Well, it's after midnight here. We had a 3-5 year old art class this morning, a total closet clean out and swaperoo to manage all the 4 year old to 3 year old hand me down action, a going away party for a special kid at MMPT, preparation for Monday's art class, Hunter's ballgame, and, well, I am just plain whipped!! I will leave you with this one picture of today's class, and will continue loading pics. I just can't post them tonight. Check back tomorrow by noonish! They should be up with a new post. Sorry. Nighty night world!!
Awwww, how sweet....memories these kids will always cherish, I'm sure! Have a good rest Mo, you deserve it!! BJ
What a great picture!! I'm so impressed with their canvasses! Glad to see Madi feeling better,
Holly & Jake Dog
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