Ellie got a sticker book (which she LOVES... but ONLY from her dad. I have bought her a sticker book and it just didn't compare to the ones bought by Daddy.), Dora "bandans", bracelets, necklaces, bubbles, and Crabby Patties. Dude. Daddy got it RIGHT ON!
Including the goodies for mom!
(Yes, we still have to put the stools upside down on the counter to keep the monkey down when we are not around to supervise the situation.)
Awwwww... did he really get me a chick flick!? Awww... really?!
Mary Allison takes credit for steering him to the Juicy perfume sampler pack.
The girls had a ball.
When asked what she wanted for Valentines, without fail, and with perfect consistency, she would say, "Glip gloss and a boon".
Well, she got both of those. x 3!
I will show you what I got Todd tomorrow. Get ready. You are going to love it.
I love my girls getting along so well and playing together. It is so sweet.
And Valentine's is not over. Mary Allison and JinJin came over after church and the Valentine adrenaline cranked up all over again.
Spoiled? Naaaahhh!!
P.S. By the way... My vote is for St. Poppa!!
He did GREAT for you and the girls!! What a good daddy. I think the nesting is wearing off on him!!
Melanie...Two of my high school friends (guys) call Bob...St. Bob..They call him that all of the time...even to addressing cards, etc. They say it is because he has put up with me for 45 years..But, they started calling him that soon after we married .....I am just saying!!!
Todd rocks!! Cupid sure loves you 3 girls! The band-aids cracked me up - my kids could go through a box in no time. And those little frogs and kitties candies - too cute.
Can't wait to see your gift to him!
Happy Fat Tuesday to y'all...
Good job Todd!
Sweet! Got home from Alaska last night, and our Valentine's Day will be tonight. Sent off boxes of goodies to the girlies before I left, and talked to them on Sunday. They loved that I called them from Alaska because nobody ever calls them from Alaska. Poor babies!
Hi Mo ~ Todd has it DOWN, I'm impressed that he knew just what little girls like/want. And a chick flick for you - very impressive. Go Todd! Ellie & Gabbi must have been in all their glory with that loot. What fun.
Have a wonderful day, Diana from Colorado
Good Job Todd! I think Todd would be okay with the moniker St Poppa better than "T"upid!!! LOL!!!
Oh the sticker book, Bree would FLIP over! This child LOVES stickers! I just purchased those "marshmallow" prince frogs, for party goodies for Bree's guest at her bday party! We are having a Princess and the Frog theme and it "treat" was perfect! I'm amazed at the CUTE frog goodies I have found! I got them on "VD" clearance rack! YAY ME!!!!
What a great Dad! Those are two lucky girls - well, three actually. Count your lucky stars and say your prayers nightly for that guy! Love to see the two of them being such good sisters and buddies. What fun you have in store for you. Thanks for sharing.
AAAWWW! He did good! Love how you post the kiddo's comments just how they say them. I can almost hear it! So sweet! BTW, loved the photos of the BAH in your Superbowl post. When do you think it will be ready and your current house will be on the market? No, I can't buy it ( : we are still in NC, but I was curious about the progress!
todd did aswesome on the valentine stuff for the girls and for you how so sweet. i cant wait to see what you got him and i love all the pics so sweet and cute i know they enjoyed everyting and then the grandparents with their stuff oh my they should be set with the candy for a few days or weeks lol i love how yall decorated the house for the holiday.. happy valentines day i cant wait to see more pics and oh im waiting on the new jewelry kit?? i may buy 2 of them if they are too expensive and my budget can afford them but i know one i will get for sure. i am so excited and patiently waiting on you to get them up for us to buy.. i will email you my qestion later today i wish i was as good as you are in artsy stuff.. well im going to go got some laundry to do here then off to do some things i will keep checking on with you hugs and love ya
Todd rocks!
That Todd is a keeper!!!! Mel, I am so ready to make that necklace!!
I LOVE IT!!!!! Pam keeps telling me how much fun she has with yur girls. she always tells me to come with her. I might just suprise you someday!!!!Have a great day!
What a great dad. I don't think my husband has ever bought that much ever. Glad it was such a great day.
I am sorry you have been week and down lately Mo! I hope that you get back to feeling your old Mo self asap. What a great daddio Todd the Bod is for taking care of his sweet girlies! A girl can never have too much wip gwoss(what my daughter calls it)! Can't wait to see what you got Todd!
Hol-e-crapola! Todd sure did score some BIG points with this holiday! My hubby (tho I love him dearly) would NEVER even contemplate such a thing. I would have to give him a list, the money...scratch that he would just give me some money and say,'Go buy the kids something and while your at it get yourself something real nice Clark!'
My little girl loves those "Dowa" band aids too.
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