Aha! Now I know how to get you to comment. GUILT! Just playing! Thanks for all that sweet comment love! And to reward you... there will be prizes and treasures to be had. Stay tuned!

Bittersweet. We go HARD when we are in Tucson. I don't have a frenzy like this any other time during the year. But, when we are here, we have to make the most of every minute. We only made 4 of about 33 shows this year, and I am here to tell you we started when the doors opened and went full out until the doors closed!

There is no possible way to explain the massive amounts of beads and stones at these shows. This is the center table of a single booth that had only pearls. This was the white-ish pearl table. There were pearls of ALL colors! I got some pink and orangish ones for the next KIT! Yep. You heard it. I am ready to teach a new one. Get your tools back out.

Same booth! And then there were about 999 more of them in THIS show. There were 32 or so MORE shows. Can you understand the magnitude?

I also got some purple, gold, and green ones. Hey, Lori... want that to be your prize?! A Mardi Gras treat? We Louisianians have LOTS to celebrate! THE SAINTS at the Superbowl and Mardi Gras coming very soon. Yipppepeeeee!!

I held my camera up in the air to try and get a picture of the whole show floor.

Look at the ceiling and follow the lights to see just how BIG this place was.

There is this one booth that I LOVE and make sure I visit every year. This is something they made with some of their vintage brass.

I loved it, and probably hung around there, digging in their stash for about an hour (or MORE!).

It was a treasure trove of STUFF. I HAVE to learn to solder. Have I told you that I am planning to have art retreats at the BAH? I have met several artists who are going to be my first few teachers. Metalsmithing really is all the rage! Taking found objects, or metals of all sorts, and learning to solder them, wrap them with wire, stamp a special word on it... etc.

I intended to make it to Tucson this year to buy all my necessary tools. I bought books on metalsmithing in Orlando, and well, I made a list of all the things I need, and now I am going to learn it. Anyone local want to come join my adventure? Better yet... anyone able to come teach me?!

All of this in the case is treasure from estates and such. Not the normal booth type here in Tucson. Beth O., you reading this blog? I bought you a prize from this case!

And I bought a big ol brass locket from this pile and have already added to a piece of jewelry I made. I will share some of mine and Staci's designs when I get home.

This is what Staci was often doing... perched... waiting on me!

This is probably about 1/2 way down the corridor. This could be seen in both directions.

And then... we changed shows... Staci spotted a massage therapist! And her whole world turned into sunshine. A bluebird landed on her shoulder!

And then he fluttered on over to MY shoulder when I found a booth full of antique Tibetan silver, turquoise, and coral! DUDE!!

I am a little teary now.


And oh, the pearls. I LOVE all these beads!

Peep pye. Who's that dork behind those beads?

Oh, this is her!

The lady selling us the charms in this room felt sorry for Staci because she looked and sounded so tired, so she gave her this caramel apple sucker.

And that concludes our trip to Tucson 2010. Glad we got to share a little of it. I don't think I am going out of town next week! Can you believe it? Strangely, I have always travelled more the first month of the year more than the rest of the year. I have a good bit planned this year, but it is all to move me toward my goal of the ARTIST's life, with retreats, art lessons, art classes, et al.

Hang around and join in on the fun!
Wow...can't believe all those beads. You and your sister are so cute together...and uou are so lucky that you are able to get away and have this kind of fun! I'm jealous!
Oh my goodness...that is quite the bead show. Getting all your purchases home must be interesting! :)
Great picture of you & Staci.
I really think I would be too overwhelmed to buy anything. I would be afraid I would spend all my money too early and then find something I really like!
Thank you for all the pictures BEAUTIFUL!!!!! MAkes me want to cry CAUSE I COULDN"T BE THERE!!LOL!! I can't wait for ya'll to get home so I can drool over all your stuff!!!!!
SO JEALOUS! I've recently been saying to my friends that I wish there was a way to just craft all day instead of cleaning and doing dishes! For Christmas I got the Cricut...have you heard of it? I can't wait for you to start those retreats, I would love to attend!
How can a person decide what they want with so much to pick from and not get overwhelmed?
Kind of like going to an ice cream store that has a hundred varieties and you walk out with a vanilla ice cream cone!
I have bead ENVY! Or, maybe it's Mo envy! I am loving your hair long and curly....you look GREAT mama! I'm with ya on the vintage brass and would LOVE me some metal working stuff! KIT! KIT! KIT! I am so proud of you for following your dream to do this artist thing FULL FORCE! You are our inspiration! Oh, and we wish you and the girls were coming too!!! B is a 4T! Got your fabric.....let the creating begin!!!!
All I got to say is WHO DAT?!!!! Go Saints!! We will be watching the Saints Come Marchin' In here in good old St. Louis!
P.S. Love the bead show posts and the Valentine's Day Party - sorry, I missed posting (GUILTY)!!!
mo i want to do the next kit? i so cant wait to see what you do and see all the stash you got i loved looking at all the beads andn stones you took pics of. i wish i could afford alot of bead beads beads i would be in heaven but with mom just having surgery im having to budget my money to help them out. i wish i commented to you the first time but as i have said i was at the hospital with my mom she came home yesterday and is doing ok in alot of pain but is dealing with it. i cant wait to see the kit i sure hope i can afford it? iam trying my hand at designing some jewlery. i want to learn how to make my orginal pieces. well i cant wait to see all your beads have a safe trip home
hugs and love ya
hey mo join my blog i dont have but 2 followers so come and be my freind on here so u can tell me how you like my jewerly that i make thanks
Mo I love all the beads but I also love you hair. it is just so flowie!!. I like it and it is getting pretty long too. YOu are looking great. Have fun
I too must comment like a couple others have ~ LOVING your hair, it is getting so long ~ very becoming for you!!
As for soldering ~ if you can glue, you can solder!!! VERY easy! Love the antique/estate stuff you found....and ALL the BEAD'S!! I would be in major "overload" there ~ but it sure would be FUN!! Looking forward to what you have in store with your finds!!
Of course I will be sticking around!! I may not always comment ~ but I ALWAYS read!!! SAFE travels home!!
Overwhelming bead show.....Glad you got to go....
so does Staci enjoy making jewerly as much as you or she along for moral support?
I've got to plan to go the bead show in NYC in March. That Carpe Diem cuff is FABULOUSNESS. Can't wait to see your new stuffs.
I love that you and Staci have such a great relationship - just a peek at Ellie, Gabbi and Maddie in the future!
OMG!!!! The antique Tibetan silver, turquoise, and coral! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Love Holly & Jake Dog
you 2 look like you are having a blast!! I am up here in Ohio, snowed in and there you are in Tucson!! Hubby used to live there and always went to the gem shows. Be careful getting home!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Everytime I read about these artsy fartsy trips of yours, I get the NEED to make something, do something crafty, ANYTHING! Would LOVE to learn how to goldsmith and make jewelry. Still enjoying the necklaces I bought from you on Etsy!
Wow...I would be totally overwhelmed with all of those beads! I just spend time running my fingers through them, feeling them, etc. I don't know how I'd single out what I wanted to buy, though....it was all so pretty!
Too much fun - can't wait to see the next kit:)
I would go crazy around all the glitz. How do you decide?
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