So, I started by finding a piece of patterned scrapbook paper and writing the question on it.
And then on the back, I added all kinds of words that I had on a roll of gaffer tape. They are words that just kind of mean "nest" to me too!
Here is a blurry picture with my special little helper.

Like I said, when I had an hour or so with my artsy tools out... I went ahead and got several more ready. They aren't really complete, but they are in a place that I can add a few goodies to and they will be ready to rock. After all, I am not supppoooooosed to know the questions yet.
But guess what. I do!
I am glad that there are more people than just me who are excited about doing our little tag project! I think it is going to be a ball. AND I think it is going to show lots of you that you are capable of being artsy!
Stay tuned how I made this one!
I had a countertop full of favorite tools. When I was in Memphis early December, I went to my most awesomely favorite scrapbook store and bought lots of goodies. This Smooch Spritz is awesome!
So is this Glimmer Mist!
I used Glimmer MIst to make this.
(added a few magazine cut out letters)
With the help of this...
and this...
I just painted the background with acrylic paint. Then, I put a mask over the tag and squirted my Glimmer Mist over the top to create the leafy print on the tag above.
I got a few more things going... wanted to try that brushed corduroy Crackle Paint. Never had, so don't think I am some kind of expert. I just decided to try all kinds of things. Oh, and a 42 cent stamp from way back when. I annot believe postage is up again!
My little helper emerged and offered to pose for me. These are the paints I used on a few of the tags above.
I like this brand for crafty projects.
Oh yeah, and after I misted the masks, I came back with a pointy marker and outlined the resultant shape.
Well, there you go. My first tag is ready to rock. I don't have my cover "52Q" done yet, but I will soon! Of course, I will share. and I hope you will too! Jessi will have directions on the blog by week's end on how to share your projects on our Flickr group. 
Hope this provided a bit of inspiration to you. Come on, peeps. You CAN do this!
Been focusing on your word? MO
Dangitall. I swear, at 8 pm CST, I took myself to the bookshelf in my studio/study/whatever,and pulled out the notebook with all the stencils, picked one and cut out 60 of the things so I would have extra to mess up. Took my sparkle spray and laid a stencil over week one and had at it. It is drying as we speak, and will be pressed flat tomorrow.
We are kindred spirits, and to BE or not, this is just another one of those "what" momemts. Stop it. I am old. LOL!
Oh, and I haven't read here since I posted about not being able to access.
After being called out and thinking about a word for 2 days, I have decided on PASSION.
Julie Caldwell
Roads were a solid sheet of ice tonight, so I didn't make it to the store for my tags. I have thoughts for week one tag...just have to get my stuff to get it done!! I will be ready by the time week 2 question rolls around!!
I am not creative in any means. I am going to give it a whirl though. I have some scrapbooking supplies and will see what I can come up with.
The weather was too YUCKY and COLD to get out and get my cards, but hopefully tonight will be better! Supposed to be a really frigid weekend so it's a good time to work on this project!
I know you already know this, but DANG - you are just so dad gum ARTSY!!!! I love everything you do and the way all your stuff turns out! How do you make a TAG look so good?!?
I have been thinking about my word and I think it is going to be HEALTHY. Not just physically healthy, but mind/body/spirit HEALTHY. I want to live a HEALTHIER 2010 in a every way - nutritionally, exercising, spirit, attitude, just be and feel HEALTHY!
I dont scrapbook but I do quilt my tag's are fabric and will be all turned into a quilt at the end of the year
I wish I had your creativity!
I need to get you to help me one evening at hobby lobby as far as "supplies" go. I really want some glue and stuff... and I am so glad you are enjoying your new stuff!! going there with you really made me in the mood!! That was really fun for me! Crystal and I need to bring our girls and come hang! get us a start!
Thought for days and days about the word "forward" but I think "NEXT" has more enthusiasm. I'm retiring this year and there are alot of unknowns out there right now for me. I need something that will propel me to shut the door on things of the past and get ready for whatever God has in store for me around the next corner.
I'm excited about what's NEXT and look forward to getting started tonight on my tags. Thanks for the motivation Mo.
ps. I LOVE my BELIEVE canvas.
Hey Mo,
I was looking through Pottery Barn catalog today and I saw a throw pillow (lumbar) with the word Nest and "Your" definition on it. I thought of you and thought you need to get that for your new home!
I saw you have Tattered Angels mist. Have you tried Maya Mists? They dry faster....I've never tried Tattered Angels though. Just the Mayas. LOVE THEM! Add them to my Stickles obsession. MUST. HAVE. EVERY. COLOR.
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