Do you know what today is?!
It is Jake's Angelversary! He passed away four years ago today. I have been a little weepy today, for some reason. In years past, I always recognize this special day, but this year, I don't know... just kinda sad!
So, I have decided to think about some really special little girls. And the fact that I have a pretty awesome, blessed life! With that....

Come with us to the park!

Mary Allison had a tennis lesson, so we decided to accompany her and hang out at the playground.

The girls looked a little like ragamuffins, but we all had a ball nonetheless.

And have I mentioned they have been such big girls and are sleeping in their own beds now at the new house!? Well, last night, Todd paired up with Ellie and I took Gabbi Girl. But, I guess that may be the case from time to time for a long, long time!

Ellie exerts so much independence. It is seriously uncanny! So many people tell me how much her personality reminds them of mine. I like that as a compliment, but then I think, "Wait. Am I that bossy?!" Ha

She's pretty much a free spirit, and I totally love that about her!

And then I get the best of both worlds with my sweet little Gabbi Girl, who has zero independence and wants to be carried around on my hip 24/7. As tired as I get, I know someday I will treasure her wanting to be with me all the time. Also, in light of it being Jake's day, I know I had better learn to treasure the fits, drama, and whining, as it could all be gone tomorrow!

I wish I could slow down my life a little right now. I am going with all cylinders full force!

My offices are slam packed (praise!), and every minute at home seems to be filled with unpacking boxes, hanging pictures, sodding a yard, etc!

Soooo much to do. I don't remember EVER having a busier time in my entire life. I am hoping that by Christmas, we are a little more settled. And imagine, my word was "nest" for the year. If by "nest", you mean, a tangled mess of chaos, then yep... I have hit the nail on the head!

This kid cracks me up. Note her looking back to see what kind of angst she is causing these two boys as they try to also come down the slide. This kid ain't right!

Staci recalls me being just like this. She says I was an aggravator of gigantic proportions when we were growing up. I doubt that seriously.

Well, I have several of my most recent pics all loaded up now, so get ready for some bloggage. I never know when I will be able to stop and actually post, but I will try to be consistent.

I love blogging! I love reading the comments. I love feeling like I know people I have never actually met and feeling like they know me.

Is that odd!?

Well, until tomorrow. Remember to count your blessings!
Hey, Jake!
Not odd at all. I felt like I had just seen one of my very best friends on the big screen in Little Rock at the Keith Urban concert. I mean....we are friends, right? HaHa! The look you had on your face when I screamed your name across the stage....PRICELESS!
Your blog is the first thing I look at when I get to work every morning. Thanks for always starting my day off!
Shannon Sanders
A while back, you talked about cheese curds on your blog. I think Todd brought them to you. One of my friends from church is in Wisconsin and I asked her to bring me some so I could try them. She called this morning and they are having the best time going around to cheese places and she promises me that cheese curds are delicious! I was talking about you today just like I really do "know" you so when I saw your comment, just had to post today!! (I usually just read :-)
Those are great pics. How's dance class going?
Mo, I remember the day Jake went to Heaven. Not nearly as well as you, I know for a fact. I remember how you had decorated his house for Halloween and Christmas all in one - I remember how Don and Staci were at his side every minute of that last day. I remember how I cried for a little brave guy I had never met but had touched my heart so tenderly and had taught me so much. Sometimes I feel I should not find myself feeling like I know any of you as we have never met and is that too presumptuous of me? When you wrote today that you enjoy comments from "us" - the ones you have never even laid eyes on, that means a lot. I hope you get some signs from Jake - the engineer of the Believer Express. Your girls are precious. I also love your interpretation of "nest." I was thinking something along those same lines as your days seem to be anything but snuggling down in a nest - but you have found a way to make it work in the place you are now!
I also read your blog every day and yet I'm not even sure you know I exist! Funny! I'm not very good at leaving comments so totally my own fault :) So, I feel as if I know you and your family and those darling cutie patootie baby girls of yours. I've read your blog ever since Jake was sick. Boy, how I wish he was here in your arms. But goodness knows he's taking care of his family!
Come "see" me sometime at
Thoughts of Jake today and always!
Such cute pics of the girlies! Thinking about you today. :)
Hey Jake! Oooh! 5:33 pm adds up to 11! That little guy would have loved Madi, Ellie & GabbiGirl! I'm sure he played with them in heaven before he sent them to you!
My husband refers to you as my imaginary friend! I'm always saying "you know, Jake's Aunt Mo?!?!!!
Love your family!
Holly & JakeDog
You have made so many peoples days with your post. IT was such an honor the day I actually met you and Staci. I will NEVER forget that day. I remembered today and when I looked at my clock it was 11:11 how odd. Jake has sent many blessings down to his family and HE touched so many lives. People who live to be OLD sometimes never touched as many has he did in his short years. We LOVE Jake and We LOVE his AUNT MO!!! YOU ROCK as Ellie would say!!!That kid DOES have SPUNK!!!
i got such a kick out of your post-kinda made me feel better because i feel like i 'know' you and your bunch, too! i love to read your blog, usually don't comment, but heck, if you enjoy reading your comments, that's the least i can do! i love the way you write-it makes me feel like i was right there with you at that lsu party or in canton or on the beach. LOVE your pics of your girlies-they are adorable! i don't see how you manage to blog, but i'm sure glad you make the time. even if i don't always comment, i'm always reading and usually laughing right along with you!
Thinking of you all today! Loving the BAH, can't wait to come by one day. I will have to call, since you stay in the roads~lol! Don't forget to take care of yourself a little, while taking care of others! The video that was posted on Bonnie's wall is so sweet!
I have been thinking of old Jake today, too! What a neat kid. Just a joy. I remember meeting your whole family at the Jude when I was up there for the race with Trish. Whoof. Hugged to death, whacked on the back, sign in the hands and I was good to go.
I am missing you like the dickens. Come visit. I also managed to lose your phone number, so some things NEVER change!
Just got home from visiting Brandon and Amber in Alabama. Brought them up to date on you and yours. Told them about your moving into the new house. They want so badly to see it and all of you. Still no internet for them. You're so right, Kiroli is a great park. We loved taking the boys there.
Thoughts and prayers with your sweet family today. Always a needed reminder to count your blessings. I think you have mentioned this before, but Ellie looks a lot like Jake!!
mo i love all your pictures of your girls so so cute playing at the park looks like they was having a great time i love reading your blogs every day thank you for posting them taking time out of your daily busy day to post for us to hear about your family and see the pics of them. thank you so much for doing this for all of us. i cant wait to meet you at one of your art retreats that iam planning on attending when ever you plan one. so looking forward to it.
Melanie, I don't know if this will make you feel beteter or not but i remember when you first got Ellie not long after losing Jake and I thought... WOw this baby looks so much like jake. She still does to me. :) Be blessed
Hi Mo,
woke up this morning thinking of Jake:) that kid was so awesome:) thinking of you all today(and enjoying a big ole hand full of M&M's in his honor!) praying for you as you remember your sweet angel today! Thanks again to you all for sharing that precious boy with us!!
Thought about ya'll much today! I miss going to Jake's CB site and reading about new things he did that day. Seeing pictures of him and his brothers. That site was my main concern everyday. Reading about Jake, praying for him...Mo you kept us so informed, let us know exactly what to pray for. Your family is amazing! Hope your day was filled with MANY great memories of Jake!
I have a procedure scheduled Friday and I have been so concerned and scared but I think back to Jake (and all the other kids) and remember what he went through EVERYDAY!
p.s.-loving new pics of the girls!
Thinking of sweet Jake and his family tonight. I saw the video on FB that Don tagged you in and sat here and smiled and smiled with tears flowing. Saying a prayer of thanks for a precious 4-year-old who taught so many how to love big and live big... and for all the blessings in my life. What a huge blessing it is that his legacy lives on through the JOR and your blog and continues to touch people everywhere.
Can't wait to see more pics of the BAH once you get a little more settled in. Ohhhhh, Christmas will be so fun for y'all this year in the BAH and the girlies are at such fun ages for Santa and all that good stuff. (There's a bird, ha!)
Molly in Georgia
I SO LOVE your blog, sending love from Rowlett Tx. (Dallas)
I only met you one time, but feel like I know you so I don't think its odd. I'm glad you like blogging and sharing b/c I enjoy reading and laughing or imagining what your girls are like in person. Stinking cute!
Thinking of you and your family on Jake's angel anniversary day.
Mo, I have followed your blog and Jakes' caring bridge site from way back when. I lost my brother at the age of 40 in Jan. 06 of leukemia.What a shock that was. I found out about Jake through Allen Smith's CB site. Your family has helped me get through so much without even really knowing you, because I was so thankful I had my brother for 40 yrs, when these sweet children were facing these horrible illnesses. So thank you for allowing me to be a part of your daily comings and goings. So I am remembering Jake today also and may you be blessed today and everyday. Your girls make me laugh all of the time. Thank you for sharing ur blessings with us!
I think we all feel like we know you. I talk about you like we've been friends for years! Your girls are like my grandchildren (I have a little age on you!) Your blog is the first thing I look at when I get to work also. It always starts my day with a smile. I 'met' you through Jake's CB site and I think about Jake EVERY TIME I hit Mo'Joy on my blog list. I think you're amazing and if I didn't live so far away I'd love to come to one of your retreats. I would love to just give you a hug. AND those sweet girls too!
four years, wow - seems like just yesterday the tears were flowing down my cheeks as sweet baby jake left this world! (yes i know you and you know me, even though we have never met!)
ellie sue isn't bossy, she is just independent and wonderful! i think that is part of the orange personality and just because you didn't carry ellie in your womb, does not mean that she isn't your child through and through - i bet if you took a dna test you girls would match!!! i can see gg being more like todd as a child?? you are blessed with two sweet beautiful girls and a rich wonderful life - so enjoy your "rat's" nest!!!! lol
Thinking of you and all of Jake's family today. :) Although I have never met you, I truly believe he was blessed with such a sweet family. You all seem like so much fun and seem to live life to the fullest. I know he is so proud of you!
Hey MO! I have been thinking of you all today and missing that sweet Jake. You are right, you are so very blessed and we should all take the time to slow down a bit and cherish Gods little miracles...raggamuffins or not! ;) ;0 Your girls are absolute dolls. Sending {{huggs}} and blessings your way!
Hey...what the heck time do you have set up on your blog? It's 11:11 here!
Silly Mo - they don't look like ragamuffins...they're as adorable as always!
Not odd at all...I think that blogland has truly blessed my life with "cyber-friends", as I also feel like I know some of these people personal, as you/they graciously their families, personal thoughts, and interact with their readers. It's almost as if I'm sitting down having coffee with a dear friend!
And, to think about how sweet Jake brought us together on this www....missing his amazing smile!
I'm another "weirdo" that only knows you through your blog and yet somehow feel like you and I could be very good friends. Friends definetly come in all different ways! What is REALLY funny is when I am telling a friend about something you wrote on your blog and they ask who you's my cyber friend! Keep on writing and I will keep reading about my cyber friend!
This looks like a wonderful park. They look like they had a blast.
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about Jake today. Loved your post because it always makes me smile.
I'm glad the "feelings" are mutual! I to talk about my "friend" in West Monroe as if we have met and are totally buds. I love your blog and read it every morning. I remember Jake everytime I see the #11 or eat M&M's. When we decorated for Halloween last weekend I even thought of Jake. He was a spirited little boy and I miss him. (sounds even more silly because I never met him) However, through your writing on his caringbridge site I got to know him. I was able to pray for a little boy who was truly loved and was a blessing to all who came to know him. I'm sorry you are hurting Melanie! I can't imagine. I am sending hugs from Missouri.
God bless,
Thinking of your family and sweet Jake! You all do such an incredible job of honoring his life... by living your own lives to the very fullest and by making a difference for others walking the same road. I know he is proud!
I can't BELIEVE that it's been four years since sweet Jake went to wonder I feel like I know you so well--I've been reading for a long time! I'm glad you enjoy reading our comments, 'cause sometimes I feel kind of silly with the things I type, but it DOES feel just like you are an old friend!! You know it's pretty bad when I cannot imagine not reading your blogs, and knowing what's going on with ya'll. I almost went into withdrawals that time when you stopped blogging for a while! (Does this mean I need to get a life?) Actually, I think it's because you've made us all love ya'll so much by being such a precious, fun, loving family! So thankful for you, and your willingness to share with us--see that sounds like a weirdo I guess:)
Well, re-read Shannon's post, the very 1st one, I feel like were friends so, been knowing you since Jake was fighting for his life! And I love waking up with you 1st thing in the morning too, makes for a great day! So I love reading your blog and being friends with you to my dear! Hugs from Fort Worth!
That little Ellie Sue just cracks me up! She sounds soooo much like my 5 yr old! I put her in the tub the other night, and I asked if I should wash her hair now. She said "No, I just need to be alone for a while!" REALLY? YOU'RE 5!!! They grow up soooo fast!!
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