We are having a great time up here in Memphis. TEAMJAKE was the third biggest fundraising team in the whole race. That makes hmmm...about five years of being in the top five fundraisers. And for us, it is all about that ... Raising money to find a cure for pediatric cancer!
I will have pictures and stories to tell when I get home! Until then, I will be using an old blog post I had ready to post back around Halloween. For some reason, I never posted it. So, for tonight;s viewing pleasure, check out ol Gabbi Girl. I am missing my girls something fierce! They stayed home with Todd the Bod. Maybe next year!!
Hello there, my little angel.

. Hold my hand!

I know what you want, Nanny McPhee. You want to go outside!

And you want to climb on and off of things like you have been learning to do in therapy!

And of course, you want to play with Crazy Daisy!

This girl LOVES to go outside. When we take her inside (even if we have been out for an hour or more!), she throws a total fit! She is a mild mannered kid, usually pretty chill (oh, let me clarify. That is IF she is being held! By ME!), but she does NOT like being taken inside from the outside. I am glad! I want little outside playing girlies. I remember from my own childhood, riding dirtbikes, building forts and playing outside EVERY day after school with all the kids in our neighborhood. I look forward to seeing how my girls will play similarly in the outdoors.
Gabbi's getting so busy! You're gonna be running ragged when she starts running around like her big sis, Ellie! ;-)
Congratulations on TEAM JAKE being in the top five fundraisers...that's awesome!
Gabbi girl and Ellie Sue are so precious and fun to work with at your house!!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of your beautiful girls! God bless you!
Patchez Long
I love Gabbi girl's outfit in the pictures and most of all.... her bow!!! ADORABLE!
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