Ohhhh, glorious pre teens. Oooooh. Aaaaaahhh!

And then you realize they are still little girls... as soon as the costume boxes are pulled out!

And it is then I see why Ellie adores Emma Lou. She is still a little girl, one who likes to dress up, ride bikes, play Barbies.... Only Cooler!

Some of these coscumes were just a tad bit small for Miss Emma. That is a Mo velvet dress from some Christmas function of my youth.

And Emma thought it was hysterical!

But even better was that the "big girls" wanted Ellie to put on a coscume and let them push her around in a stroller. COULD IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS?!

If you were to ask Ellie, she'd say NO!

She was in hog heaven with all the big girl attention.

And I am so thankful when they are around to play!
Happy THanksgiving week. What are you thankful for? List your top two!
My list could be a mile long, but the top two things I'm thankful for are: my family and the roof over our heads.
Oh, and one more, that God has blessed me with yet another day of life here on earth!
It is hard to just say top two: Family and Health. No, I must add the gift of Salvation, a loving God that forgives and continues to bless. Brave couragous soliders and their families who have given up so much for me, My wonderful job! THe list goes on and on. THanks for making me stop and think about what I am thankful for. I am going to make a list! Happy Thanksgiving!
First and foremost would have to GOD..for forgiving me of my transgressions and continually blessing otherwise. GOD has given me so much that I'm unworthy of and I continually Praise Him for His awesome goodness. He has blessed me with 3grandsons, 2granddaughters and 1 more grandson due in January. Adding to that bliss is the fact that God sent a babygirl into our lives that we absolutely adore. Our story (similar to yours almost)of how this little girl as a newborn was introduced in our lives still makes my heart flipflop!
Second would be LIFE!! I just celebrated my 46th birthday and I'm just blessed for God allowing me to yet see another one!
I am thankful for my wonderful friends and awesome job! Without either I could not survive. I love my God and so very thankful that I know Him.
Mostly I'm thankful for time with my family this week. Seems we never have enough time together but happy Thursday will have one Thanksgiving meal with 40+ members of one family and a second meal (and the weekend) with my father-in-law and his wife. Great moments and memories are sure to result.
Secondly I'm thankful for for Life after several medical issues this year I'm so happy to be healthy again and able to do the things I love. Also happy for the health of those around me. Seven years ago yesterday my cousin (who was 4 at the time) was in surgery to remove a football size tumor from her kidney. It began our families journey with cancer and led to me 'meeting' so many families (like yours). Mallary has been happy and healthy for almost 6 years now in remission. When I think of the many caringbridge families that lost their children it makes me thankful for those that receive their healing on earth.
seeing Ellie in all her glory is hysterical.
I guess the biggest thing I am thankful for is my health (I had a heart attack last month, at 43 i never thought it would happen to me) and my family.
Hard to pick just two, but I would say mine are Jesus Christ and the second, LIFE to enjoy all my other awesome gifts from above!
Thanks for sharing your little blessings with all of us... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I'm thankful for my family and that hubby and I both have jobs. I'm also thankful for your Blog. Your pictures are great and I can't help but smile and sometimes laugh out loud following your stories that go along with them.
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