Well guess what...
Ol' Gabbi Girl has been waiting in the wings and studying her sister's every move. She has even learned the art of the sling back.
This is Gabbi slinging it back over her shoulder like big sissy.
And this appears to be Gabbi investigating to see that all of her "stuff" is in there!
Not sure... but I am going with this being Ellie NOT understanding that Gabbi can have HER own purse too! Ellie feels that ALL purses are HER purses!
Go ahead, baby, SLING that purse!
I got Gabbi Girl this purse for her birthday. We got Maddi a similar one for her second birthday this past Sunday (post to come!) .
Gabbi is not as into the "stuff", ("stuff" being about 50 hair rubber bands, around 25 bracelets, and the occasional brush, toothbrush, play or REAL keys, and headbands... those are her staples!), as she is into her cell phone.
This is a real cell phone but hasn't been activated in years. She knows the difference between the real one and a play one. And, mind you, has a strong preference!
Gosh, I think I could suck her little lips off!
And would you look at those cheeks?! Ummm.
I loves, loves, loves me some Gabbi Girl. I wish you all could experience her "aweees" as she throws her arms around your neck, lays her head on your shoulder and pats your shoulder. All the while, saying, "awwweeee".
This is one sweet baby girl! Mo
I'm a purse gal, too. You go, Gabbi!
Sweet, sweet pics. I could smooch on that face all day!
Oh my goodness, those rolls on Gabbi are too cute. She is truly edible. I mean, just bring me a spoon! :>) Looks like you've got two girly girls on your hands. Hope your hubby is ready for all the estrogen that is going to be flowing in your house! I'll start praying for him now.
I think little Gabbi gets cuter by the day! I know what you mean about those lips too. I mean, I won't suck them or anything, but they sure do look kissable! Such a little sweetheart!
oh Mo--your description of all the "stuff" Ellie has in her purse reminded me of MANY incidences that happened in my classroom on a weekly basis. It would go something like this--Over the intercom-"Mrs. Beck??" Me-"Yes?" " I have Ellie's mom on the phone and she wants to know if you can look in Ellie's bag and see if she has her car Keys, cellphone, garage door opener, wallet.." You name it--it has happened. You would be surprised at the number of little ones who think they need to "Hold" Mommy's money so it won't get lost.I have found all of those things and many more. And of course I just filled in Ellie's name. I have been retired a few yrs. now and this brought back so many memories... So just take this sweet comment as a "heads-up" and always check her bag as she leaves the house. I love your blog and have followed it since Jake days.
She is just delicious!!!
She is so precious and you and Todd are so blessed to have both of your sweet girls!!
Gabbi looks so beautiful in these recent pictures.
Ellie looks like she's lying in wait to grab that purse!
You probably know this already, but make sure you take the battery out of your old cell phone. My brother learned the hard way that the old cell phone he gave my niece could still call 911. (Gabbi is dang cute)
i love purses too the pics so so cute of gabbi.. throw that purse over that shoulder girl have fun with your new purse. and all the little fun stuff inside it.. i love the pics of her with it and the cell phone oh my just wait till she is old enough to know its not on and will come to you and say on on lol the day is coming for sure.. just enjoy her now she is so sweet and very precious and so is elli i bet elli is watching everything gabbi is doing and showing her the right way to do things.. like a big sister should.. well take more pics of them playing togehter and apart. cheris the memories everyday. they grow up so fast.. my niece the youngest just turned 10 back in july she is still my little girl though i cant believ how the time has gone by.. well i cant wait to see more pics and your blogs about them. iam enjoying them and reading about their days with their momma and daddy.. and them playing together. well im going to go now hugs and love ya
I'm sitting here with my first cup of cawfee...laughing and remembering my own little girly girl...who turned 40 this year..YIKES! But she has a girly girl of her own and I've gotten to enjoy watching her grow-up (she's 12). Mo, put all these precious memories way down deep in your heart where you can retrieve them as needed...I know I still pull mine out every so often and stroll down memory lane...ahhhhhh, those were the days. I so love reading your blog and do so every day (even tho I don't always have time to respond)...keep it coming g/f....huggers, Brenda (BJ)
My grandson (who is now 8) carried a box around when he was Ellie's age that he called his "fun stuff." He kept adding to it until it got so heavy that his parents had to intervene. It was interesting to see him walking around with his "fun stuff"; and I mean you never saw him without it.
Gabbi is just lucious - if I could just kiss on that face for about an hour, I think I'd be happy. Ellie is lying in wait to snatch that purse, I can tell.
Thanks again for more smiles.
I love the purse, it's so cute. My girls were very into purses too. They loved the "thrill" of looking inside! Gabbi is just adorable!!! Ellie is too!! How blessed you are! Happy belated Anniversary.
Too cute! Bree is into purses and loves to have heels on while wearing on her shoulder! Her new thing is "mama, do like this" (while she shows me how to pose w/my hands on my hip)!! Then she snaps my picture and says.....aw shucky...you look cuuuuuuuuuute!!!SERIOUSLY...this is a 2yr old!!! * Remember I have a 20yr old college student at home* EEEEEEEKKKK!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADDI!! I can't wait to see birthday pics!
AWWWW! so cute! is that purse vera bradley?
Ah what adorable girls!!!
I'm assuming you know, but just in case we were giving our son an "old cell phone" to play with that was inactive, but HELLO it still dials 911...at least we know he can dial it now!! They were understanding, thankfully!!
Keep the cute pictures coming!!
I must admit that I laughed out loud when I saw that those sweet baby girls have Vera Bradley "handbags." They are just too cute. You have told us that Ellie Sue loves the bracelets/rubber bands. Have you seen the cute zoo/pet brightly colored rubber bands that are in the "shape" of the animal and they always return to the shape? They are the big "hit" right now in Alabama and you have to find out when someone is getting a shipment and be one of the first ones there. They are like $4.99 a bag and the middle school kids get them and sell them for a $1.00 a piece and make a hefty profit (there are about 20 in a bag).
Chloe Grace does the same "awwwweeeee" sweet patting and loving thing! It's one of the bestest thing about being a mommy!
I love those girlies! Off to Atlanta for a few. See you later.
Oh my goodness ~ that baby girl is PRECIOUS!! I just want to squeeze her!! I bet she does give the best lovins'!!! Bring them to Canton this weekend so I can see those beautiful baby girls! haha!!!
My mom was going through pictures of me and Kenzie just a second ago. Reminds me of your sissys! Love, Courtlyn
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