SInce I am doing back to back videos of Ellie, I thought I had BETTER sneak in a few pics of my Gabbi Girl. This is her at work this week. She has been going to work with me while Ellie is left at home with her daddy and sitters.
It just makes my day all the sweeter when she is there with me. I swear, I just can't quit kissing those cheeks. She is so dang lovable!
Do you think we look alike?! Guess what... random fact. We have the same birth mark on the back of our necks! Cool, huh?!
Ok, so here goes my smart little cookie. I had been trying to catch her doing a few of her signs, and then VOILA', she decided to do some. Yay for the Flip camera!
It dawned on me that perhaps I had never shown the world how brilliant my eldest child is. Not that my baby girl isn't, but we haven't gotten too far with the signs just yet. Ellie has been signing since she was about 12 months old. She knows a LOT of them! I have never counted how many she knows, but this video is a little sampling! Hope you enjoy. I will have to find a good one of Gaggi Gull showing some of her new skills.
So glad to see new "followers" every day. I can't believe there are still people joining in. I think there were, like, 4 new ones yesterday! Dude! That is cool. Oh, and did I tell you that the earring kits are out. The new kit is being assembled and will be ready to send out in about a week. It is a mini scrapbook and to me, it is the best kit yet. It will be a little more expensive, but it is packed with cool stuff.

I can really dig that whole "earthy", "naturey" thing that is so trendy right now. The flowers pictured above are awesome! They are plastic, and you can layer them and attach all mismatched colors with a brad. Each kit has a WHOLE tube of those in it. And then check out these felt embellishments. SO COOL!

And I cannot get enough of small alphabets! These are rub ons and I intend to use lots of them in my mini book.

American Crafts has some of my fav-O-rite letter stickers. Soooo, I am putting TWO kinds in every kit. See below? We are already packing em up. I hope to do a sample mini book and several 12x12 pages as requested. I will let you know when it is ready to go and you can get em from Etsy.

and if you are still on the fence about whether or not you want a kit.... let this shameless picture help you decide! Now THAT is a big kit. And THAT is a cute kid!

Check you all later. Mo
I think you have got to have two of the smartest/cutest kids eva!!! Ellie is so smart with those signs! That is great that you are teaching her that! I know it is just a matter of time before Gabbi catches on!
So ready for another minibook!!!
She is so funny! We hear "More Candy, Peas" around our house all the time. B does hand motions but they don't qualify as signing!!:) It's more of a "hurry up, Mommy" I'm hungry sign! I need a FLIP! Gabbi looks so sweet in purple AND you two DO look alike! Hey, I want some of that coral....BAD! Hey, send me an email and let me know if you have any left!
Sooo cool! I want a kit this time!
Your girls are so precious. Thanks for sharing them. I love how Ellie said love you before she took off in the video.
Ahhhh. Got my little bitty Girlie fix for the morning, and am now ready to start my busy day. I'd love to be in on the scrapbook kit! I have no time to play, things are piled up here dreadfully, but it will be fun to have something to look forward to. Have a lovely!
Thanks for sharing your girls with us. They are precious gifts from God! I look forward to reading about them and your family each day. Thanks again for sharing!
your girls are so cute. Your family seems so happy. I'm happy for you
I am very impressed with Ellie knowing so many signs. I wish I had thought of that when my son was little, he was late with talking and it made for many frustrating days not understanding him!! I love the kits, I am a scrapper, but I don't have much time these days, how do you find the time to work, be a Mommy to those precious babies, make jewerly and scrapbook?? Do you ever sleep?? LOL.
Mo...I am a new "poster" but not new to you and/or your family! I have been following simce Jake's Caringbridge. My dear friend (Bill Berndt, son was Will Pottet-Berndt) was at St. Jude at the same time as you guys. Will passed away before Jake. But, there was a time that Bill asked for prayers for Jake and that is how I learned of Jake's site. I am a mother of 2 girls and I love following you and Staci and all your craziness. One thing I would love to see is Jessi's job description...ha ha. You guys are awesome. Thanks for sharing your life with us!
I am going to buy the minibook...'go me'!
Okay I have GOT to buy one of those kits this time. I am NOT crafty but by golly I am going to try. I love the colors!
SIgning is the best thing I agree. I taught it to the last 3 of my kids and I honestly noticed they were less frustrated than my older two in being able to tell me things. Now that they are 5 and 4 they rarely use them but sometimes they will throw one out there.
Gaggi girl is just too freaking precious and YES you do look alike. I love how they get to go to work with you. Take care and cant wait for the kit.
Thats one smart little cookie you got there girly! I'm sure baby girl will be signing in no time with a great teacher like yourself! The mini book looks great, when can we get started? Hugs from Fort Worth!
Holy cow look at all that stuff for the kits this time!! I can't wait! Love the signs, Ellie is so smart. I bet lil miss catches on soon enough. the twins use to do them all the time but now they prefer to talk! Personally I liked it when they were quiet!
Love those two sweet girls! Mel, you are going to have to put bricks on their heads. They are growing SO fast!
Love the new kit. Can't wait to get one.
I so enjoy reading your stories about your girlies. Ellie is amazing and I think she is a genius - the time you spend with her shows! Also, I love the polka dot boots she seems to wear daily. Reminds me of my dauther (now 25) and all the combinations and outfits she would put together - her father was so embarrased when she would run out of the front door to greet him - he didn't like the neighbors seeing his daughter in such get ups - maybe that's why he is my ex-husband!!! Don't mess with my creative kid and live! Gabbi is just so precious and always so ladylike and dressed in style. Just wanted to let you know a Believer in St. Louis appreciates you sharing your family and all the great things you all do together and the fun times you have doing all of it. Have fun this weekend - I am off to Champaign, IL to my older daughter's first baby shower - the car will be packed to the gills with gifts! Can't wait - what fun.
I love it! My cousin is a speech therapist and her little one is a riot with her signing.
I love the new scrapbook kits. I just took a bunch of picture yesterday that would look great with some flowers layered over them. Can't wait!
I love how Ellie does the "body movements" for cold as if she's really freezing. Those girls are adorable.
I can't wait for the scrapbook kit---how do you sign up?
Okay I'm getting one of those kits this time! I have pictures coming out of the WHY-ZOO!! Ellie/Gabbi is just PRECIOUS!! Love the video!
Quick question for you. Who does your monogramming and what font is that on Gabbi's bib. I have seen it on more than one of your outfits. I have Monogram Wizard and want to recreate that look for my neice. I love it! Lisa
That IS a cute kid! Adorable even! I can't decide if I want the kit, or to come babysit the girlys while you get creative. Of course, I live in Colorado....Love the videos this week!
Love,love, LOVE the videos of the girls-they continually show us how loved they are and what a very involved mother you are-YOU ROCK MEL!!! BTW-The new office is fantastic-can't wait to see it once it is completely finished!!!
Your girls are just beeeeeautiful! I love the new scrapbooking colors! Can't wait to see it on ETSY!
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