and showing her behind because she wants a "ba-ba"!
Oh well, as so many of you have told me, I will look back and miss this time, so I DO try to savor the sweet times! And my two girls sharing a princess couch is one of those times!
WHen I package them, I try to include a picture of the canvas on the outside of the box.
Don't you think that is so cute?! Here, see Ally's and Beverly's canvases!
Heather helped me do this. HEr last day of work at MMPT was today, but she showed me how to do it. Hopefully, I will be able to print the cute little contact sheets through Windows WIzard (or something like that!). Hmmmm. Good luck to me!
And Karen liked her daughter's canvas so much that she ordered one similar. As I said, I don't like for them to be just alike, so I did it in blue as requested, but made it smaller and with different words. Hope you like it!
Talk about a load off. I got 10 canvases out on Monday and hope to ship out another 7 or so by Friday.
I am really showing you some pictures of my latest canvases! ha. Got ya! That was an example of shameless exploitation of my precious children!
And with that.... here we go!
This is the one that shipped out Monday to Amy in Minnesota.
It has a special surprise on it. A little "hello" from Angel Jake!
See it?!
I did a similar one for you, Kathryn...
So many of you wanted the same canvas and put your orders in for such said canvas. However, I don't want to do the same canvas, as I really like all of them to be different! So.... I did a new one for you, K. It has a little Jake surprise in there too!
And, Beverly, this one is special for your yellow walls and I included the primary colors you requested. There is red, and if you look closely, there is also a blue tone to the wings.
On the back of the canvas, I attach a Moo Card (I'll post about these later) of my girls or a girl or me and a girl or something cute and just a little surprise. I also try to write on the back of each canvas. Just so those who haven't gotten one can be in the know! :)
And don't let me forget Cyndi. She is in charge of marketing at MMPT and is one of my encouragers, as far as my new MoJoy art business is concerned. She helped us package and get these suckers out. That is, by far, my most difficult part of getting the canvas from order to recipient. I need a shipping department!!
HOpe you enjoy the little mix. I intended to do canvases WITH my girls, (see below), but it just didnt' work out tonight! Will do better tonight.
And just so you know... my computer is in the shop, and apparently I have forgotten most everything I ever know about a PC. I cannot upload the pics on TOdd's puter that I intended to include in tonight's post. They are of ELLIE holding all of the canvases as my little Vanna! They are so cute that I may just have to post them all over again today when HOPEFULLY my puter gets back into my loving arms. Thanks to those of you who have ordered canvases, and to those who have inquired... the small ones (8x10 ) are $35, medium (16x20) are $60 and the really big are $125. I have an $85 option in there too. Funky shapes, like long rectangular or oval are $40. I plan to put some on my Etsy shop as handling all of this myself via my email is TOOOO much! I hope to finish all orders by next week. So stay tuned.
Oh, those baby girls! I just love my beautiful art. Makes my soul sing. The Grandgirlie's eyes got sooooooo big when we unwrapped the package. I hope you have gotten our thank you's.
Etsy is a great idea. Much easier all around. Get cracking on that, because Christmas is coming, and I need to shop some!
Good Morning the pics....the girlies are sooooo cute and getting sooooo how time flies when you're having fun.....have a GREAT DAY!!!......Brenda from Minden
Mo---Just wanted to leave you a comment so you wouldn't feel neglected on this post! :) I love ALL your posts, no matter what they are about!!! Of course I love to hear/see about the girlies, but I love to read about everything that goes on in your life! (Maybe I am just pathetic...). Anyway, maybe one day I can order a canvas. LOVE THEM---but am trying to just get by right now, what with one in college, and another starting her senior year of high school (can you say EXPENSIVE?) As I've said so many times, thanks for sharing your lives with us!!
Much love from Georgia,
Theresa Shirley
I have not forgot about my canvas. I have been really busy this week at work. I will try to come by tomorrow as I finish with Sabre' and her 1st day of 5th grade. I have been in a horrible mode knowing I have one child going into 11th grade and one going into 5th grade. I absolutely have no more babies at my house. Sabre and I are still up for babysitting for you if you need time to paint or just want alone time. See ya soon. Please don't get rid of my canvas. I have been dreaming about where I will hang it. Love the post of the girls, and if Ellie wants a bottle just give it to her. They both will be grown before you know it. Sandy
Mo- I have to agree with Theresa...I love your posts regardless of the subject...Checking your blog is a daily ritual for me...The girls are just as cute as can be..and I love the canvases!!!!
What is the largest canvas you will make????? I would love one for my living room wall. Smack dab in the middle so that it is the focus of the room...Please let me know.
Sincerely, Carri
mo i might have to order one of these next month im still waiting on you to get up the beads for me and please let me know how much so i can pay you for them thanks i love your art work you are very good at doing them. i got to figure out which one i want and where i will be putting it in my room i love the pics of what you done. i cant wait to see the other pics and oh i love the pics of gabbi and elli sharing the couch together so cute. i love your little girls
If Ellie still wants a "ba ba" so be it - like you said, they are only little bitty ones for such a short period of time - especially with her Gabbi Girl still enjoying one, she just wants to share that feeling of being special and a baby along with her - she really is still a baby by rights. No harm done, nothing to worry about, someday she will not be interested and wouldn't it be so nice if we, as adults, could find something everyday that would just make us feel all at peace and comfy and secure like a "ba ba." So, don't rush it, enjoy it.
Luv the pics of the girlies! And those canvases are so cool. I want one for my room!
So glad to see Ellie still has her bottle as she is a couple months older than our son, who also still has his! We have the same younger sibling dilemma at our house too! We are remodeling the boy's bedroom, so once we firm up colors I plan to order something fun for their new bedroom! Love the pics and all your crazy adventures!
We are planning on coming to Memphis in December for the St. Jude Marathon. Can you post info on his team/fundraising early so we get involved early enough to raise some funds? Thanks!
The pictures of the girls are precious - they will be such close friends!!! The canvases are amazing. I can't wait. I'm trying to decide what I want for my own house after we get the football ones squared away....hmmmmmmmm.
Good TRICK Mo, it was quite a TREAT!! Ha! I just crack myself up!! AnyWHOOOOO, Ellie cracks me up, We are in the potty trainig phase and I somedays are good and somedays are well...not so good! She has reverted to sucking her thumb!!! This child has NEVER sucked her thumb a day in her life! I think it's due to her starting daycare again. She picks up the other kids habits and it drives me BONKERS! Just this morning the kid could have been a stand in for an QB in the NFL!! I sat her down to breakfast, kissed her and hugged and walked away, I hear the teacher yelling BREE....COME BACK, I turn around and this kids dodges NOT ONE, BUT THREE preschool teachers! The only way she was "caught" was a unsuspecting teacher walking by and heard the poor OUTRAN teachers cries!! This kid has moves!! If she was a boy, she would make a coach PROUD one day!!! I felt really bad after leaving her and called back when I arrived at work. Apparently WILMA RUDOLPH had forgotten the episode and was happily participating in MUSIC CLASSIC...hmmm maybe we got us a future singer w/MAD MOVES....naaaaaaaay maybe not!!
I can't wait for my "dates" to finalize so you can capture them on MY CANVAS!!!! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!
Your girly girls are so cute!!! They are going to always be so close. I love that!!!!!!!!!!
I just caught up on you guys...been on a little vacay with the family.
PS Mo check your email! I sent you a msg!
Love all your canvases!!!
Hey, I did not get a Moo card in my box :-(... I posted a blog post about my new canvase!!
yay! I got my canvas today and it is just beautiful. I will send you a picture of it hanging in the room. Thank you soooooo much! AND the pictures of the girls with the finished product on the packaging is just adroable! Hugs!
I love seeing pictures of all the great new canvases! I can't wait to get mine in the mail as I have the perfect spot waiting for it.
Love the pics! Please visit Corbin Gulde's caringbridge site and pray for the wonderful, sweet and serving family! You couldn't ask to meet better people.
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