I had her looking pretty cute and asked her if she wanted to go outside. She said, "Just a minute!" She returned in her accessories.
As she was running out, I asked her why she needed to go back in. She said, "I gotta go jumping."
?????? huh? What? Where? What is jumping?! and why do you need to change clothes to do it?
She told me she had to go in and get on her "jumping outfit".
Headband, "high heels", and if you look closely, it appears she has applied some really, really too dark base to her cheeks
Then she proceeded to the bottom of our front yard and , oh, I don't know...
I suppose she jumped!
Too cute....sure wish I wasn't usually reading your blog on the run so I could comment more....but believe me, I read it EVERY DAY!!...even if it's a sneek-peek at work (shhhhhhhhh...don't tell on me)lol....imma loving it..huggers, BJ
Who can jump without the proper outfit? I know I can't!!
She cracks me up with her jewls. She is going to be that lady that always has to be dressed up no matter where she is going. Love it.
What a little character! I love her funny little personality. Her independence is awesome too. She is truly a GEM!!!
Way to JUMP, Ellie!
funny kid!
Cutest little jumper I've ever seen!!!
Oh what a cute, smart, funny kid. God sure did smile on your family!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Accessories and the perfect attire for EVERY occasion - love it!
Your little stories are too cute! Kids are such fun!
The ability to accessorize appropriately is an acquired talent....one that Miss Ellie has already got down to a "T"! lol
What a cutie...
Mo, This child has the biggest personality of any child I have ever met. Love her!!!
So that's my problem....I can't jump because I haven't been wearing my "jumping outfit". Hilarious!!
That must be my problem....I can't jump because I've never had a "jumping outfit"...this explains so much now! Thanks Ellie~
LOVE IT! Everyone should have a jumping outfit.
I think I might have that same outfit with a short sleeved shirt. We have not worn it yet because it has been too cold. I will have to see if it too is a jumping outfit!
Oh, I so love her! She sounds so much like my four yr old! Actually, she looks like she's doing the dance my daughter does... "shoulders back, elbows in, thumbs up, tongue out..." I can't remember all the words to it, its something she learned at daycare! She loves to sing & dance! KIDS! GOTTA LOVE 'EM!!!
Ellie is certainly making sure your days are never boring. I love the jumping outfit. As well as all the dressing up. Too adorable.
Praise God she can jump. Our daughter died of hepatoblastoma a year after Jake and that's something her little leg muscles were never strong enough to do, but she kept trying.
What a cutie!!! Actually you have two cuties!!! Love the outfit - I bought the same one at Target for my grandaughter....
Finally have a date for lap band surgery - April 1 - I hope I do as good as you have done.
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