Ok, so let me tell you about this day! I have been unloading boxes as soon as I get home until I go to bed. I have accumulated a LOT of stuff. But, you know, I am a hoarder. And hoarders place value on EVERYTHING! Like this...
This was my recital costume when I was four years old. I wore it with a sailor hat. How do I know that? I have no idea. THINGS help me remember! That is why I take 9,000 pictures a month. Seeing things helps me remember the moment!
Ellie and Maddi think my old costumes are the bomb.com! ANd I think I may just have to blow up that photo above of the two of them. I love it!
Gabbi Girl could kinda not care less. She dresses up more with a pair of panties on her head. Seriously. I don't know where she learned that, but she sticks em on her head and says, "Mom, wherrrruuuu?" Translation: WHere are you?
This would be my hot pink one piece number from my first majorette recital... the year I took baton. You took baton, didn't you? WHAT? You didn't? How have you grown up to be a productive citizen?!
And I do believe this is from a choir concert in 6th grade. Who knows. I may need it someday!
And this would be my junior high velvet cape from drill team!
Maddi, particularly, took a liking to this one!
Kinda reminds me of Silence of the Lambs, officially the scariest, weirdest movie I have ever seen. And WHY does my demented mind "go there" with this cape and that movie? I just ain't right!
WOw! Now that is a beauty! I am going to say maybe a bridesmaids dress at Christmas time. Nope. Not feeling it. NOt sure what this is. Wow. no memory? really?
ANd this was for sure a bridesmaids dress... from my Uncle Kenny's first wedding. A LOOOONG time ago! I think I was three. Maddi donned this one and went in the front yard and played in the sandpile. I am learning to let go!
Again... not sure. just for sure U-G-L-Y!
Ah ha. This is actually a Staci recital costume. Remember, Stac? Mom had you in an extra large amount of blue eyeshadow and your hair was slicked back in a bun. Remember?
Awww... this was my FIRST recital costume. Or as Ellie now says it, "Costune". I was three when I wore it. ANd now look, my own THREE year old is wearing it. So sweet.
We even have the same teacher.. Miss Linda.
ANd finally, I give you... my Brownie beanie.
Oh, one more... the sash from my 4th grade Highland Bulldogs cheerleading uniform. Oh yes I DO remember! (We wore green banded tube socks! How horendous?!) ANd that concludes our trip down Melanie's fashion memory lane!
Love it!!! Your girls are so lucky to get to relive all those memories. Thanks for sharing!
I think it's awesome that you get to watch your girls wear your childhood costumes watching the joy on their faces. Full Circle!
I wore panties on my head, too... it was a chef's hat - of course! I also took baton! Such a random thing to add to dancing class, but I did it!
Hi Mo ~
I have been traveling for work this week & missed reading your posts, so I caught up as soon as I got back in the office.
Oh that picture of Maddie & Ellie in their "costunes" is precious, you should blow that picture up!! And while your at it, blow up one of Gabbi gile with her panties on her head - she is a little riot too.
Silence of the Lambs - I'm with you what a crazy, freaky movie that scared me too.
I wrote in your comments a while ago about ordering a Christmas canvas - will you have time to make them this year? I HATE to push you with all that you have going on, so just let me know either way.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Diana from Colorado
Btw, I HOPE you & the gang are thinking about another trip to Colorado this winter - I would really like to meet up with you & the crew. I told my girls about you & they want to come meet you to!!!!
Those girls look precious is your old stash! They think they hit the jackpot!
How fun that the girlies get to play dress up with your old clothes! When I was little, we used to wear my brother and sister's graduation gowns and walk down our stairs in the house and play wedding in them! Nothing better than dress up.
Hey-- I'm one of the "R" sisters Staci met at Canton!! I couldn't believe I saw her, since half of the world was there. Give us a shout when you guys are back in this area. We love your blog, keep up the good work. The floors are awesome!!!
We never had dance recitals or batons back when I was growing up. We used to twirl sticks...STICKS, I tell ya! lol
I did have a Brownie beanie, though. I looked good in that outfit, too, I want you to know! A big deal for a little girl in the Appa-LATCH-ian Mountains!
I do have strange memories of my dad wearing my mother's panties on his head and dancing around...er, maybe that's something I SHOULDN'T remember! ;-)
I sure wish I had more things from my childhood like this! It makes me sad to think about how many memorable things got thrown out.
I guess that's why I'm the type of mom that saves waaayyyy too many of my kids' things. I'm going to let THEM decide what to keep or not when they are adults.
Blessings and Memories....
I think you might have a pageant girl on your hands. The way Ellie stands is such a pageant stance. I think she will be very successful in pageants. Especially with her beautiful smile. God has truly blessed you with a precious family.
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