This is my Poppa.

He is in the hospital in Little Rock, AR. He is there because there is a wing of this hospital dedicated specifically to patients with multiple myeloma. If you recall, he struggled with this disease back in 2008 and spent the majority of that year in Arkansas, in the hospital. They were able to get it in remission. He enjoyed most of 2009 without any complications whatsoever. However, on a recent follow up appointment, we found out it was back and in full force! The prognosis is bleak!

Poppa understands his time on earth is limited. We all do. The doctors have definitely been forthright in explaining his prognosis. I ask that you pray that Poppa finds peace in knowing that he will soon meet his Maker! He has been a pastor for 57 years, so I know, I know, I know that Poppa will soon be with Jesus! And I hope there are many jewels for his crown, as Poppa has been the reason that many a person will now know eternal life and have a relationship with Jesus. What a tremendous legacy!
This Christmas as I TRIED to make a little tribute speech at our family Christmas to remember Poppa, it dawned on me that I think this is the first Christmas in all my 40 years that I did not spend Christmas Eve with Poppa. He has been a very active and present part of my life since I was born! I am pretty sure this is Poppa's last Christmas. But next year, he will spend it on streets of gold; and with Jake!
Thank you for your prayers for my Poppa. I cannot imagine what it must be like to face your own death. To know it is eminent! Death is part of life. Poppa has had a rich 80 years! I pray that he can go out with his dignity and with a peace that no one can describe and that we all know only One can bring. ( and might I add KNOWING how much he is loved!).
I will say a special prayer for your poppa, and for you as well.
Oh, Melanie. May your Poppa's journey Home be one of Peace. And, my that same Peace comfort you and yours.
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time, as you prepare for your Poppa's Heavenly homecoming.
May the Lord wrap you all in his loving arms and grant you strength, peace, and comfort.
sorry to hear your Poppa is not doing well. May God be with him & your family.
Mo My prayers are with your family.
I'm so sorry your Papa is ill again. My parents know him and think highly of him. I just called Momma and told her about his illness. He is in my prayers.
Oh Melanie, this touched my heart and I will be praying for him! My own sweet Papa is in ICU this Christmas and is a very sick man. His presence was missed on Christmas Eve as that is when he always let us open all our gifts early! :) His arms look just like your grandfathers as does the look on his face. My heart is breaking to let go of my Papa but full of prayers and peace to know he will be in Heaven and out of missery. I will definately be praying for the Lords perfect timing and peace for both of them! God has been so good through it all. Merry Christmas. Love from Tx, Michelle
I am so sorry Mo. My father was sick last Christmas with cancer and passed in March 2009. We all missed Daddy so much this year.I have cried alot this last week missing Daddy. We had my mother come stay Christmas Eve and Christmas night with us. Make the most of every moment. We went over to see him nearly everyday. Daddy wanted a donut party so I went and bought a bunch of donuts. My 11 year old son drew him a picture of the USC Trojans helmet. Daddy loved the Trojans. We all then wrote something very special to Daddy on it. There was lots of tears and hugs. Was a very bittersweet moment for all of us. Daddy lasted one week after that. I will be praying for your family at this difficult time. May God surround you with His peace.
That was beautiful, Mo. I will be praying for him. And I'll be praying for you and your family. Your Poppa is going to go to a wonderful place that he has worked hard to get to. He's blessed. I'll be praying that God grants you and your family His peace as you go through this time with your Poppa and that he also feels God's presence and peace.
I know what it feels like to lose a parent. Althought I know my mom is with Jesus it still hurts. I pray that Poppa is at peace and I pray for your families comfort.
Mel, you just touch my heart every time I read your blog. Your poppa has to be proud of what a beautiful, kind, loving woman he has raised. I am so sorry for the heartache and the pain in the days ahead. You are right, to know and face death....well I cannot imagine. But boy what a grand time he will be having, celebrating and one, little in particular boy will be there waiting to greet him.
My prayers are with you, Stacey and the rest of your family during this difficult time. You are a very special woman Mo, and I am glad to know you.
Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Praying for your Poppa
Praying for your Poppa and for all of the family as well.
I am so sorry to hear about your Poppa. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always. Wishing the rest of his time on Earth to be filled with peace, joy and love. Sending hugs your way.
melanie, your poppa has touched so very many lives during his lifetime. he is the first minister i can recall from my childhood days in urania. i can easily envision his sweet smile and gentle touch. he made such a lasting impression on my heart. he is a true man of God; he is greatly loved.
I will definitely be praying for your Poppa and your entire family. I am praying for peace for all.
I will definitely be praying for your Poppa and your entire family. I am praying for peace for all.
I will definitely be praying for your Poppa and your entire family. I am praying for peace for all.
Prayers for Poppa and his family during this time. What a beautiful man! May we all be more like Poppa and let everyone know about Jesus. That they too can have eternal life with HIM!
Of course I will pray for your Poppa. Sounds like an AMAZING man. Please keep us posted. Many prayers for you...
praying for Poppa
Praying for your Poppa, and praying for you and the rest of your family. It's never easy going through the last days of a loved one's life...even when they live to a 'ripe old age'.
What a wonderful testimony your Poppa has! He certainly will leave a great legacy.
Melanie...I logged on to write all this stuff about how beautiful the Christmas card is and all about the girls...but when I read the most recent blog, that took backseat in my thoughts. Oh yes, we will be praying for Bro. Massey and for all of you. He is truly a man of God, and I know that God is holding him in His hands....He has served God faithfully for so many years and is now getting ready to meet Him face to face where he will hear the words, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." What peace and comfort that gives to all of you who love him dearly.
Wonderful heartfelt post, that shows how much you love that dear man. Please keep us posted..
Love you...and your family.
Praying for you and your family...So glad to be back to reading my favorite blogs....and off a ladder decorating trees...
I am so glad that I joined the blog world....and have made so many sweet friends....Blessings in 2010
Praying that Poppa has a peaceful passage to the side of his Father. It is so hard to lose those we love I will also be praying for you guys as well. My Daddy is facing a simular situation and although it breaks my heart, I know when he rejoins Mama in heaven and sits at the feet of God he will at long last be at peace! It's only us poor souls left behind that grieve.
I hope you had guys had a great Christmas. Can't wait to see pictures of those sweet girls!
Love Holly & JakeDog
What a special post! We will hold your Poppa in prayer tonight!
Is you poppa your dad or grandad?
I just read your blog; my husband has been very ill as of late and haven't done much. He has been in the hospital for the past 14 days and they have given him 0-6 months to live. We will return home tomorrow on Hospice Care. I remember when Poppa was diagnosed in 2008 and corresponded because my father had died in 2005 from that very illness. My prayers for you and your family and mostly for Poppa as he returns to Jake and the rest of his family that has gone before him. Much Love (
Praying for your Poppa and the rest of you and your family.
I will definately keep your poppa in my prayers. It definately helps know that your loved one know Jesus. I am very confident that he will have MANY MANY jewels waiting on him.
I'll remember your Poppa in my prayers. Your post was heartfelt. He sounds like an amazing man. Jake will be so excited to have Poppa there. May you all find peace in his passing knowing that he will be our Lord and Jake. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
Melanie, I'm lifting your Poppa up in prayer! What a homecoming it will be! I know Jake will be waiting for him, M&M's in hand and that beautiful smile on his face and I can hear that sweet little voice saying "POPPA"!!! Oh what a reunion it will be!
Struggling right now with my own Pawpaw's illness. 88 years old and had a stroke back in October. He's been back and forth from hospital to rehab back to the hospital back to rehab. He's just this week going to a 'medical foster home' for vertans. I love my Pawpaw. He is a most precious man and someone that I have learned what true unconditional love means.
I haven't been to visit him and he's located closer to me now than where he has always lived. My parents say that on occassion his mind is not right and that he also on occassion doesn't recognize poeple. I think that I'm scared to death that he won't recognize me or that he'll 'talk crazy' while I'm there. He has commented to others that I've not been to see him. It's killing me. Am I being stupid or just a big fat wuss? Idk.
I guess I just need to suck it up and go. Put my own dumb issues aside and let it be about him...not me. I'm usually the one lecturing people about this...just don't really know what my deal is. I've said a prayer for your Poppa. Thanks for your post and for letting me vent and run off.
Shannon (Little Rock Keith Urban concert)
And oh by the way...loved the golf tee canvas for the cancer kid. You're talent is most awesome!
Mo you definitely have prayers being sent up for your Poppa and your family. I lost my Grandaddy in August 2006 and I must say it has been a big loss to our family but as your Poppa My Grandaddy was a Man of our Lord. He lived his life serving his almighty God. My Grandaddy lived to be 100 on this earth and I know he was waiting to be united with our Lord. When I lost the Love of my life in 2005 he told me death was apart of everyones life and something we all have to face. May God Wrap his most loving arms around your family during this time, and may your Poppas journey Home be in Peace. Our love to you and your family. I had the opportunity to meet your Poppa on several occasions over the past 21 years at StFrancis and he was always a Wonderful Man to come in contact with I will always remember his smile as he came down the hallways as he was visiting whomever. Our Love to you and your family.
Uncle Dub has been a very important part of my life and my whole family .. if it wasnt for him pastoring in Urania dad and mom might not have ever met each other... I know he has so many people waiting for him in Heaven and Jesus is waiting with his arms wide open .. praying for the family during this time
This makes me really sad Melanie! At one time I was pretty close to him and he really liked me alot! He came to be with me when my mom was in the hospital and going to die. He is a very special person and I know it must have been great to have him as a Poppa! I will be praying for his peace and for ya'll too!
Love Ya!!!!!!!!!
Poppa must be so proud as he looks at his beautiful family. What a legacy!!
Special prayers for Poppa, you, and the rest of your family!!
Much love!!
Praying for all of you as you celebrate Poppa's life and his home-going. You've been blessed to have him so long and to see his faith in action. Blessing to all of you!
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