Just when I thought my kid couldn't get any cuter...

I tell her, "If you'll just look at my camera and smile one big time, I will take you to the store to get an Icee."

and TaDA!! It worked! How pretty is this baby girl? Almost has me fooled into thinking she is "sweet". I know, I know. She's sweet. But, if you follow my blog, you KNOW what I mean!

ANd then there's this little rabbit.

THis is her battle wound... up close.

Didn't seem to keep her down any. But, we were at Sears, and you know those racks, like at a convenience store, that have prongs that stick straight out towards you? The kind you would slide merchandise right down to display? Well, that is what jumped up and got her.

Could've been worse. It was awfully close to that eye! And we are Maderma-ing that puppy every day! It's already much lighter.
Short and sweet today. The movers are coming to take the "big stuff" to the new house tomorrow, so I gotta go help box stuff!!
I sure hope the pictures of Gabbis face is the ones I know you took RIGHT after it happened. It did NOT look that bad last weekend. Ellie is just beautiful and WILL do what you ask if and ONLY if you bribe her.lol I learned that one QUICK!!! I promise to get your CD soon.
Ellie is such a cutie!! And she looks older in those pics.
Loved your adoption posts. I hope to be blessed by adoption one day myself!! Can't wait to see the new house!!
your girlies are absolutely beautiful! every parent bribes at one point or another. enjoy the bah!!!!
I love Ellie's posed pictures! Wow - you don't get too many shots of her where she is sitting still! Much less looking at the camera and posing!!! Bribery - do what it takes!!!
And Gabbi Girl - oh poor thing! That cut looks pretty rough. I can't imagine the tears (and Mommy's fear) when that happened. She is just beautiful, too!!
You are a lucky MOMMA!!!!
LOVE the pics of Ellie...she's a doll. And poor,little Gabbi! I'm sorry about her face, but I'm sooo glad here eye wasn't hurt. She's a little doll,too! :-)
Oh, Mo, you're sooo close to having everything moved into the BAH! Just a coupla more days and you'll be moved in completely. Woot!
I love the pics of sweet angelic Ellie! The lengths she'll go for an Icee!
Good luck with the move!
WOW ~ Ellie look's so much older in those pictures! She is absolutely beautiful, as is little Miss Gabbi Girl! You and Todd are truly blessed....as are the girl's!!
not to worry about gabi's cut - when i was in middle school my mom dared me to sled down this really steep hill that was not fully covered in snow (not her brightest parenting moment). Anyway, I ended up with two gashes just like that on one cheek (i looked like wolverine got to me) plus a big gash and bruise on my chin. 16 years later, no scar, no marks but we did learn the hard way that i am allergic to neosporin. yikes.
congrats on the finalization of your adoption!! :) she was always a groves in your hearts, now she is one on paper!
Beautiful little sweet ones. How blessed all of you are!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Beautiful little girls! Poor Gabbi - it looks like it hurts, but she can still smile from ear to ear.
Best wishes on your continued moving this weekend.
Hi Mo ~
GREAT pictures of Ellie!!! That girl sure is a cutie like her sister.
Poor Gabbi girl, that cut sure looks like it hurt!! There must have been a lot of cuddling after that!
How exciting that your "big stuff" is being moved in - Staci must be excited too for all of you to be right there, nice and close.
Have a great time moving & decorating that beautiful BAH. I do wish I lived closer, I'd be right there helping out.
Diana from Colorado
Yes, your kids are precious! Hey, if bribery works, I say go for it. GG's battle wound makes me cringe for her. Poor baby. I bet she screamed. Yea, moving the big stuff in the BAH!
It always makes my day to see your pretty girls
You are one blessed mama and the best thing is that you know it and don't take it for granted! I know you are all excited for the "big move" We are excited for you. Pbotos as always are awesome! Becky
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