Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10 Questions for 2016

This is the week to dream big, and this is the week to ask yourself the hard questions. As John Maxwell says, "you only get answers to the questions you ask". Questions give us deeper answers, more focus, better decision making, and a greater perspective. In addition to the personal mission statement email from last week, use these questions below to help with setting your goals for 2016! 

1. What matters now? This helps you make the best use of your time at each moment.
2. What totally makes you come alive? This helps keep your passion ignited. 
3. What opportunities could you do something about this week? This helps you keep your eyes open for turning ideas into results. 
4. How might you use your strengths in new ways? This helps you engage the creative parts of your self-awareness.
5. What areas of your life do you need to declutter? Getting organized in one aspect of life helps you build momentum for other areas. 
6. Whose negativity is rubbing off on you and damaging your health? Secondhand stress kills just as much as secondhand smoking so avoid negative people whenever possible. 
7. What do you want to learn next? There is always more to learn if we stay humble. 
8. Who needs your kindness today? Carve out time to serve others because the best goals involve people. 
9. How can you take better care of your finances this year? One year from now, you'll be glad you did.
10. What are you planning to do that's fun in 2016? Planning some recreational activities, especially if they're outside, is good for your soul.

Which question resonates with you the most? Post your comments on the MoJoy Facebook page and let's chat! 

Use your gifts!

Aka Mo

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