you for your wonderful posts, and wish you all the luck with the headbands, still can't get my girls to wear them!
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