Ok, so sometimes I just surrender! This past weekend was one of those days! I TRIED to get my girls all cute and matchy matchy for the Tigers' Season opener, but alas...
My oldest child, who absolutely feel as though she is 13, had another idea in mind all together. And I KNOW what some of you may be saying....Well, if it was MY kid... She'd be wearing what I TOLD her to wear! Ha! Come on over and get you some of THIS!
Cuz, MY 3 year old doesn't back down. She doesn't mind time out, spankings, threats,.... she has a VERY hard head!
This is the outfit both of my girls started out in!
And somewhere between my yard and Staci's yard, we went FARRRR down another path! Complete with mismatched socks, Converse, and shades on her head!
My cousin, Drew, and his new bride, Jennifer, came over to hang out with us.
ANd Don assumed his usual pose of pestering Todd from behind, forever dreaming of the perfect brother-in-law pose of arms around each others' shoulders, and smiling ear to ear.
It'll NEVER happen!
Have I mentioned that I went VERY dark with the hair color? Actually kinda reddish!
ANd have I mentioned that those with a weight problem should NOT wear bullseye-looking tiedye shirts!?
Ok, Don, you have met someone who will pose with you!
And our Tigers barely did squeak that one out!
Of course, Paula and Johnnye, our "staple" friends, came down for a very chill evening on the back porch.
I did have to bring my signature logo cups. Todd and I have quite the collection of FUN styrofoam cups. Sorry, eco peeps. Really, I respect your opinions. I just LOVE these cups!
I LOVE your hair!!!! Makes me want my hair to be that color. You are doing awesome on the house. It looks AMAZING!!!! Keep up the hard work and you will sooo enjoy the first day your are "officially" sitting in front of one of the 16 places were a tv can be. Oh that is right you have toddlers so sitting probably will not happen for a few more years. Well at least you will be able to enjoy chasing the kiddos around in it.
Love your hair! I just went dark as well and love it. I never thought I would. Your girls are precious as always. That Ellie looks like a mess. Loving the posts about the new house too. Looking great! Hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend.
Ellie is such a hoot. I can hardle wait to see what is in store for us tomorrow. We will have a blast. Love your hair.
i would NEVER assume that i could parent your child better than you. my theory when my kids were little and now too, if it is clean, i don't care if it matches! now that they are big, i don't even care if it is clean! lol
i think all the girlies were beautiful. love the plaid skirts. i just noticed that MY team is gonna be playin YOUR team later this season. (WVU) the girls would look great in blue and gold that weekend!!!!! lol
the shot of your hair was too far away to tell what it looked like, give us some closeups!
Ellie is unique ! Sounds like she keeps you on your tippy toes! I love seeing pics of your girls. I WANT gabby's hair
Mo, your girls are precious. I love the picture of Ellie and Maddie.Too cute!! The picture of Don and Stacy is really good!(Frame worthy I think). The great thing about Ellie's outfits is that she kept the LSU theme going all night long in her own special little Ellie way.:)
You guys all look fabulous!! Love your new hair.
Love these get together photos.
Ellie, Ellie, Ellie - sweet girl go easy on your mama!
Love love love Ellie's outfit in the first pic. She marches to her own beat and that's a GOOD thing!! Those plaid skirts are just too cute! You need to frame the pic of Don and Staci and give it to them!! That's an excellent picture of them both. P.S. Love you hair color! It rocks!
Love your hair! I have naturally red hair and for the first time in many many years, I'm having lo-lights done. Should be interesting. Enjoying the pictures of the BAH too. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
Just bought that same plaid skirt and gold shirt for my granddaughter - initials, too are ESG. Hope SHE will wear it - then again, that spunk of Elie Sue's wil take her far in life! Congrats on getting so close to being all moved into the BAH!
Consistency in discipline is the key, sweetie:)
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