Is it just me....

or does this kid need to be on a box of fish sticks?!

dang. She is cute. But that hat just screams yellow slicker and increased sales of fish for some fast food chain!

Gabbi is so fired up about just about everything! On this trip, Gabbi was a singleton and was just absolutley thrilled to be going outside with mom.
Ok, one more... I mean, really. How do you choose?!

Soooooo, Todd and Masson made it down. Ellie is getting better with her name. It is actually Mary Allison. Ellie is now saying, "Massanon". She has added a syllable! Closer!

Yay. I have back up!
She wasnt' here 30 minutes, and the girls were all piled up on the balcony snacking together!

Miss Ellie had her Dora yogurt. And refused to be assisted!

Gabbi was happy to have the help. We have started big girl food, like noodles and green peas, and little bites of just about anything we are eating. You can tell she thinks she is so big when she eats with us!

Lindsay, this ones for you! This is one of those WalMart specials for 5 bucks! Gotta love that!

And I can't remember who said it. Sorry. But, I, too, LOVE pics taken from behind! So cute. Look at those little curls!

Little Miss Gabbi was pretty excited that her Masson was here.

well, maybe a WHOLE LOT excited!

Another plus is that now that Masson is here, we will be sure to get family pics. Daddy was out getting carseats and strollers loaded up. He is a good daddy! So, he was absent from these pics last night. But tonight, we got a few with all four of us. Those will have to be tomorrow's meat and potatoes!

Ellie is going through a VERY busy stage! It is nothing short of a miracle that she is even sitting on my lap in ANY of these pictures! She is usually bucking and trying to get out of my lap. I think I was tricking her in the above picture to look at a bird. An imaginary bird, nonetheless! But if you will notice, my imaginative kid sees it too! Ha

And would you look at those little gold shoes?! So precious. Good ol' Target!

Well, I will keep em coming. You keep on commenting! I like to read everyone's responses. Melanie
I have been looking HIGH and LOW for GOLD SANDALS!! I managed to find the CUTE little between-the-toe sandals, but BREE HATES THEM!!! Love the girls outfits! You dressed them so cute!
Had to come back and make ANOTHER COMMENT!!! That Gabbi has got to be the cutest MORTON SALT girl EVER!!!
I'm so jealous that you are having fun at the beach and I'm at home! Looks like fun even without your entire crew there yet! Gabbi's getting huge and her hair seems dark all of a sudden. Loving Ellie's curls...they also seem to have sprung lose lately! Can't wait to see what fun adventure happens once Staci's crew gets there! Dannon
So fun! Wish I were there with you! :) Love those sweet smiles!
Gabbi Girl is something else! She most certainly does need to be on the box of something or on a magazine cover!!!!!!! Happiest Baby on the Block, for sure!
Lovin the Wally World dress & gold sandals...I better hit those places tomorrow!
I wish you would adopt me! LOL Those girls are so lucky to have such fantastic parents.I can't get over how much Gabbi smiles. The happiest baby on earth;she looks so easy going!Can't wait for more pics...LOTS of them!
I think they are the cutest baby girls I have ever seen. Hope you continue to have a great trip.
Those girls of yours are adorable. Your looking great too Mo!!!
I'm on a virtual vacation with you! I can't wait to get to the computer in the morning to see what I did yesterday! That little Gabbi is absolutely the happiest baby EVER!!!! Love your pics and stories - keep 'em coming!
Your Gabbi girls smile is the highlight of my morning! I love reading your posts before getting to work! Thank you for sharing your girls. She definitely should be on a box of fishsticks! lol
Great photos Mo. Love the one of you and your smiling girls. Gabbi is one happy camper, that's for sure. Keep having fun and keep the precious pictures coming.
You look fab!! Really! Can't wait for more family pics with Todd the bod. You sure know how to have a great time. I can see it in all of your faces. I wish I was there with you!! Thanks for letting us be there virtually! Gabbi is the happiest baby ever. Wish we could all have her attitude all of the time! What a world it would be! Have more great times and memories!
hugs from Missouri.
LOVE that smile. I agree you need to send her picture in to some commercials or companies for labels. When I see her smile like that I can't help but smile.
Does that sweet little thang EVER cry, fuss, NOT smile? Seriously what do you do to get those big ol cheesey grins? She is just to doggone cute.
Love the shoes, gonna have to go check my Target for some today. Love those outfits too btw. Keep enjoyin yaself while I feel like Noah with all this rain here...ugh
Mel- Does that baby girl ever stop smiling??? I mean do you even have a fussy picture of her??? They are both too cute and you are looking GREAT!
Mel-I just have to say, you are looking great these days! Love all the pics-keep 'em coming!
Holy Cow!! The pictures of you and the girls with the greenery and flowers in the background is beautiful. Definitely blow one of those up and put it in the condo. Gotta get Todd in some of the pix. That Gaggi must have a smile on her face 24/7. Love, love, love Ellie's curls. Let's face it, your family rocks and we all love you guys to pieces. Keep the pictures coming. We're addicted!!
I love the pics of you and your girls. My baby girl graduates from high school in 9 days. I remember her first trip to the beach. It goes TOO fast. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!
You'd better send that child's picture in for a contest or something!! She would win--sure as the world. I'm lovin all the pictures. And I agree with some of the other comments--you're looking great Melanie! I know you've got to be proud of your personal accomplishments!! BTW---if I babysit for you, can I come too?? I know how to take care of younguns! :)
Yep, that's the Gorton Fisherman!
Gold sandals, pictures of curly hair and three lovely ladies with tropical flowers surrounding them - what a treat for the eye and such a bright spot in my day - you just don't know how your pictures and stories lift me up and make me anxious for the birth of my first grandbaby around July 5! Don't know if it is a boy or a girl - they want a surprise first time around - if it is a girl, I know where to come to get some ideas and/or purchase some cute girlie things! Thanks for sharing all your fun. I love the beach - don't get there for years at a stretch - but when I do.....I just can't take my eyes off of it or keep my toes out of it! Hope you just keep on having more and more fun and keep posting more and more pics.
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