Ok, so let me tell you. Owning your own business is by NO means, a cakewalk! It means long, hard hours, sleepless (worrisome) nights, and headaches! Buttttttttt.... it also means....

taking your kids to work when you so desire! PERK!!
And that is just what I did Friday! When I take them with me to the Ruston office, you can just bet your britches, a photo shoot is going to ensue! I think this picture is just so cute. Ellie is kissing Gaggi on the head, and Gaggi looks like a little chicken with her bottom lip all tucked in. I keep thinking she is getting a tooth.. but nothing yet! and as for those crossed arms. So cute!

and while speaking of "chickens".... Isnt' this the funniest little barrette? I found it on.... oh you know by now! (ETSY! I LOVE that place!) Oh, and speaking of
Etsy... I have kits up for the silver and turquoise earrings, but only for about the first 25 or so people, so go get em!

Ellie has a big fat bunny rabbit in her bow, but she wouldn't stop long enough for us to catch her and see it. She and those ruffled pants were in high speed!

Now don't think I burden my patients with my kids. I am able to take my girlies with me, because I also take Brooke with me! She is the sitter for my girls three days a week! Miss Jean has them the other two days. We are so blessed to have people who truly care for them with them every day! Brooke's job is to have them at work for me to see and enjoy when I get a smidgen of time between patients to enjoy them, but to also keep them happy but out of the way.

I have some patients who absolutely LOVE them being there. They are kinda mad at me when (from time to time) I dont' bring them in on Friday! The older ladies actually really seem to enjoy them! ANd on this day, so did Kelsey!

ya know, Babies are just so dang much fun!
I strapped Gabbi Girl in Kelsey's lap and away they went. She was a little tentative, initially, I think; thinking she may lose Gabbi by dropping her. She has to use her stronger arm to drive her power wheelchair. But....

When I strapped Gabbi to her, I could see that she felt much more confident, and I know Kelsey loved it! From the looks of things, Gabbi thought it was pretty awesome too! I have an intern with me right now who is learning the "ropes" about being a professional. I think it is a pretty good learning experience when we have moments like these!

Kelsey being able to ride gabbi around by herself probably did more good for her in this particular treatment session than all the stretching and standing combined! Kelsey and I were discussing it this week, and I think I have been working with her for about 10 or 11 years! That is hard to believe. Think we don't get to know our patients!? They become family!
Ok, so here is another perk of the job. TOY TRIALS!

Miss Gabbi Lou is testing out the latest toys to see what the Easter Bunny might need to bring to our house !

In case you haven't seen this one and have a teeny weeny one, it is awesome! It requires very little pressure to push the big dome on top, and then it lights up, spins around and plays music. The little ribbons swirl around as the top is spinning.

Hey, Jill. Hutton would like this one!

As for the staff, well, there are some, I think, who don't necessarily like that I bring them to work with me. (they are in the minority!) And you know what else, they make it kinda obvious! Buttttttt (again), MOST of them seem to like having the girls around. I mean, I DO have a baby sitter! This is Katie. She is one who seems to like my girls at the clinic. Thanks, katie! It means a lot to know that others like your kids. You know?!

You know the old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child?" Well, it takes a whole staff to raise these two! ANd they seem quite well-adjusted and love it! In fact, we are inviting Maddi to work with us tomorrow! We are having an Easter egg hunt at the Ruston office, so we want her to join in on the festivities!!

Oh, now here is definitely a BIRD! But, we are speaking of work! I have a kiddo who comes to therapy who was a St. Jude patient. Now you talk about a common bond! Anyhoo... she has this tattoo on her foot, and I just HAD to share it!

Kewl. Huh?

As a matter of fact, I DID ask her to plop her foot up on the waiting room chair so I could commemorate the INK!
ANd last but not least. We LOVE it when Pops drops by the office! He swung by Friday, and his little sidekick was pretty dang excited!

Can you see the little pink Believe bracelet on Ellie's arm in the picture above?! I forgot to mention that they come in little people sizes too! Hope your week is a good one. As I always say, this is the only week of April 6th (?), 2009, you will ever have! Make it a special one! Mo
So what is that toy? I've got a little girl about 3 or 4 days older than Gabbi. :)
So darn cute!!! You are in an awesome situation to be able to take your girls to work every now and then, and to have such awesome sitters. Man if I had little girls I would be going broke on Etsy. And when you said this is the only April 6, 2009 your going to have, you are right. Life is soooo short. It really hit me when my father passed away on March 8. I miss him being here for the boys baseball. I miss talking to him. His spot at the table on Easter will be empty. So if you have an unresolved conflicts with someone, or just havent seen them, get in gear folks. You never know what lifes daily challenges will bring and who may be gone. Huggzzzz happy week all!!
Mel--I love, love, love your site...my absolute favorite!! Can you do me a favor? I am looking for a baby gift and have seen Ellie on here wearing the ruffled pants from this post and others and wondered where you got them??? Thanks, Julie
Love this post! Those Girlies are growing like wildfire. You need to get some bricks strapped to their heads pretty soon, Mama. Thank you for letting Gabbi go for a ride. I can only imagine the boost of confidence you gave her "limo driver" on a day she will never forget! How cool you have an intern. I love it when my PT clinic has interns. They are just the cutest things. So serious and kind! The PT's, OT's, SP's there all decide that they were surely NEVER that young when they were interns. Funny!
Oh yes- please tell us more about the toy! Savannah is almost 5 months and we LOVE new toys!!
I love the picture of Ellie kissing Gabbi on the head. It is so precious! Who wouldn't just love being around those girlies?! You can bring them to my office anytime! Can't wait to see the pics of the Easter egg hunt.
The pictures are adorable. I can't believe that staff members visibly show their displeasure at the BOSS LADY bringing her kids to work.What nerve. I hope they're your best employees and if notI hope they know you can show them the door.
I 2nd that for the pants! I am having a baby girl on or around July 8th and must.have.those.pants! : )
I am stopping in to see you when I come through West Monroe to see the family....
Have a great week!
Love the earring set---just ordered....
Mrs. Melanie,
Those pics of the girls are adorable! :) Hope that you have a great week!
Niki Clark
Okay Mo, how you are going to give this toy TOP PROPS and not give us the name of it (LOL)!
I wish I could bring my little one to work, but somehow as BUSY as she is, I think I would have the WHOLE OFFICE GLARING AT ME (LOL)!! The girls are just too precious!! Love the bows!!!
BEFORE I read the excerpt about the tattoo, I exclaimed "Mo, got "TATTED UP" *LOL*, you can tell I have COLLEGE AGE KIDS, see the LINGO I use!! THEIR GOES A BIRD.... Mo, I just love her tattoo, it's awesome!!
Outdoor pictures with the kids are great, aren't they?! I love these pics of Ellie and Gabbi. Their hair barrettes are sooo cute!
I'm amazed at how well Gabbi is sitting and that she can really play with the toys. What a great idea to let her try out toys at your office! That's some good thinkin', girlfriend!
Cute Cute Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, so I know I said this before but - THESE are my new favorite pictures!! Oh my gosh - Gabbi is suddenly not an infant! I want to love on that baby girl!! They are both just so darn precious and I love Ellie's outfit! Happy happy girls!!!
I just wanna eat dem sweet cheeks of those little girlies! That lil chick bow/barette/clip is freaking cute Mel. And look at Miss Gaggi all sittin up on her own like she is big britches now... As far as co workers not liking you bringing your kids to work...well here is what I gots to say bout that....First off, do they forget the name of the business, cuz its ummm got some very important lady's name. Secondly, with the economy right now, I know of many peeps that would gladly have their job if its all that bad.So if ya would let them know I would gladly take their job. I have my BSN so I just might qualify lol...Keep showing them girlies off, life is too short! Much love to you Momo!
As usual... CUTE!!! I love the pic. of Ellie and Pops..she is cheesing big!!
well today Avery started daycare...so no matter how many sleepless nights you get owning your own business...its better than dropping them at daycare! :(
great photo shoot - can't get enough of the ruffle pants, i REALLLLY want to buy those from you when they grow out of em.
What is the name of that toy?? I have babies that need to be spoiled by an Auntie. Fill us in on the name. I'm off to look at Toys R Us and that could be very dangerous!
Your girls are so stinking cute. Thanks for giving me my fix. I'm off to work with my kids today too. They aren't nearly as cute at 14, 11 and 7 though. My middle son is at Blizzard Beach so he gets a break from the studio. I think that it's awesome that you take your girls with you.
Thanks Melanie- I am going to go out today and look for it!
Oh Mo, those pics of Gabbi and Kelsey brought tears to my eyes! You are just so stinkin' cool and that's all I've got to say today--you rock!
great pics of the girls. ....Was great seeing Brooke also....I have known Brooke and her parents since she was born.
We are from the same hometown, Winnsboro....Precious girl....Have a great week.
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