Hey guess what. My art room is a few steps closer to being functional for art classes! And to try it out, I had a few little visitors show up on the night before the "snow day" that Louisiana celebrated, despite no actual snow!

You know I love em because I shared my canvases with them!

Miss Gabbi Goo decided to get involved also. And my life got better... the TV in my art room now works, and Lifetime comes in loud and clear!!

Hey Breanna, check out my ribbon storage! It isn't what we'd planned, but I like that it is on rollers, so we can wheel it out and in when my art peeps need a little ribbon for their scrapbooks. It frees up the wall for more built ins, and ... see that brown cabinet? well, I almost have it empty! I think I may be able to move it out too! Whatcha think, Breanna?! PLease come home! I need you. I am not an organizer !

Oh, hello there, Bloggers! I'm back!
Blondie there is Gracie.
Emma Lou travels in a pack! This is Katelyn.

And of course, you know Emma Lou.

And you KNOW Ellie wasnt' going to let an art night get past her!

Talk about an art project... how bout that upper lip!? Snot, chapped lips, dried chocolate.... you name it and I think it's on there! We'll just call it a collage and let that be the end of it.

She has learned to use a glue stick. And she thinks a stapler is the bomb! Her art repertoire is really increasing!

And that's all for tonight! Just really fired up that I have an art room to spread out in!
Looking forward to an art retreat soon!
Your art room looks great, and I love it that the girls all want to get artsy. You're inspiring and encouraging their artistic talents. Who knows? If I'd had that kind of encouragement when I was growing up, I might not be so creativity-challenged today. lol
P.S. Aren't you proud of me for getting back into the blog-hopping and commenting? I'm trying to do better. ;-)
I see two little girlies following in their momma's footsteps when it comes to arts & crafts. Too cute!
Love the cabinet with all your colored paper. I don't have anything close to any art room but currently turning an armour into a scrapbook workspace/storage area.
i bet those girls had a blast in the art room;expect them frequently.
oh i love your art room looks great i cant wait to see it in person i want to come to your art retreat. i love the pics of the girls doing their art so cute and elli is so cute with her art work and looks so proud of it. thanks for posting the pics of them doing their art . and bless elli heart her little nose and lip looks like it hurts so chapped and sore. i hope it gets better soon. im sure she has a cold right ? just use some vasline on it at night that way she wont lick it off or touch it put it on when she is asleep that way she wont know its on there and it will be gone by the morning and her lip will look alot better too.. just a idea to help it heal.. keep posting blogging away and posting pics i love reading them everyday i usually read them at night before i head to bed right now its 2 05 am est time i cant sleep at night too good so i get on here to check on you and your family.. well good night oh we have had over 7 to 8 inches of snow up here in flowerybranch ga and its still on the ground its starting to melt today was the first day i have got out since last sunday evening i drove today i did go out thursday with my dad and mom and niece the roads have been in bad shape with snow and ice today tehy are clear just about i did run into some icy spots but they was slushy the schools hace been out all week i reckon the kids have loved it. me i was about to go crazy cabin fever was setting in on thursday so glad i got out today i went to the bead store and to wal mart it felt so good i walked in the bead store and said to the owner gosh its so good to get out of the house i been in the house since sunday she said i know the feeling .. i got a feeling we are in for more of this white stuff i love it but dang its hung around too long this time. and people here just dont know how to drive in it the snow is so pretty but then we got ice on monday night so that got on the top of the snow and it was awful. ugh but now they are calling for rain on sunday night monday and tuesday i just hope the temps stay up above freezing i cant stand to be couped up in the house right now maybe in a month i can handle it again but right now nope i will be glad to see it all gone. lol well im heading to bed sorry for the long comment lol just bored and got cabin fever..
AWESOME! Some day, I dream of that much creative space. Right now I share my space with my home office.
Whoa, holy ribbon collection!
An upper lip collage....love it!!!
I think even I might be able to be creative in your art room. I'm sorely lacking in that area, otherwise! Love how you take in all the local young'ins and share the FUN! I did have to laugh at your "snow day" with no real snow.....up here in Buffalo, we got 32 inches in just December alone and not one snow day yet for our kids! They are about to protest if they don't get one soon. Our school schedules allow for five each winter and generally have used them all by the end of January. Since our snowfall continues through March and sometimes into April, we have a long way to go....
Looks like fun! I am not artsy fartsy AT ALL!!
i like it, but are you SURE that's all your ribbon!?! :)
i'll be home soon...and by the summer you will probably be begging me to LEAVE your house!!!
only a few more months...
ART RETREAT!!! Here we come!!
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