Friday, May 28, 2010

Random...come shopping with me!

Seriously... this is random!

But I decided to take my camera along on a shopping trip that Todd and I took the other day. It was Staci's birthday and we met she and Don in Shreveport for dinner.
The next morning (we spent the night), Todd took me to his friend's boat ramp/ marina. This is the Red River.

And then we hit the road. I can honestly say that I LOVE this place! Sometimes I am totally caught up in the alure of the candles and soaps. Sometimes it is all about the rugs, pillows, etc.

On this day, it was the jewelry and scarves!! I bought Staci a new Believe necklace and some crazy orange chandelier earrings.

I also love the color of this stucco. Just sayin'.

Then we were passing this place....

Note that awning. I am all about that arched entryway. I am planning to add something similar on the front of my BAH. It will be less all metally and more all cypress woody, though.

Anyway, the first thing that caught my eye was this rug. I thought...Man, wouldn't it be cool to just get remnants of colors I like and have someone sew them all into a big fat rug?

I really like this chair. A LOT!

It swivels and twirls, and I just love it!

I also am digging this side table for my bedroom. We did grey walls and a dark, dark grey (almost black) ceiling. I think this would be cool as side tables.

But I think this is the real reason we stopped in! THEATER SEATS!

Todd wasn't as excited about them as I was and quickly moved right along to other game room options. He wants furniture in there to look all "Pub-like" and manly. Think a cigar room.

Then, I saw this cool couch. I like the chaise side of it, and that it still doesnt' take up a whole lot of space.

And then, I have a room upstairs, the one I painted Tupelo Tree green, and I just think this little chair wants to live there!

And LOOK! It's a closeout special!!!

We were driving by this house, and I thought it kinda looked like mine.

We are presently in the market for new shutters, so I snapped this picture.

Oh, wait! Did I mention I bought a few things at World Market?

Like, thiiiiiiissss....

And these flexible green baskets that are going to be awesome in the girls' closets!

Oooooh, and that table runner. How cute is that?!

I am also LOVING all the different candies and goodies that World Market has.

ANd my all time favorite thing of the day (oh, wait, there is also a turquoise medicine cabinet coming up that could be a tie for first place!), is this apothecary chest. I am in LOOOOOVE!

I recently bought some of these little canvases but couldn't really figure out what I wanted to do with them. These gave me some ideas. They are about 2" square.

I saw these and thought, "I can make these!". So, I snapped a picture for later!

And OMg, I love these pillows. Remember the colors of my den? bamboo shoot green with dark brown trim (Protege' bronze to be exact). I may have to live with these.

I would also like this to live at the end of my dining room table. With a big custom cushion in a fabulous fabric! But. alas.

These would look really super great at the end of my table. I love the greeny grey color and the plushness of the velvet. Just dreaming! Bear with me!

And well, this garden cart needs to be living on my back porch... full of mums in the fall, pumpkins in October, and geraniums in the spring. So cute!

Todd would never, EVER admit he liked this Hollywood glamour room! But, I came around the corner to find him reclined all back with his feet up on this shiny white ottoman! When he saw me whip out the camera, he came shooting out of that chair. BUSTED, Frank Sinatra!

Hmmm.... bedroom furniture? Hmmmm? Maybe a little too risque'!

And since the invention of the camera phone, I can get so many AWESOME ideas when I am out and about shopping. Like this....

I can't wait to hang little wreaths all in a cluster like this at Christmas. With hot pink, turquoise, lime green bows on them. Yummy!

And would you believe Todd and I actually agreed on these? We took a couple home.

I thought they would make super cool brackets for the curtain rod somewhere. He saw it more as a holder for his putter in his game room. Either way, I got one with the "OK" sign, and the "peace" sign as a bookend in my art room.

I am hosting a rehearsal party for my cousin, Drew, on June 18th. He is using the LSU theme for his shindig. I took a picture of this for a few idears!
And then when I saw this painting, I was again like, "Oh, I can do that." If you are the artist who painted this, I apologize now for copying you. Consider it flattery! And a miracle... that you just happen to also read my blog!
Now, THIS would be the turquoise medicine cabinet I was referring to earlier! I LOVE it! I NEED it! I am going to have to HIDE it if I buy it, because Todd is not a fan!
This is a picture of the very cool store called Red Door in Shreveport. Oh man. I could LOSE it in there! I took this picture mainly because I am ALL ABOUT this grey room in the foreground! Mark my words... grey is the new tan! You know how tans and browns were the big "neutral" for so long. NOT ANYMORE. It is going grey! And I am diggin that new trend! Grey is all over the BAH!
Todd, PLEEEEEEase, let me have this flat cabinet for my bathroom. We have this tiny space behind the door of our little potty room, and I LOVE this as a little "surprise" behind the door. It can only hold very skinny things, like fingernail polish or perfume, but it is darling, darling!
Then, I saw these little pots. I have a good bit of black and orange in my main living space and think I really need these pots with a really hip arrangement in them!
Know what color Ellie recognizes and talks about fairly often? TURQUOISE! Cracks me up, since most toddlers arent' really in the know about turquoise and fuscia. But, Ellie Sue is! That's because that is her mom's favorite color. I just love it. My whole life my favorite color (because it was my childhood favorite color, and I suppose you just don't change that!) was purple. Well, I am now officially announcing that my ADULT favorite color is TURQUOISE!
There. It is done. It is out there. I have let the lifelong answer to the age old question, "What is your favorite color?", go! It is now Turquoise.
There is a niche in both sides of my main foyer when you enter through the front door. I need a piece of furniture for these niches. Looky here.... just a thought!This little painting caught my eye. And again, I thought, "I can do this!".
NOt that I love it so much... not all daisy-ish! But, what I DO like is that it has puffy paint on it. I need to try this. Anyone needing a canvas and feel like letting me try a new little technique with yours? Holla!
I NEEEEEEEEEEED this! "And that is all I have to say about that! "
I am absolutely in love with these chandeliers.
They seem very artsy and handmade-ish. Maybe they are. I don't really know.
But I know that the fact that they look like crowns and that they have fleur de lis on them lights my fire.
That was on the register when I checked out and thought is was pretty profound. I am a fan!
Hey Drew, Jenn. I bought these. Your rehearsal dinner is going to rock! Just sayin'!
Hey, here's my iPhone. Ta Da!
and here is my new book I bought on my excursion today!
I started it, but haven't read enough to tell you if I am going to be able to "Crush it" or not! I have it here at the beach with me, so I should be able to provide a review soon.
The Asian dude who did my pedicure gave me funky toenail design. If you could see clearer, you would see the rhinestone in the middle of my daisy on my big toe. I am loving the pastel trend of nails this season. I LOVED turquoise toes, but lime green.... not so much! I bought five new colors down here in Gulf Shores, so get ready, I will have to test them all for you. You are welcome.
Another archy entryway. LOVE it!
And upon our return, we naturally had to present the girls with their "prizes".
Above, Ellie got the funny glasses and art pencils. Gabbi got these little wooden veggies/ fruits for working a little on her fine motor skills. Ellie ended up loving it!
Ok, so we are nearing the end of this totally random and crazy post.
This is my laundry room color scheme. The walls are brown (High Tea to be exact) and the cabinets are Quite Coral. They are really, really bright, but this crazy wild, AWESOME tile is going to tone down the brightness... I think!?
ANd finally..... here she blows....
ANd the best part. The view.
That's all folks.
Did you enjoy our day shopping?
I want 20 comments today. Come on. Who is going to do it? Maybe there will be a prize for a random commenter. Speaking of... did you get your prize, Rhonda? I reminded Jessi. She had it in her purse since the day I told you I was sending it. She totally forgot about it, she said. So, let me know if you haven't gotten those cute turquoise cross earrings. Ta Ta.


Bella's mommy said...

oh todd, let mo have those pots!!!! i am soooo seeing some great flower arrangements in those! my mouth fell open when i saw the front of the BAH. you weren't is a BAH!!! I'm so happy for you. you've worked long enough to deserve it! have fun at the beach!

Bella's mommy said...

oh i forgot...that was alot of pictures! i am digging the side table, the theater chairs but my absolute fave piece was the wheelbarrow!!!! MUST HAVE THE WHEELBARROW! can you possibly imagine all of the cute ideas for that...i have a million of 'em coming up for that little beauty! i love that wheelbarrow! :)

Anonymous said...

Luv the random post. Pleeeeeease Todd - let her have everything she wants. She NEEDS it.

Debbie said...

You have such good ideas! I love your random posts, they are always such fun!

blessedmomof3 said...

This post was great! I have been by World Market, but never gone in. That is about to change! Thanks for the tip! I will definately be checking that store out. I have been trying to convince my husband that grey is the new khaki but so far no such luck. Have a great time @ the beach you have earned it!!

Kelly said...

Love all of it. I love how you are so bold with your tastes! Go bold or go home right? I always love your posts....if only we lived closer...I'm sure we'd be besties. :) Have a great weekend!

Christina said...

Ah shopping from the comforts of my laptop err window shopping through your blog! My place is so tiny and white I wish we could paint but we cant. My dining room table this summer massive splash's of colour!

Amy K said...

Whoa, that was only 1 day of shopping...that World Market is HUGE compared to the one here...I think I could've spent days in the one you were in!!
Great random post - love all the photos.
I hope you're enjoying your time away.

Mama J said...

Whew...I'm tired after all that shopping. The good thing is that I shopped all day and didn't spend a dime. Love your thought processes and your imagination. Life will never be dull for you and your family. Live in the moment. Have a safe and wonderful time at the beach.

Debbie said...

Love the arch entrance ways. The first one that has the supports looks just like 2 elevens at the top. I love your colors in your new house. I also love that new idea you had on the canvas with the puffy paint. It is so colorful and bright. Thanks for all your post, I enjoy your site so very much. I don't get to comment very often but I read your post every day and your girls are so very beautiful.

stephleighjenkins said...

Loved riding along on your shopping trip!!

Tracy said...

Love the house, love the view, love the furniture, not so sure about the tiles!

kris said...

Thanks, I had fun shopping! I am thinking the pots are a must and can't wait to see them in a future post. Also, can't wait to see what Ellie hides in that thin cabinent.

sportzmom said...

Your BAH is gonna be awesome!!! I love,love, love the turquoise cabinet. You must get it! I also love the hands and the idea of using them to hold curtain husband would go for the putter idea as well! The colors are going to be so great. I can't wait to see everything when it is done!

Miss Waldroup said...

I love the stuff you bought for the rehearsal dinner! It is going to be so cute! Thank you!!!

Cherry said...

love the lsu stuff....especially the balls...thank you so much...did i ever tell you that you are my favorite cousin? dont tell sissy....

Michele said...

Great shopping!!!

Kathryn said...

I love the laundry room tiles! We are working on the ugly front of the house. Those tiles would look totally perfect somewhere in the new mix.

Jennifer Taylor said...

Next time I want to GO with you!! Your shopping trip looks like so much fun! I love all of the ideas that you have! Also, I ADORE the new picture of the girls at the top of your blog, they are absolutely beautiful!

Amber said...

Love, love, love the laundry room tile! And the turquoise medicine chest! Have a great time at the beach!

Mrs. McDaniel's Class said...

Take me shopping. Looks like that was a fun trip. I say buy it all!

Anonymous said...

I just love the way you "see" things!!! Your passion for the arts and color are inspiring. You were the reason I got into scrapbooking and now may be the reason that I begin to shop in a different color world. Thanks so much for your great posts!!!!

GLOANN said...

Enjoyed shopping along with you on your fling here in Shreveport. All those places are so familar to me. but you seem to find such unexpected treasures that I just gloss over and don't see! I know your new house is going to be so "different" but beautifully so.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm moving into my new house (well, not new new, but new to me!) in 3 weeks. I know what I like but am terrible at putting it all together! so I LOVE seeing you putting this all together. And if you ever feel like swinging by IL to come decorate, just let me know!!

Karen said...

Mo, love the random post. But ost of all your taste in decorating. Your new BAH is awesome!

Renee said...

Wow, you found some amazing things for the BAH. I'm not the creative one, so it always impresses me how you can think of how it will look eventually. And no doubt you can paint all thoses paintings you found. Gotta BELIEVE.

Phyllis Lines said...

Mo, I need you to come to Florida and decorate my house! I am not very good at that kind of thing.

Ruby's Other Momma said...

LOVE IT!!! Everything! I think my favorite picture though is of the laundry room tile. So awesome. You have an amazing eye are are so gifted to be so crafty and to be able to see how things can pull together so nicely. It is going to be one awesome BAH. Wish I lived closer so I could come over to play.
Todd, please let her do whatever she wants - it will look great!

tricia said...

Loving the shopping pics. The one where Todd was LEAPING from that white couch was hysterical! He better watch that bad back of his!

Anonymous said...

I love your artsy creativity!!! + your random posts! Have fun at the beach!!!

Amy said...

Wow! That was some fun shopping. I love the mini 2" canvases. I think they would be cool if you painted one letter on each canvas to spell nest, believe, names or anything really. I liked the puffy paint. That technique would be fun for Christmas snow. I am feeling inspired. Thanks, Mo!

Liloia Family said... have such a great knack for color (I don't). I am jealous...LOL. I loved the pictures of all your great "finds". They all seem perfect!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your BAH, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! Very "stately" looking. So happy for you!!

Sharidrew said...

Well, you have way over 20 comments but I thought I would chime in! I love your style! (most of it Your house is AMAZING and I want to come live with you! Todd "shops" like my husband. He usually finds a big chair to sit in as well! Thanks for sharing your shopping trip. It wasn't was you!

Also, I read another blog and she talks about a store where she lives. You MUST check it out either online or the next time you are in MN. It's called Mudd Lake Furniture Store. It's owned by an NFL player and he has some awesome stuff. (even in your fav adult color) Check it out!!

Ok...have a great time at the beach. I look forward to hearing about all it's randomness.

Hugs from Missouri,

rjpotter said...

You inspire me!! I wish I knew what colors went with what. I am not a decorator----- but so wish I was!!! Your kids are just toooo cuuuuuute!!!!

rjpotter said...

You inspire me!! I wish I could decorate like you--- I just don't have a creative bone in my body!!! By the way.... your kids are just way tooooo cuuuuute!!!!

Holly said...

Love this post! I got so many ideas. Trying to sell the hubby on turquoise with no luck! I wish I had your eye for color and decor!

The banner is the cutest thing I have ever seen - the girls are precious!

Holly & JakeDog

connie said...

i love your shopping trip and all the pics that goes along with it you are awesome at picking out stuff have fun at the beach i love the pics of the girls so cute cant wait to hear about the beach trip and see pics have fun and be safe

Brooklyn said...

Can I be your random commenter? :) j/k Love, love the decor ideas!!

Amanda and Mikayla said...

I think I need to go shopping with you!!!!

JenJen said...

You're on words with friends (saw it on your phone pic)? If you ever give your name, you'll get slammed with games! :)

Your BAH is beautiful! Can't wait to see it all put together.

Melanie Christian said...

I loved going shopping with you today! Too bad it wasn't in person! Enjoy yourselves in Gulf Shores. I'll be heading down there in 4 weeks! Yippee!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the laundry room tiles! gorgeous!! what a fun shopping trip, I like you taste! :)

kimybeee said...

loving everything! glad you are having so much fun.

as for the hollywood room you caught todd in, i like it too. and it is so not me. i watch tori and dean on oxygen and i love their bedroom. it is done is pale blues and silver and they have those mirrored night stands and it is beautiful. my fave color is blue and i love silver as well. their room is much more froo froo that i would normally like, but sometimes you have to think outside the box!

if you don't buy that apothecary cabinet i am gonna stop being your friend! you need it more than anything!!!!

Mary said...

always look forward to your post. love your ideas too, I think you should buy it all....

Jeni said...

I would love for you to decorate just on room in my SAH!! You have great taste!!!

Christy said...

I wanna shop with you! looks like a fun day. hope you have a great time at the jealous!

Tammy said...

Awesome shopping trip, you need to take us more often! Your new house is coming right along, all that stuff you picked out is just up your alley! Can't wait till the grand tour, when everything is in its place! Hugs from Fort Worth!

Jerelyne Nemanich said...

I went shopping for lights today - I love the ones in your posts! Now to find some like that in Minnesota.

crazy rn said...

Thanks for the shopping trip!!! I don't get out of Memphis much and am so enjoying this and the journey to completion of the BAH!!!! Giving me inspiration for my little ole house to redo and be creative. BTW - just finished Library of Memories because of you (read on blog and waited over a year to sign up!!). Thanks for all your inspiration.... "Crazy" in Memphis.

Debbie said...

Oh my goodness how fun would it be to shop with you, all the colors, shapes and ideas? I can't wait to see the finished house. It is going to be so cool!!!
Kiss those cute girlies for me.

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

showtime said...

I LOVE LOVE that rug you found. We just had out kitchen and dining room remodeled and alot of those colors go with the rooms. I love everything else you picked out as well for your house- you have great taste!! I so can't wait to see it all come together. I just wish I was creative as you and could put things together like that in my head!! You better get a big ole truck to buy all that stuff and haul it to your BAH!! Have a great weekend!

Rhonda said...

No, I haven't gotten my earrings! BUT, torquise is my favorite color too!! OMG - I am SO excited!!!! I absolutely LOVE your funky and eclectic taste....that is so ME! My husband freaks out my funky taste in clothing and household decor!!! We are in the process of a big time redecorate/remodel (due to an unexpected plumbing flood about a month ago....see my blog!), and Savannah's side of the house is GRAY! I have done her bathroom in a dark pewter with black vanity and baseboards, and the decor is black/silver/sequins! Her bedroom is a lighter gray with black and white decor, with all kinds of funky blingy stuff and the main them is chandeliers! It is SO CUTE! All that to say, I love gray and torquise and your eclectic style (and I have added a lot of red and animal prints in my den)!!! I'm thinking I want to drive to Tyler today (2 hours) to a little dress shop called Dressing Gaudy, just to get some funky tops that are on their facebook page!!! Have a great weekend and I will be looking for earrings!!

Kat said...

Howdy from Dallas! I don't think I've posted since the girls were itty bitty but I look forward to your posts to make my day. Your girls are so precious! I have three grands who live with me, twins age 3 and little brother age 2 (all boys) so I can definitely relate to a lot of what goes on in your house, ha!

Anyway, I just had to post on that GORGEOUS tile and color scheme for your laundry room!!! It's awesome! If I had that gorgeousness in my laundry room, I would NEVER come out of that room. Heck, I'd bring in other people's laundry to do just so I could spend all my time in there!!! :)

Anyway, love your blog, love your family, love your TASTE!, and love your BAH!!!! You inspire me!


Michelle said...

SO MANY COOL THINGS on that shopping spree. I like those puffy paint pictures. You could so do those. I dig the laundry room tile. Very cool!