Yesssss. I have a computer again. So, I guess it's time to start sharing what I have been doing lately.
Our Louisiana weather is awesome, so I have been getting it done down by the cottage!!
Todd even built us a raised vegetable bed! We are almost like farmers. Almost.

While he trudged away at his veggies, I was working my fingers to the bone on my little angel garden!

For one year of living here, I think she is coming along nicely. Have you ever noticed that I always refer to my things as female? I have a special affinity to girls, I suppose.

I finally have a vision for what I think it is going to look like. I brought all of my rocks, garden ornaments, ironwork, and such with me from the old house to the new house. I just have had no idea what to do with all of it. Wellll, I am finally seeing the light. I swore I wouldn't do all the paths and get carrid away with this garden, but... alas...

doing things small is not in my skill set. I'm kinda the "go big or go home" girl! And so, a BIG garden it is!

Well, there's Miss Emma Grace in her sweet spot.

She's right here amongst the black petunias and all these really odd colored annuals I bought this year.

Check out that Louisisana iris on the back row. It is from my old house. As is that red salvia far left.

A few weekends ago a couple of peeps from work came over to help me in the garden, and we got a ton of work done!! All my pots are brimming, and the beds look great.

I think I can say I am officially ready for spring!

Check out that peachy color bouganvillea. Gor-geous!

There's little Stanton represented in the garden.

and this new annual is called Bellis. I AM IN LOVE. I've never planted these. In fact, I don't think I've ever even seen them. I hope I get to see them every year from now on!

And this is Jake. He is a concrete angel that has a cool patina on him that is sorta lime green. I think that is so appropriate.

I am SOOO in love with this angel.

And here's one of my best buds, Cindy Lou's, son, Sammy. He died when he was only a little one too. I surely hope he and Jake have met and are living the good life in GLORY!

This is the right side of the cottage. This is where I most envision the growth of my garden... paths, arbors, a compost bin, etc.

And a looooong time ago, one of my favorite men, Robert Kelley, who was the daddy of one of my patients passed away very unexpectedly at age 31. He has always been represented in my garden. Now, only a month ago, Sam's (the little girl I treat) grandmother died. I placed these crystans in his hands to remember her.

This little cutie will be representing my buddy, Stephen. His mama told me she really liked the Jake angel, so I thought this one looked a lot like Jake and put it here to remember his sweet soul. He was one of my very first patients, almost 16 years ago!

When the sun is hitting the garden just right, I think it is like Heaven on earth!

That's quite appropriate for an angel garden, dontchathink!?

There's Todd tending his veggies. He doesnt' even know we HAVE a flower garden! Or a cottage. He likes to pretend it's not there so he doesnt' have to weed it or water it. Or plant in it!

This is his new love interest. We should have enough vegetables for the entire neighborhood!!

We also have my little breezeway all planted up and inviting.

One of my favorite times of the year!! I so love the garden!
And tell all your friends! Mo is back!!
Hey, I recognize that guest on your breezway! Nice cottage and garden!!!
Hey, I recognize that guest on your breezway! Nice cottage and garden!!!
Glad to see you are back!
Love, love, love your angel garden. "She" is not only beautiful but very inspirational. I can imagine feeling incredible peace while there. Good work Mo.
It's all good! Mo's back, cottage, angel garden, veggie garden... It's all good!
Beautiful! That's alot of work but you have made it look awesome. Glad you're back.
Glad you're back!! We missed you!
Holly & JakeDog
LOVE the cottage and gardens! Lots of hard work! Glad you are back!
YOU'RE BACK! YAHOOOOO!! I really have missed my "mo time" reading mo joy each night.
I'm always impressed with your gorgeous flower gardens. Again, you've rocked it! Your angel garden is amazing as well. I can't wait for our weather up here to get past the iffy-it-may-still-frost-overnight stage so I can start planting too.
Glad you're back to blogging.
Yes, you were missed!! Always sit in the early morning quiet, with muh coffee in hand and reading your blog....seems like such a good way to start each day! Welcome back g/f. By the way, I love, love, LOVE these pics. I do not have a green thumb, but I love flower gardens...always reminds me that God put man in a "garden" when all creation first began...I think I can imagine what Heaven will be like.........huggers, BJ
All is right in our world now. We have sweet Mel back. Your artistry in everything you touch is amazing and your thought process is way up there. I feel like I know each one of those precious angels thru you. I am thankful that you allow no one or anything to steal your peace and that you share it with us. So happy you are backkkkkkk!
So glad you are up and running! Your gardens are going to be incredible, I can tell. We are planting like mad things there as well. Spring! Tell tod to get him some herb pots set up in the sun near his grill. Nothing better than fresh herbs to snip and slap in whatever is cooking!
I love that cottage! The flower garden looks awesome! I don't have a green thumb, at all! My hubby does all the gardening and flower planting! But this crazy Minnesota weather is messing with everything...we had 80 degree weather back in March and last week it was below freezing! So needless to say, all those who got ahead in early planting may have lost a few things! UGH!
Glad to have you back!
Welcome back ~ you were missed!! SO excited to see garden pictures ~ I have MISSED those! It just amazes me how you can name each and every flower/plant you have, I plant stuff to never remember again what it is called!! Your garden was absolute amazement at the old house ~ and is taking shape at the BAH to become that absolute amazement and more!! The angel garden just touches my heart ~ what a tribute and great inspiration!
Love the Angel garden!! I fondly remember Stanton and Emma Lou. I "met" their families thru Jake!! Not only have you created a beautiful garden to memoralize these wonderful children as well as friends BUT you have also planted "seeds" of friendships in each of our hearts! I know you hear this often, but sometimes NOT enough! We appreciate you, We adore you and most certainly MISS you while you were gone! Thank you for allowing us a peek inside YOUR WORLD on "the daily". :)
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