Jussssst in case there are people out there who think we only see kids at MMPT... this post is for you!! First off, we have an AWESOME OT, Amy, who is a hand certified OT, which is a bit of a rarity! That certification is TOUGH to get!! So glad she works for us! 
Amy asked Miss Suzanne to proudle display her newly obtained "fist"! After breaking her wrist, she is coming a long way baby! Then there's Jackie, who likes to act like we are "killlling" her! Funny picture!!
Cade, there in the blue/ black, is a PT tech who is planning to go to PT school in the future. We have an aftercare program, where folks can come and use our equipment and even be assisted through all of their exercises, after their discharge from therapy.
And hello there, Leslie. After about 20 years of pain, she tells us she is THRILLED to have found us! That's about as high a compliment as one can give!!
Greg gave the heads up as he waited for his massage. Just kidding. No massage. Lots of exercised though!!
Oh, but wait!! We DO see babies too! They are in the pediatric building. Sweet Charlotte is progressing very nicely!
And this is just an initiation phase for Jonathan, another of our new techs for the summer. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it! (He'd never givena baby a bottle before. Can you believe that?!)
This is Audra from Indiana. As is true of all of our students, she has a nickname. It's "Alaska". Keif usually nicknames the students. In Audra's case, Keif said, she's from Indiana, which is right up there by Alaska. And so it is.... Audra is actually a student from University of St. Augustine in Florida. She'll be with us for eight weeks.
WHO is that little monkey?!
Jessica played with Anastasia today. It's a good thing, because she was wearing a tee shirt that said, "I only cry when ugly people hold me." And I didnt' want to be the one to make her cry! ha.
Todd is so not he paparazzi type!! He's no fun!
This is speech therapy. Cassie, in the blue, obviously, had her last day today. She will be graduation with her degree in speech language pathology in a few weeks. The future's so bright she'll have to wear shades.
Oh, and just in case Jonathan thinks the job is all about feeding babies their bottles....NOPE! Also cleaning up many a mess in the sensory room!!
Just a little glimpse into MMPT West Monroe clinic. And this was about 1/2 of what was going on in this particular hour!!
Wonderful to see such dedication to helping people in need. Warms my heart...and to think this goes on in your other locations. Lots a love in your organization.
What a talented, special, loving group.
Looks like an awesome place with awesome people. My son who is a junior is leading toward physical therapy, I hope he stays with it and ends up there just so I can meet everyone :)
What a blessing you and your amazing staff are to so many people! I'm thinking you should open a center in my area. Southwest Virginia wouldn't be to far for you, would it? ;-)
What a blessing you and your amazing staff are to so many people! I'm thinking you should open a center in my area. Southwest Virginia wouldn't be to far for you, would it? ;-)
What treasures you and your staff are!! I just had to laugh out loud at "Alaska" ~ if Indiana is that close to Alaska, does that make Michigan "Antarctica"!!?! Y'all are just absolute blessings to all that you touch!
What a blessing you and your associates are! Truly doing the Lord's work!
Looks like you have a great crew at MMPT
Hello from Alaska...or Indiana! I had no idea southerners thought we were so far north. You and your cohorts do beautiful work.
So glad to read this post! It strengthened my resolve to go to COTA school now that my job and I are going to be parting ways in the near future. I can not wait to work in a career that actually means something to me everyday!!
Thank you for sharing your life with the world. Your posts are always a great read.
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